¿ 1 ALL TUBES Ou»- store is also HEADQUARTERS for . . . Gems of Thought B. F. Goodrich Tires first -National Bank of Portland, Oregon Accessories, Tires and Batteries $263*,532,359.00 240475,969.69 $323476,881.9« 5,460.094.68 15,797413.00 361,363.69 $7,927459.58 300,000.00 2411435.74 1.00 7416.82 948,180.08 143,369.08 $311,391,479.67 $416420,406.89 Surplus ■ 5,500,000.00 Undivided Profits, Reserves.. 3,857,428.17 ' f 13,857,428.17 $16,153,581.64 LIABILITIES Capital• •«••••••• • • • • • • • $ 4,500,000.00 Reserves Allocated for Taxes, Interest, etc. 7,516.82 Interest Collected in Advance....................... 137,492.60 130,116.37 184,57021 165,121.53 296,623,937.52 399,007.900.38 TOTAL LIABILITIES...................... $311,391.479.67 $416420406.89 ................ ' Deposits («elusive of reciprocal bank deposits) J / j 1,163486.97 Acceptances........... ........................................... Other Liabilities............................. /I 580.534.35 Z / 6 •