The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 13, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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.A,, ........
SuUivan Law wm enacted that hoid-
ups arc on th* Inrreaes.
Those officiate, and others as w*U,
who claim that*the boy* who are
fighting our fight for u* will turn 9
into common gangster* and killers
upon their return home are not fit
for public office or for American citi­
zenship. Most of. them are people
who haven’t the gut* in the first
place to don a uniform and ar* pull­
ing down high salaries from state* or
Government, white at the same time,
by remaining home, are seeking to
rob odr returning boys, by under-
,handed method*, tf the very fr**-
Severai times tegteiation has bobbed : dom and liberties for which they ar*
Washington, D. C, July 13—Money
up In many state! asking that all cit- looting.
They hide beneath our now held in the United State» treas-
«z*n* «** deprived of their flraamis. flag, seeking at th* same time to mb urv to th* credit tf the states fur th*
And to prov* .to you that th*r* ac- u* of Constitutional rights. - They ’payment tf unemployment oompen-
tual(y to a movement afoot to dis- ’ speak io awed whispers tf crime sation total* —sre than fiv* billion
arm each and every one of us, I fur- , waves, as though the respectable' dollars and the fund is growing at
nteh proof herewith, in the statement American citizch' would share in th* rate tf more than one bi Hint)
of the Attorney General tf California,1 them, white at the same time heap- ' dollars a year. It to sufficient to pay
who recently said at a m**ting tf law j fag insult upon ear returning heroes M percent to all «snploye* covered
enforcement officers, held in that i by pointing to them a* returning th* maximum amount for th* maxi­
state, that if the Government did not would-be gangsters. They seek to mum period permitted by state laws.
Out-of-Doo rsS tuff
’. ..
TAGk Fltr
“Priority Referral’ Manpower
Fragrant Widely Endorsed
•-ailing cartu. at tor -tl.UO
Widespread endorsement of th*
national war manpower commission
program of “priority .referral" on all
male labor, which became effective
in the Marshfield area as well as 25
Other Oregon districts July «, is in­
dicated by word received here by
Ethan Grant, local temporary mana­
ger of the United States employment
service, ‘v.
Statements by high officers of the
army, navy, government agencies and
labor categorically state that the *X-»
tension of the new “labor budget"
program, developed since last Novem­
ber in the Portland-Vancouver area,
will hasten unconditional surrender,
have been sent Grant by L. C. Stoll,
state manpower director.
For example, Robert P. Patterson,
under secretary of war, states that
"properly placed and utilized, there
is enough manpower in the country
to meet all itg requirements for muni-
Get a good Book at Norton’s Rent­
al Library.
IFanted/ Men Anti
Women Who Are
Hartl Of Hearing
To make this simple, no risk hear­
ing Pat. If you arc temporarily deaf­
ened, bothered oy ringing buzzing
! head noise* due to Pardoned or coagu-
j l-ted wax (cerumen), try the Ourine
I Home Method test that so many say
■ has enabled them to hear well
^11 again.
i You must hear better after
>r making
this simple test or you get your mone;
back at once. Ask about Ourine Ear
I Dr .ps todav at Barrow Drag C*.
services. Yet all ita requirement* for
venirs,* that "our fifty years effort» tf-4h* gangster.
| In the Washington fund a* of April munitions of war and civilian goods
Yet the manpower
in disarming the public may have i These same men wolild take away 30 there was 3104,452,000, and in the ■nd services.
your shotgun, yopr rifle and your re- Oregon fund «62,270,000 on May 23.' situation today is such that vital war
proved futile."
This goes plainly to. »how that u volver, So that you might no longer These ar* th* figures in a senate industries requiring able bodied work­
movement has bran going on for enjoy to the fullest ■ trip into the sqbcommitta* bn postwar planning ers are likely to confront serious dif-
fifty year* to disarm «*; a statement woods,/he field» or the marshes. They report, which recommend* expan*ion Hcul‘‘“ l" ™*nnl?* the pUnU
Indicating that the manpower pri­
ority referral program 1» the only
way such difficulties can be over­
come, Patterson added that “all of us
are aware of the problems the ex­
first world war, are evidently juri a* the js*. of not only sportmen, but of Itf state unemployment compensation j tension of these programs entails. We
busy today serie Ing to put aero*» and- ¡every rad-blooded American citizen, fund», although existing funds are are well --------
J also that they v can
““ be
firearm possession tegiriatton, *vi-|And it to something that toads u* to believed to be adequate to meet any m*de J°
are ask-
dently figuring that with eleven mil- i wonder that if at th* start of th* pres- probable emergency
~ public support. We
’ -~
' ing earnestly for that support and are
lion voters away, that they might be ent war, it rdblly was the Govern-
The subcommittee refused to ap­
able to »lip something over.
ment which was advocating the turn- prove proposals either to increase the confident that we will get it.”
Statements have been mad* to th* lag in tf civilians1 firearms? It leads amount tf weekly benefits or the I Ralph A. Bard, assistant secretary
effect that our boy» have tearnod to u* to wonder If It actually Is th* Gov- period over which they ar* paid on |tf the navy, declared that, because
¡It is necessary “not only to construct
kill tn th* South Seas and *teewhm emment’s fault that th* present am- the ground that there should be a dte-
also to maintain,
maintain, ser-
and that upon thrir return horn* that munition shortage *xlst»? There can tinct advantage in employment o n
*w vessels but a,so
they are likely to turn into killers, be a lot of things accomplished by «¡against the benefits drawn on ac- iX
"nd r*p“ir naval^cfa^ ’ ’ ’ *
to gangsters and start a crime wave, bunch tf crackpot* over ■ period tf count tf unemployment
to other! "°®a‘
kers ’®uat ** «>««««« I . . .
so that therefor*, *, ctttoens, after fifty years. Remember prohibition? words, there la no disposition to ra-j*?
“ workers who are presently
” em-
•bedding their uniform* they should
Anvwsv. it
sive want
it is
to somethin*
*om*thjng to
to giv»
ward idlaneas
idtanew. The
The rawnmittee
oommltte* rtoes
do*» i ; l***ed muat t y 00 the <ob'
serious thought to and wh*n you fril. how*v*r, that maritime worker*
pnontie* referral plan of-
ferg American workers the oppor­
caat your ballot st general election, b* should be «ntitled to th* same b*n*-
tunity to work th jobs that need to
sure that the candidate you are vert- fits to which others ar* eligible and
I be filled first, "Barr stressed, adding
ing for is a man in favor tf your re- that civilian employe» of the federal
that “you, too, have a chance to
taining your gun and not some spine
, ­ government should also be included, \
serve.” ~
less, hair-bained reformer, who would th* federal government paying into
| Charles E. Wilson, vice chairman of
deprive you of it
the state fund th* same a* any other 1
the war production board, indorsed
employer. It i* reiterated In the re­
the priority referral program by say­
port that Inclusion of farpi labor and
ing that, "because |t hold» out the
domestic employes I*
a promise of speeding the end of the
' Th* unemployment
war by speeding up production now
Fri- program to not to b*
hobbled by manpower shortage«, It
reoenl enactment* for
is the duty of management, labor and
the nubile generally to do everything
IljH to make It work.’*
Both William Green, president J
th* American federation of labor, and
Philip Murray, president of the C. I.
O„ heartily Indorse the extansion of
the labor controls. “Th* American
federation of labor adepts the pro­
gram of priority job referrals and
employment ceilings just announced
by the war manpower commission,’’
■aid Green. “Such action is made
necessary by the fact that the pres­
sure of war needs is bound to become
heavier and heavier,' instead of
lighter, in the coming month*. Every
American must realise this,"
(futile *WU V-lvzMo liueai wv*i bgaw *.*»•*
prize o'f 25.00 in the War Activity
Arguing on the resolution offered
Murray declared that he is “con­
that ths unions affiliated
groups in the 4th tf July parade, hr Senator Guftey of Pennsylvania to, fident
. ...............
Those who helped <tecorat* or parti- abolish the electoral co||ege tftfhqd tf the C. I. O. and the local C. I. O.
cipate in any way are ttpiqk«4 M *lect|ng g pmHtftl
v“* presi- representatives on relouai ano area
the Unit. Thank» ar* also extended den<’ SkPtfoe P*pp*r of Florid* called , management ewnmtttees will give
to Geofge Burr and George G||m*n attention to th* inequities tf the pres- their full support to the war man-
fnt plan tf exemplified bjf IM tMt-1 power commission in working out the
Rtftfan R*Utf Headquarter* in proportionate rtfktetfntation g|ven necessary maçhjnery to do this im-
the southern states and he cited thl* portant job.
PorUand ktf!
WHtftfl M
whtfhpr Of ptf they wiU a^uine th* exampfa: Under th* prraept *y»twTI
chargsf taxp CoquiRe to Portland W the 12 .outhprp .Ute» Mv* |»l eM- More Service Man’. Wives
a shipment tf “good" used clothing toraj yotfS. K W F <*«t tf the
Are Enlisting in the WAVES
•W* arg particularly |ntefa*tgd ft' total, yet in the last presidential
d^ecyy ft fWW «hi »hiPmenM •42,ow vows for president, or hut enlisting in the WAVES than at any
Jo not need to be «pn» ecsoM fount» 12 percent tf the total vofe of the na­ time in th* two-year history of this
Texas east but Uttje women's service of the Navy in Ore­
before bejng shjppad ag p ifef gagg tion, ht
at W many tf |h* qtbtf relMb” more than one million vote* for pres­ gon, which indicate* the over-all
sa/| Ulrg. Q. B- Kmnpr, chairman tf ident yet had l> votes to the tfectpmi popularity of women In the armed
Then, too, thia WWW collage, while California with IM *•"’**• among men in uniform, ac-
enable Mi to h*|R SMF •!!> U W*P *» 000 votes for pretfdept had but » cording te Chief Specialist Paul Con-
jn the electoral college. The n*k tf th* Marshfield Navy recruit-
■void having m cut up qsab|e sloth­ vote*
ii — of onum,
____ - *_
>hi^k L...4U«
I* XA--X
that _a
eiev in*
inM ataiixM
•‘•‘»w u
handle* tnAXfT'C'
ing into aftftan squares Of qtflt
block» as OoquRle, tf this tim*, has
--------- h
in Uw
papuiaUon and
»nd In
the south*ra>
southern ■ *anc*t
Utcst snuauneni
enltotment reports ror
for ure-
m '--M
- «m population
_a-xZ_ a _______________
-- Al
one aknm
--- a . I
A highly suoceatful year of Red state*
very |grg* part a of
the ____
popu- ’ («o»
show *U«X
thai <>«V
27 per cent * — of A----
Cram work, under th* supervtaton tf leUon to denied the privlteg* tf vol- ^u^y®u"^wo™*«<*part‘ng/w |
Mr», J, A, Berg aM Mra Kraner, »«to. A similar rmolutton ha» been th* waves inqtwtrhtotion school at
W*y IMN Was
jwt been completed, considering lntTOdu«*d in th* house and both will Hunter <;uU*«*. New York City, are 1
the number tf regular workers en­ oom* up for debate when congress r*-. RWftfed women who*» husband* are I
August 1.
|hrra to lhe armed services. A yw ago |
However, judging from the convene»
on«J ® **r rant tf th* enlistment;
500 or more photos of local service­
(tod not racelve a
women with husbands in uni-
get thia war wee X
men displayed in Penney’s store win­
th* popular voje.
dow, it would seem tha| q gyptf many,
----------------------- r
more ^ofbers, sisters and wjvcs
' See “Spike” Leslie for the orat in
should lipcpn* |nt*r**ted In « qr *
According to a report by th* sub- LlaWhty
oth<r Inluranc-. office,
<>( f»«d Pro« wotff — »ewin«, committee of th* senate committee on 275
Ha^ in formar
bldg . 1
kniliinA or wurainni drcMniMs And m jutfetory there is enough alcohol on hhone 5; rB<ldenc< phon«, 95L.
cordial invitation |s extended teem hand or bring currently produced
Th* Vtft |g pwafe tf tee fact that over and above th* output of Indus-
over ano aoove me output or inaus- | Hemember _ Norton a for office
t WH« uumb*r tf thaee women trial alcohol to permit the allocation R(_h(M>| ,nd home ,uopheg
W*rk outsid* tf their homes. Those tf 20,0QM»0 gallon* for beverage
women whose time |s so cqmptot
purpose» during the balance of thia
’ Whether
................. taxes should b* reduced
MI m I'TI mi
year. Hie report charges that WPB or increased
•ad in the postwar period
by cpnlrtbutlmw tf yarn, heavy erilmate. tf iMurtrtai'rictftol pro- 'wilFbi' i considered by a joint com­
h|ap|i te»»*d
clqth.w crochet ’duetto« have bran too low while es- mittee
mittee < of three Democrats and three
potton, used clothing, wool material, tlmate* of requirements have been Republicans each from the house and t
WMh JW h*lR *h* Red era*» too high. In this connection it may senate tn collaboration
___ ___ with the
•rt ItelPtal
***vice man be remarked that «direct military re- treasury department and internal
by providing quirementg thia year are not expected revenue bureau. The compiling of
ta far him.
to *X0*ed M,M0.«00 gallons and that information to already in progress
an allotment of 40,000,000 gallons has and will continue until sufficient
been made to lend-lease. The com­ data have been gathered to form the
mute* believes this quantity could be basis for a new tax bill to be intro­
. reduced without injury to the war tf- duced shortly after the first of th*
I tost.
.. .»
pno KPT
HfitOnABLE hiT£8
Ì4ICU ewu«
foa Mff MT*
rifff M™"