THE COQUU.IA VALLEY PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY. JULY 13, 1944. . LOST—600x16 Tire and red wheel,1 ELECTRIC STOVE for sale. I. A. FOR SALE — 1834 Hudson Coupe,' Pioneer Methodist Church Elrod. It standard 90 per cent rubber. O. R. Rev Chas. Goodwin Brown, Pastor M south of Henry St. Bridge. Tire ' ____________ Livermore, care Wm. Roth, Fat Elk had nobby tread, mostly worn off. ! FOR SALE 9:45—Sunday, School hour. You —My hc^ne at 815 West Oar Cent a Word Each insertion road. Reward for return to Brooks Used It* will find classes for all age groups. Ne Adv. lea« than 25 cento 4th St. Modern 8-room house, [. — ; Separate rooms and prepared teach­ Furniture. ~ It I double plumbing. Circulator fire- ' * FOR SALE—35 h. p. boiler/ test 100 ers. WANTED — Water wells to drill 't FOR SALE — 1941M Packard Sedan, J place. 114 acres of land. Variety of ' ; lb«.; 2500 feet two-inch, 1500 ft. 11:00.— Sunday morning worship Have new and up-to-date equip- | good rubber; a nick family car. Cail i berries; fruit and nut tree«. Foul- | lVi-in., 1000 ft one-inch pipe. See good rubber; a nice family hour. . “Is the Victory Worth the ment and heavy pipe where needed 1 at Shell Service Station, or phone! try House, barn, and double ga-! , Hal na. ». R. Clark at Coquille Hotel. „ Its c Coquille, Ore Oregon, the-time use only. FARR & ELWOOD. > % 1 you, prompt and efficient service. PLUMBING GOODS—Fixtures, fit- and. place for hearing objections i to settlement ' J. 8. BARTON, Realtor • tl;lgs. pipe> wppUes. FARR & EL- ««ch “nal «ccount and the settlers DRIVE IN and let us inspect your •' 355k Taylor St. wood <* *“*•* sm - i . . tires for hidden defects before you if WOOD. . Edell Bryant, Coquille, Oregon —---- take that trip. This service is free phone 21J ——— — ...... " . 22t5 Administrator £ dht hour of profitable study Stock now complete on STOVES and may save you trouble and ex- _■ — of the Bible with a class suited to FOR PLUMBING repairs and .Ser­ Wood and Coal Ranges. Kitchen IN the CIRCUIT COURT OF THE pense away from home. Thornton every age • and selected teachers. vice-call 2-L. J. A. LAMB COM­ Heaters and Circulators. STATE OF OREGON FOR Tire Service. tfsJ Bring your children, Mrs. Bertha COOS COUNTY PANY. . LAMB COMPANY. ... _ __*____ • I J. B. BONO and ROSE BONO, hus­ Byrd, superintendent, FOR SALE—Large size Circulator band and wife; JOSEPH BONO: 11:QO Morning worship In an at- Heater, Mat and Ripe, excellent TANK SPRAYERS—Pump UP once, BOYSEN BERRIES and Young Ber- and CHARLES B. BONO, ------- spray your whole garden- FARR A rlea, 80c a gallon or 15c box. Bring times known known as as C. C. B. BONG, w «nosphere that Inspires worship A condition. Attractive Dinette Bet times , ypur own containers to 311 No. with Extension Leaves, like new.i ELWOOD. BAPTIST BONO or BOTISTA Christ honoring and true to the Bible Schroeder St. lfs I BONO, i message. Rev. Claude Wood, of Palo 32 W. S. Rifle and Ammunition. FOR SALE or TRADE—8 Acres, good PLAINTIFF®, AJto, California, gue«t speaker. Phone 196-L. ' * lt*s I house, spring, electricity^ some WANTED—Someone to milk »nd tak« . V«, „. I 6:45 Christ Ambassadors service; cranberry land. Nice location. Un­ car« of Jersey cow for half the ROLL ROOFING—Complete stock of ASHTON, her husband, if ” married; Mary Lou Newton, president. incumbered. Elderly couple want milk.-» Now giving about three " * different weights. Also composi- { DANIEL M. OTT and JANE DOE 7:45 Evening evangelistic service; town home. See owner at Box 3, gallons each milking. Phone 307-M, ; tion shingles and slate roofing. t .^ r 1’ ELieand"jAhra: doe R is - enjoya W e and stirrtn « m “- Prosper Rt., Bullards, Ore. 25t3s U. E. McClary. , / «*• FARR & ELWOOD. . RAEL, his wife, if married; JOHN M«e Rev Mr Wood, of California, WANTED—A Bicycle, second hand.' FOR RENT—Furnished 2-ropm apt. FARM MACHINERY Repairs — We | H. HOLLOWELL and JANE DOE speaking. wife, if married; • Wednesday 7:30 Miss Giwn, return- carry genuine McCormick Deering Must be In good condition. Write, ' on first floor, Light and water and MRS. K. M. McGREGOR and JOHN _j „.m bath. Laundry privileges; clean DOE McGREGOR, her husband, if missionary from India, will be repairs. J. A. LAMB COMPANY, s to Ruth ^umerlln, care of M. G. ___ _ _ ______________________ I and well ventilated Inquire 351 married; also the unknown heits of with us. She has spent ten year» iq Sumerlin, Coquille, Oregon. Mc­ So. Henry. Mrs. Dunne. rtf FOR SALE—Two cows, one Jersey, the above-named defendants, if de- India and will have a message well Kinley Rt. * 26tSs one Guernsey, four years old. Also i a ce“*fd’ ala45. Wil* Wall Paper. Herbert E. Wood. 275 tion for purenase. For particulars, j court> and that said defendants and sell for *10. Call at Coquille No. Henry, Coquille, phone 286 see GEO. F. BURR MOTOR CO. s each of them be forever enjoined and ' Studio. -------------------------------------------- ----------- I debarred from asserting any claim 8tfs er in or to the South Halfl FLGOR SANDER FOR . be Southwest_ quarter I to use, economical. FARR A EL- Jg For Refrigeration Service phone ob (82) in Township shop, I06J; write Box 307, Co­ WOOD. (IS),* West of 1(30) South of "Range (15),' quille. “If Available, we’ll get !ian in Cobs the Willamette Meridian ___ ■ DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Mdk- i Osunty, BJatfi of pregoq; adv«, fvefse _ “ to’ it” Garnier’s Refrigeration ers. Parts and Dairy Supplies. Get the plaintiffs and fpr sueft gth# aftd Service. 27 tfs them et Pacific Peed A Seed So- ff« further relief as shall seem meet apd equitable therejn HEADQUARTERS for Crown Dairy WANTED TO RUY-Old horse«, cows and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed and calves for Mink toed B T- thereof made A Seed Co. tfs Hepler, ouuarde* route. Phone I 6 ELECTRIC FENCE Units, *14,75 and 9R5, CoqulNe. ~ st Jan. 11, 46 •», IM4 lication of up. Will w>rk on 110-volt line, or hot shot battery, or automobile NEW ROOFING and Waterproofing 1944, and - ---------- ---- lication of this Summons battery. 'Also Hot-Shot Batteries of older roofs, «11 types and kinds, i 1344 i I for sale. Geo. F. Burr Motor. 16tfs done'by the Standard Roofing Co., t HARRY A, BLACK Attorney for Plaintiffs 893 North First street. Marshfield HAYING EQUIPMENT—Pitch forks. Residence and Po«tofflce address: 4 i Phone 859. Glen Wm. Curtis, I Coquill«, Oregon. 24t5 Harpoon forks, rope,. cable, salt, Mgr. s! sulfur. FARR & ELWOOD. ~ NOITCIC OF BOND CALL ROOFING PAPER—We have a good AH outstanding COOS COUNTY. MONUMENTS stock on hand. Repair roofs NOW! Haye good buys on small monu- I OREGON, REFUNDING BONDS, L. A. LAMB COMPANY. s dated August 1, 1839, Numbers 66 ments which can be installed soon. Also have concrete building blocks. I a UTO PAINTING and Body Work. to 370, inclusive, are Called for pay­ Jno. S. Sanders, 541 W. Sixth. Phone Bring ypur car in--—we can start ment on August I, 1944, at the office 123L. tfs work at once. Southwestern Motor ' of Chas. Staufl, Treasurer of Coos Co. . c s County. Coquille, Oregon. WE will do washing and will do cur­ Chas. Stauff, tains also. We live on Riverton WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We It ’ Treasurer of Coos County Ave. White sign in front of house. service all makes of washers. I Mrs. Geo. W. Morgan. ' 26t2*s | NOTICE TO CREDTTQRS Washer Service Co. »65 Wert I btoV,’' » K n i o a Front St. Phone 17, I Notice is hereby given that undersigned was on the 16th k FORCE SALE—One of two good au­ of June, 1944, appointed by the (Coun­ ty Court of Coos County, Oregon, tomobiles, ’36 V-8 Sedan, ’»7 40 as Administratrix of the Estate of Buick Sedan. Priced to sell. Call Mary E. McRnight, deceased; and all and Solve Your 280J or see Amzy at M A W Auto persons having claims aga;nst sajd SERVICE Service at noon or after 6 p. m. Is Estate are hereby required to present Fencing Problems them to me at the office of O. C. . —. ■—I..A J k . Phone 83 * Sanford, Attorney, In Coquille, Ore­ 1V4 and 3 TON International Trucks Night Phone 1MR gon, with proper vouchers and duly available far immediate delivery verified, within six months from the to fanners and others, subject to date of this notice. Dated and published first time War Production Board authoriza- 1944. Coquille Marshfield . tlon for purchase. For particulars, June 22, Nellie T. Tully, see GEO. F. BURR MOTOR CO. s Phone 16 Pbone 82 2315 Admiilnistratrix °r WHAT TO DO ABOUT ENOUGH FENCING? (fata, TRECKER ELECTRIC FENCER Southwestern Motors ■■■■■■■ F IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AT Farr & Elwood ’TATIOr' Emmanuel Baptist Church Rev. Menno D. Rempel. Pastor 10:00 Sunday School. t ,11:00 Morning Service. t ‘ .7:00 Three Young People’s group«. '8:00 Evening Service. Thursday, (tonight), Prayer meet­ ing, Monthly Business meeting. Jun­ ior Choir. Vacation Bible school begins Mon­ day afternoon at ’ 1:30. Anyone inter­ ested is welcome to attend. Church of Chrift East 4th & Coulter Liston Pprrish, Pastor Thur. 7;30, Bible Study and Prayer meeting. The pastor will begin a series of studies on “Stewardship.” Bible School 8:45. Martha Mul­ key, supt. July 23 has been set as the date of the Annual Bible School Picnic. Morning warship 11 o’clock. Lord’s Supper. Special music. Message, “A Christian?” Intermediate C. E. 6:30. Young People’s C. E, 7:00. Evening service 8:00. An Informal service of fellowhsip and inspiration. The delegates to the state corfvention will bring some of the inspiration to the congregation. Wad. 7:30 Choir Practice. Don Farr, director. • First Church of Christ, Scientist Coquille, Orqgon Sunday School at 8:30 a. in. Sunday Service at 11 Subject tor next Sunday, “Life.’" Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o’clock. Free public Reading Room at 23# W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every day except Sunday and holidays fronu 1:30 to 5:00 p. m. Church Of The Nazarene Ninth «nd Heath Rev. V. W. Anglin, Pastor 8:45 a. m. Sunday Bible School, The Study of the Word. IlXM>'a. m. Morning Worship. Ser­ mon, “The Woman Who Prayed Clear The Holy Nan$e Catholic Church Through." 7:45 p. m. Sermon topie, “Faith in Mass at 8:30 a. m. every Sunday. Unexpected Places." % Mid-week prayer meeting Wednes­ Insurance apecjanst, F. R. Bull, a day night at 7:45. —V. W. Anglin. - .................. '■ I'll ........ .! . ...... r ' ---------------- S Pride either finds a desert or Overseas Editioa af The makes one; submission cannot tame its ferocity, nor satiety fill its vo­ racity and it requires very costly food—its keeper’s happiness.—Colton. san be secured fee mailing m eaa b. sent direct from the Oretonian office by calling* the Oregonian Oregonian agency In Ceqnllle, phene Ml PAULINE TALBERT SUNDAY JOURNAL ON SALE AT FOLLOWING.PLACES Bill’s Place Coquille Auto Court Cow Benn Dairy Heaaiuger’a Dillard Market Brandes*« Roxy Fountain CeqeUle Hotel Journal Agent Noble Jr.—Plfenp 148M rn “r Ih- I* Kb»»** lb might SprdailM Fssmto’d - Gi*gew Httod T A-piJon wum laintly with Hl J ft Runoh • -tlrg Building Pbeae tt-J MISJ INEZ ROVER Instructor oí High School Credito Given Benham’s Trapper Shrege P041, - ri/Ff. Oil- - STOfiAGb Agenta for Oregon-Nevada-C«^^ W Office Phone 5 {~ . nts' Hall* ------- ------------------------------ -T--"!. *------------------ —■?—'