Lawrence A. Ryan, Jr. Suit for vorce. July 13 — Paula Alexander Emanuel D Alexander. Suit divorce. Soroptimist Club Four Divorcee Granted In Birthday Party Mrs. Guy Mauney entertained a Circuit Court Last Wednesday ♦ Lets Leslie, new head of the So- group of children on Wednesday, July Judge King granted divorces in cir­ roptimlst Club, presided for her first Sth, 'to celebrate the sixth birthday cuit court here last week to the meeting last Tuesday at the regular of her daughter, Karen. Red, white plaintiffs in the following cases: luncheon meeting. The 4th of July and blue was used to carry out the Casper Earl Mace vs. Viola C. Mace. committee reported that first prize decorations and there were small Cora Eaton vs. Jack Eaton. was won on the club's decorated car, gifts for each child in the way of Amy Britton vs. E. C. Britton. Flora Compton and May Barton hav- favors, tytren will start to school | Charles F. Johnston vs. Cleo C. Ing served on the committee. About in September and many others of the Johnston. sixteen members were present Tues- little guests will alap. Invited were d“?- Janet Swinney, Linda Clausen, Judy Mrs. Leslie announced her com- Milne, Judy Larson. Florence Peter- mittee appointments for the year as 1 son, Karen Slate, Louise Jenkins, follows: Attendance, Edith McNelly; Diana and Sylvia Glick, Karla July 7 — Robert A. Lea ton ¿/and Bonds and Stamps, Hazel Hanna; {Schroeder, Billy Church, Lawrence Alice M. Cotter, both of Marshfield. Budget and Finance, Susie Folsom, Blum, David Rankin, Stanley Carril- They were married by Justice Allan Beulah Norton, May Barton; Bistort- 1 lo, Eddie Stark, Marcia and Anne A. Hall in his office at the Bay last an, Florence Barton; Press and Publi- | Mauney. Saturday. city, Estelle Harbison; Grievance, | July 7 Harold Watzling and Florence Barton, Muriel Dae Ardath; Hospitality and Social, Susie Folsom, Marion Wood, Hattie Lee Holimon; July 6 — Eleanor Simpson vs, Legislation and Review, Marion Wood; Membership and Classification, Claud Simpson. Suit for divorce. July 7—Jerry A. Smith vs. Geo. Hazel Hanna, Wilda Schroeder; Pro­ THE SAME CAPABLE DIRECTION, COURTEOUS SU­ D. Smith. Suit for divorce. gram, Muriel Ardath; Special Com­ 1 July 8—Bethel Lorraine Davis vs. mittee, Ventura Club, Georgianna PERVISION AND SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING Vaughan, Crystal Henninger; Girls’ 8. J. Davis. Suit for divorce. PREVAILS IN EVERY7 GANO SERVICE Club, Beulah Norton, Estelle Harbi- I July 8—Clemma Lucille Parker vs. Walter Lowe Parker. Suit for di- akn* vorce. July 8—Anna Berglund vs. Fred­ erick Berglund. Suit Tor divorce. July 10—Elsie E. Adams vs. Ed­ ward Adams. Suit for. divorce. July 11—Retail Credit Ass’n of TiitPHont loo coquilix Myrtle Point vs. J. O. Farmer and John Huff. July 12—Gail Ice vs. Clinton Icy. I' Suit for divorce. July 12—Made Louise Ryan vs. | v. A. C. Schultz Marriage Licenses Gilmore Service ■ Station Circuit Court Cases '<■——■ îa/io funeral CHomz JtftsuiAHce sewree • elected to A mmnt trW Winter GET YOUR PEACHES Bed Tag Sliced 11 PRUNE JUICE Blue Tag LEMON JUICE Dree o’ lessen . SPINACH Emerald Bay SHREDDED WHEAT Nablsce Breakfast Special SUGAR JELL RITE PECTIN mum - mis # Jelly-making is easy with Jell Rite—8 oz. hot............. rnwuce CANTALOUPES Full of flavor #weel and ri .... GffiDDjVfiMt 9 WATERMELONS Guarantetd ripe, half or whole SYNTHETIC RUBBER TIRES • PLUMS • T hr T k MHBl JfOWI Brand-new poodyeor Tires, the top-oi the-clos^ in synthetic*. Stop fo today foe G iafck cm thefo construction, performance, prices, • APRICOTS Tiiton, Santa Rosas ....... ......... ; JAR RUBBERS □ pkgs, of , * 1 dozen....... .......... .... .. GRAPFRUTT ( Arizona Seedleu ..... ................. CELERY Utah type-rorfop------- .........—r — 19c GREEN PEPPERS Bell size, nice for stuffing-------- - » 17c ___________ . AST I**C ^....... ..................... ............. Shoulder Cuts JAR CAPS—Bernard in Vacu Seal—12 in pkg. 23c FRUIT JARS Kerr or Vacu-Seal—Qts. dozen OQ FRUIT JARS H OQ Kerr or Vacu-Seal, Qts., dozen 1 SAHWäSMÜTS Pea*» weft NO fee Me—•»•«•r be s^e tk«a »erry IO- GELLY GLASSES—Squat or Tall—'i pt.—dozen .................. 43c PAROWAX—Jelly Seal Lb. Ctn.—2 for......... ,........ L 25c CERTO PECTIN 3 bottle offer ........ .................. 47c MASON LIDS—Kerr, Bernard or Vacu-Seal, 12 in pkg. ........ No. Points . 10c FREE Battery Senice ITS ICE TEA TIME G00l);> YEAR TIRES Southwestern Motors Goodyear Store Serve tall glacial glasses of iced tea for real warm weather refreshment. Make it extra good with full strength • SHORT RIBS A & B >rade lb. lie • GROUND BEEF - Lb. Me • VEAL RIB CHOPS . . *lb. 38c Canterbury FREE RED POINTS TEA ROYAL SATIN SHORTENING Mixes readily «**• 60c Orange Pekoe Vi lb. 43c —— .............. 1 lb. 85c I