Tfflt COUUILU. VALXBY «KMfiNxL, UÔQÜÏLL*. r AGB SIX i THU R8 DAY, JULY 13. IM4. ------- SMi ■■at_________________________ Myrtle Point Methodist Church, and for Los Angeles. i—------ —- over to stay with her parents for a'at Bandon Tuesday. In the item of the July « issue of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Trigg and Mm. few days. ’ > A. R. Bennett, who has been work­ Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Shaw, Patty 1 Miss Helene Hughes, of Myrtle ing at the Al Powers ranch the past the Sentinel regarding the farewell Mary Ry lander in honor of Mrs. Ry- reception fciven Rev. T. J. Pryor and • lander’s 82nd birthday. and Arlan, of Coquille, spent last Point, was a Sunday dinner guest of three weeks, was home from Friday - I tUl Monday evening , when he re-< Mrs. Pryor of the Myrtle Point Meth- I 1 Mrg Lena Kellenberger and Mary- “lbe Column that’s Different” Mr. ar.d Mrs. S. C. McAllister. She' week camping at their ranch up on odist church, it was stated that the lin Bright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. turned to the Powers ranch, expect ­ afterwards went over to the home (By Lans Leneve) Hail’s Creek. ing to flnsh his job there this week. Inter-church Fellowship presented H. M. Bright, who occupy the Kellen- of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sell, where Mrs. S, G. McAllister returned Recently’ there appeared the'pic­ sue spent the night. - Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schmidt and Mr. Pryor with a myrtleWood letter berger apartments, were Sunday eve­ ture, in several dailies of an Ameri­ home the first of last week after vis­ | her daughter, Mrs. -psrvy Kolstad, opener and Mrs. Pryor with a myrtle- ning dinner guests at the A. R. Ben­ Mrs. Emily Hiqkam and Kent, of can girl and a Japanese who were iting her daughter. Miss Jean McAl­ 1 and daughter, Frances, Mrs. Charles wdbd brooch but it was omitted that netts. Corvallis, have been visiting at the to take the vo^s of wedlock. There lister, who- is working in .the payroll Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bright, of Nor­ ' Smith and daughter, Angie, and Wal­ the Methodist Church also gave him home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bur ­ should be a taw enacted forbidding department for the Morrison-Knud­ bank for a short time. way, and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bran-, ter Smith, were Sund