Personal Menlion «A h-.-—-.— ............................... . |1I m . K. E. Marcy Funeral > See our complete line of household and car cleaning supplies at South­ western Motors Goodyear Store, s At ¿Marshfield Last Friday j Mrs. Lola A. Marcy, 77, wife of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Buckner had as IK. E. Marcy, died Wednesday mom- their guest .over the Fourth, Mr. and I ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Henry Sherrard of Los Angeles. j Miller of Marshfield, and was buried * following the funeral on Friday. She I was burled within a few miles of !hcr birthplace when her body was I laid to rest In Sunset cemetery. She was the daughter of Mr. and JUrs. Jerry Haynes. Mr. Haynes was - among the first loggers in Coos coun­ ty and operated from a ranch which now is the Coos Country club golf course where Mrs. Marcy was born. Her husband to whom she had bien | married many years, is none too well; a sick man, it is said. Besides him there are these other • survivors; A daughter, Mrs. Marjorie Miller of Marshfield; sons, DJle, ( Marshfield, and Lyle, in the U. S. Real Estate i navy There is a brother, Herbert Haynes, of Millington,, a sister. Mrs. Minnie Noble, of Portland.—Coos Bay Har- 1bor- Also Service on it ♦ INSURANCE ♦BIRTH CERTIFICATES ♦ PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ♦NOTARY PUBLIC 7 April 1943 vs April 1944 Fuhrman's Pharmacy Also Hot-Shot Bateries for Geo. F. Burr Motor. 16tfs At Roxy Theatre Sunday, Monday, Tuesday • •.................. r ( th IJR. FRI. SAT ' a . *ui PLAINS Ht ™ 1 HIS DARINRI Fabulous AS HIS DEEDSI Bachelor Girls Met Friday Jean Williams, now president of j the Bachelor Girls, presided at the , luncheon meeting at the hotel last > Friday. Quite a lot of new business was discussed and plans were made j for a party In the near future. Mem­ bers attending were Glenda Clinton, Mary Lou Culver, Maxine Johnson, Margaret Belloni, Norene McKeown, | Aloha Allen, Marybelle and Doro­ thea Yarbrough. Chartes BOYER Barton STANWYCK Edward C ROBINSON1 Phone 223R, to Art Hootop for your electrical wiring and repair needs He is located north of. the ball park oil the Fairview road. 52tfs Xrtty FIELI CARTOON LATEST NEWS »EVENTS Tubas Motors ADMISSION . Children » 1 » • 15c Adults - <■ r 1 - 55$ ANNA LEE Rotori BCNCRLEY J THOMAS MITCHELL ' MATINEE Sunday 1:45 CARTOON Goofie in W B* *‘W Latest Ne^s Matinee 15c r 40c Evenings 15c - 55c Adults —