■ i it,-■J■"»■yoj. i No. 231, of Powers. These Included .four who had visited the Coquille Lodge the previous evening: Mrs. Ethel Bailey of Roseburg, president The Annual Convention of District of Rebekah Assembly of Oregon} o. 13 of the Rebekah Assembly of Mrs M“rlon Wilson, of «andon, vice- regon at Marshfield on July 12 was *res‘d'n‘ ol the Rebekah Assembly; tended by nearly 20 Coquille Re- *irs' May Hart> Assembly chaplain; >kahs and it proved to be a most Mr8, Lyt,ia Roadman, I. G. of the teresting event. -* Assembly; Mrs. Myrtle Behham, Co- The afternoon session, at one duille’s district deputy president, clock, was opened in due form by and the district dcfiuty presidents estern Star Lodge, No. 27, of from th* other “»« district, arshfield, and was turned over by Election of officers for next year em to the convention officers, who refilllted welcomed by Chaparrpl Lodge, of Bandon, and Treasurer, Mrs. Ethel Rebekah Districts Convention July 12 Social Memberships Available At Coquille Valley Country Club Anyone desiring to secure a social membership in the Coquille Valley Country Club is invited to contact Mr. or Mrs. Pat McLarrin, at the olub house, or wherever convenient, or any of the club's directors. Appli­ cations for such memberships must be approved by the club's board of directors. M*s Keys made tor all Jocks. Stevein Cash Hardware, Coquille. Ore. tf Rev. and Mrs. Cha«. G. Brown and the group of young people, who at­ tended Institute at Fir Point camp­ grounds, returi^d Saturday after­ noon after a week at camp. Vitamins A and D WWW MATINEE SATURDAY 1:45 Mat 15c-40c Evo. ltc-SOe Fuhrman's Pharmacy Opea 3:34 A. M. util 4:04 P. M. [Sun., Mon», Tues up nettr Kcotd THUR. FRI. SAT JULY 26-21 AMERICAS TOP RADIO COMEDIENNE Aunty fwt of MATINEE SUNDAY NEWS - CARTOON Mat. l«c - 40c Even. IS - 55c NEWS . COMEDY ADULTS 40c