The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 13, 1944, Image 1

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    '■ -
JULY 18, 1M4.
Rainfall For Year
Is 41.76 Inches
¡Council Adopts
¡City Budget
Meeting To Assure
That Service Men
Will Vote Nov. 71
. Now that the 4th of July is passed
With Mayor Wood and all council­
and no more rain can be expected men present at the postponed council
Until the beginning of another weath- ! session Monday evening, the send­
er fiscal year, Sept. 1, it can be annual applications for card room li­
lted that the 1043-44 rainfall is censes came up. Renewal licences
Secretary of State Robert Farrell
I about two-thirds of the average were granted W. H. Fortier, S. H.
issued a request recently for all the
uai precipitation.
Since last Donated and C. L. Elkins.
__ ,—
1 It totals 41.78 Inches. I The application of Lee Osborn, county clerks in Oregon, and the
t sales
Tfiat is going to meaq, that this denied a few weeks ago, was again printers who will furnish the ballots
75 and *UI be an extremely fire hazardous ' presented, the result being the same for this fall’s election to meet at the
1,888.75 summer snd extra precautions must as before, the council dividing in its state house in Salem on Monday
«188,- be taken at all time to prevent such vote, three and three, and the mayor morning this' week, and nearly all
of them were present.
of the a conflagration as that which de­ casting a negative vote.
The purpose of the meeting was to
stroyed so much of Bandon and sur­ J No objection having been presented
rounding territory in 'September, by any taxpayer, either orally or ln , discuss ways and means of - getting
------- -
writing, the city’s 1044-45 budget, as the b*11®1* Printed ln time so that
can be sir-mailed to every man
Water supplies, too, will possibly recently printed in the Sentinel, was
be lessened for the summer season unanimously adopted without change, i
service, either at home or
trict. to
The and everyone in Coquille should
The council voted to purchase a abroad, who writes and makes his re­
help conserve the supply which is drag saw, to be installed at the upper quest for a ballot, can have one in
being held ta the Rink creek reservoir city reservoir, where the care taker time to get it marked and back in
east of the city.
will operate it and cut wood for use the clerk’s hands by election day.
Due to provisions in the laws for
at the city hall.
registration, filing of Independent
tor M
thorized to rent a bulldozer and have candidates for office, etc., the first
fire trail, east of the city and be­ date on which the printing of the
yond the Shelley place, cleared again ballots can be started is after Sept.
>3, and with a possible Id days each
Mrs. Richard Carlill, who was so this yew.
Mayor Wood reported to the coun­ way for air-mailed ballots to reach
sevsgely injured last Wednesday
and return from Asia, the South Pa­
When a skidding double-header cil on the recent meeting of the
cific, Africa and Europe, or wherever
freight truck Mt her, will not lose her
Oregon boys may be stationed, it
eye as was feared she would by attended, and at which Coquille’s
wHl cut the time pretty close to have
tboee who first reached the scene proposed expenditure of «172,000 for
of the accident, but it is quite pÀba- sewage disposal plant and sewer ex­ the baUota not started on the presses
until 45 days before the election.
Me that It will be necesary to ampu­ tension and development was pre­
However, at the Monday meeting,
tate at least a part of her foot. Ttie sented as thia city's principal part-
V •
the clerks and printers approved the
hpei of one foot was so badly crushed
plan which had been worked out in
by Clyde William-
and ligaments tom that it may re­
the Secretary at State’s office and it
quire an operation.
is felt that no service man from Ore­
The baby, bom a few days prema­
gon, who makes the request for a
turely, did not live and was buried
ballot, will fall to receive one on time.
in the Masonic cemetery last Sat­
In Coos county the city ballot, ‘
urday, Schroeder Bros. Mortuaries tn
Treasurer C. G. CaugheU reported which has heretofore appeared on
Marine Lint. Wastoy Lainl
yesterday that a financial report on the general ballot will be there again
the iienefit the Community Building this year, providing the cities of Co­
Bm From Eate Far Woek
M Ponta Being Maintained;
receive as a result of the 4th quille, North Bend and Marshfield
Lieut George Waaley Lajrd, who
Chief Observers Subject to Call celebration cannot be made yet as wUl co-operate and get their nomina­
has been receiving radar Instruction
concessions have -----
not - turned tions for city officers in before the
--- the
---- ---------------------------
Fred R. 04M1,
Bull, who
took BIA
six KAMI
local * all
at Harvard University, came home
Sept. 22 date. Otherwise they may
last wmfc, stapptag In Portland to
Rlyer. where a two 1 Neither have all the statements for have to appear on a separate ballot.
bring Mrs. Laird down with Mm.
In CoquUle if the nominating cau­
mp Is being held, «tpenaea incurred yet been filed with
His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P.
cus is held on the earliest date per­
Laird, drove up to Portland yesterday, j
mitted by Ute- city’s charter, there
w<M tee-ns qn se ttoa about the city
hoshe there. From Portland, Lieut. 4
MUlot .¿peering oTthe general bal­
Laird goes east to the Marine air- , ier wiui me sergeant in cnarge or me
base at Cherry Point, North Carolina. | Fourth Fighter Observation Com-,next Tuesday noon,
Secretary of State Farrell urged
mand. Mr.
Whether he will be assigned to duty «»••*>•
Mr Bull, who la
Is supervisor I
-- ------
that all' county clerks contact city
there as radar Instructor dr will be f* U* observation district of Coos. C.
C. C.
¿¿L Family
____ "
officials at once in order that nom­
sent to one at the war fronts he had 19UITy ,a"d .D?yg,“2°u!!U“L WM in" Here A Few D»*1
ination* be made at the earliest pos­
not been informed.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Smith and sible moment.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Laird expect to to be maintained in the three coun­ daughter came down from Vancouver,
Special gag coupons were issued by
return from Portland In a day or two. ties, the chief obdbrvers, however, Wash., where he is employed in the
rationing boards all over the state
being subject to call, if and when |
1 shipyards, for a few days of en­ to the clerks and printers who made
necessary, and not at all time.
Marc Shelley Supervised The
forced vacation. He said Monday the trip to Salem, and the state paid
year In the hospital, then returning
was the first working day at the plant aU expenses
of __
the state of-
the work of the to worl< ,nd ><»lng three key teach-
he had missed since going there. He flcials filing that unless some agree-
Just to keep the record straight the
in their night- W« and hls high school principal at
That Was as clever a piece of news is naturally quite proud of the rec- ment could be reached which would
stinted praise to ■ mid-y«sr. «nd finishing the year ln Sentinel compiles with Ernie Parrott's writing as one often sees, that which
st Guard whose the C,P*C**J oi
hl<h achool prin- request for correction of an error In appeared ta a Salt Lake City paper ord the shipyard has made, that of I insure every service man having a
__ elwayg *bfol and city school superintendent, last week’s Sentinel about the Com­ the day F.D.R. made his long-de­ turning out 50 of the smaller air- kballot on time, that a special session
The construction layed announcement. Under a double craft carriers in lust one year—one of the legislature would have to be
ut so truly last
In ,niwer
,n inquiry regarding munity Building.
every five days now.
called by Gov. Snell, to change many
his plans for the future, Mr. Dunn of the building whs under the super­
column heading, ‘Roosevelt Will Ac­
While they were living in CoquUle dates in the election laws, setting
nade a fast trip states that he may remain in Ce- vision of Marc Shelley, who entered cept the Nomination,” appeared about
also the pulmo- clulll(1 another year in order that the service before it was completed. eight Inches of blank space with a. Mr. Smith was engaged In the refrt- them forward 15 or 20 days, and a
geration business and says he has special session would have been much
,_______________ | Mrs. Dunn’s daughter who is a senior E. L. Perrott & Son have been in
onari w
ewv nnrvxtensittu
______ a__ a._
_ a________as__
small-type note at the bottom. ”We seen
opportunity up there to 1____
more expensive to the taxpayers than
in high school may finish her achool charge of all the finishing, in the Li­
are so surprised we are speechless.” ohenge h|s mind that he is coming the plan which was carried out.
^v—»i-g that of worb bore. He also states that he has brary and elsewhere in the handsome
Nuf «ed.
back to CoquiUe aa soon as the war
County Clerk Oddy and H. A.
» midnight but Purchased some more rental property structure, and also were in charge of
is over. He returned to Vancouver Young, editor of the Sentinel, were at
lot found until and wU1 kept duite busy remodeling the taring of the plywoaq-on-edgg
on WMtoaday.
Salem Monday morning for the meet­
Pw Hwitef Glvon Sixty
and keeping these properties in shape. flooring in the rpa|n au$torium.
ing. ’ Mr. Oddy had previously indi­
Mr. Dunn paid high tfibufe |o the
cont^cto^ are eqt|tle<| |o Oaya And Fined I1M
cated that the Sentinel would fur-
who had been
8«^ „... «R
Chester Carl Smith, a Powers man, Stream Pollution Survey
«*4*1 ,OF
1 »truhture
nilh the ballots for the Nov. 7 elec­
pf • wv 8th00! ?ue«1n‘Fn- 1
apd h»«k| school
Ptoterl M
goes eq,
terday tor hunting doer during th*
Governor Earl Snell-announced on
tW- although hl« act|vg work
closed season. H*
___ __r had
iij ____
He was arrested hv
by Saturday that plans
been com-
the state police out at Camas Valley ¡pie^ ¿r‘^king 7he‘ stream" pX"
looi administration
has ce
at|o|i ha?
W, u KiMtter, J«ele O, Gilman
§«FVlgta tof tbs toree mesqheR al
and was taken before Justice A. R. tlon iurvey M outHned at the League
the family were held a| the gghroteter *!w <*IU1
.. ......... ; -
_ .. .
, • , Jon* •< N*«1* P»‘nl Hu ■et'tence ^yenUon ln May ,nd requested by
The Sentinel was rather alow to was 80 days in jail, which Is to be
ehgpel hm al lw« p'flo* Mtate-y.
a convention resolution. The Gov-
schools remains firm,
hearing about a marriage, which took remitted if and when he pays the ernor said that the program would
Rgv Ch“k 0- Brown officiating, and •’ub*i<> agbeete
President J. S. Barton gave a de­
the bodies were (hipped to their
“ baa always
. _ been at the fore- place early In May, at Ukiah, Calif. 1100 fine assessed.
begin immediately so that th* sci- tailed
qt the district conference
toT front In all Coquille civic affairs since ■ The contracting parties are well-
> entific data required in designed* of Rotary at Eugene last week, at the
former hom« at O'NelU. Nebr
he came here in 1M7.
The play- known Coquille people who have Dan Steinmetz Operating
sewage diapoaal plants might be ob- i meeting
/ “ _ of ‘ the local club at to? hotel;
.. _
jjve<j h<re for yearg------ Mrs.
Mr. Green’s parents are both dead, «round to
w“ |
' tained aa st*>n as possible. Follow- I on Wednesday.
He and Secretary
The Shell Service Station
> — a— —4—*g — — *8 V — In—,g nl —— — A—* X— ' Gilman and W. L. Kistner.
and besides his son, Robert Eugene. '*t>rUd •nd
•ton« by Mr
ing the League convention an offi- ¡Hode Caughell attended the confer-
have since been living in Loe Angeles
Dan Steinmetz, who has been oper­
; ■ Ï '
he is survived by the following broth­ (Dunn and he was the one who ori­ I
cial request for funds to finance the ence.
but expect to return to CoquiUe later ating the garage and shop at the rear
ers and sisters—Raymond G. Green, ginated and helped present the
survey was submitted to the GovenV* 4 A number of voteq of appreciation
of the Shell Servic e Station, comer
of the Roy disrtict hqre; Clifford, of square dancing program at the last
or by the state Sanitary Authority, ' were tendered various persons for
on Front
Whtard street* has
Veneta. Ore.;
Margaret. Charles, three July 4th celebrations.
which will act aa the sponsoring I their work during the Fourth of July
Hand House Sold To
MMteB «*% Ute tarvtee stattan sgency. The need for the survey
Ralph and Dean, all of Chambers,
1 Mr. and Mrs. Selbig
A operating all the buatoea* <>n
Nebr.; Harold, who is with U. S. , Mrs. P. O. Lund has returned from
was later discussed with the Gov­
Rotarian guests present were J. E.
that corner Note his adv. elsewhere
forces in the Aleutians; Donald, who Springfield, Mo., where she was
ernor by representatives of the (Deke) Richmond, of Eugene; C. C.
?• fe
cara* R iast <*»«*•
is in New; and Lester at called because of the serious illness 4“$ fYCTHW N<W Berkeley. CW-, to thta issue.
League and of the State Sanitary Au­ Farr, of Marshfield, and John Carl,
of her »7-year old father, Hçç
Stockton Field in California.
thority. The survey Itself will be of Myrtle Point. Other guests were
where »hy is npw employed, to wn-
Glen Hutton Buys White
' made by the eMineering experiment Norman Snldow, of Gold Beach, who
JtoF a^(M. wil| return to Ba|o A|to Ptete th« deal of their home <w Flrot Cottage On Front Street
Koehlp. at faro, flofr, M-?
Stetten 9/ Oregon State College with is in the U. S. Navy; Carl Morrison,
«troet to Mr- and Mr«- ('has T, Belbig.
The White Cottage Ice Cream par- Profesaor Fred Merrytield serving as superintendent of the local school,
Mrs- Hand «ay* that Lee ta now in
H (jaH of qae. She
tupW l»F
Funds and Geo. Sherwood, of Coquille.
Of near the Holomons over In the Pa­ loi’ on Front street had a new W«- supervisor of the project.
Mrs F ۥ T fw teft I mi ataM
Pte father, Alfred W Koehler, pf
prietor on Monday, Olgp C, Hutton for the survey are being provided on
Ltaroln, Nebr-. and tarn »teten, Mro, Pa|q Alto to visit hey slater, Mrs.
having purchased th* place last a co-operative basis by the State San­
Ray Heekett, Mw Herrin Strong and Owen H Knowlton, for two weeks.
Mrs. Ian B. Jamieson, the former month from Mrs. Lena Pribble who itary Authority, the State Board of
Dona Faye Roehler, aU of Unooln Mr«. Glick and daughters, Dianna Marianne Axtell, and baby boy, ar­ had conducted it for four years.
Health, the State Game Commission,
The daughter, Beverly Ann. was and Sylvia, are visiting with Mrs. rived here on Monday this week for
Mr. Hutton says he expects (o make the Hydroelectric Commission, and
two months and 11 days past six Lund at the True home.
a two weeks' visit with her parents, improvements and ctHKtgca
tn the the State College. The cooperation of
A rhubarb, or pie plant leaf, on
years of age, having been bom at
each city to be in^uded in the sur­
O. t.
— — and
"" J ‘
* ** “
Chambers, Nebr., April 28, 1038.
vey will also be required in securing display in the Sentinel window, is
Mrs. R. E. Harbison ai
| Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Goodwin were an accurate record of the volume of the largest thing of its kind ever
Chester Lawrence Summers, who
here from Gardiner yesterday. After each city’s sewage and in securing seen around these parts. It grew
on the Geo. DeNoma place on North
pellut* dinner al noon on Wednes­ selling their place on Rink creek samples far Chemical analysis.
was a logger.
The survey will include the Co­ Hall street and measures 22 inches
day, July it, in Guild Hall.
here they moved to Gardiner and
one way and 20 inches the other. It
A« examiner qf applicants for driv- |
rented a place in the town until they quille river and valley. This city is
era* licenses wUl be at the Coquille
The 808 club will have a potluck are able to complete the deal for a one of thee* ta the state which has was cut before.being measured and
but the past 20 years. city hall again next Tuesday, July 18, dinner at noon on Friday, July 14, in ranch in that neighborhood which made a sewage disposal plant one its height before cutting is not
Decoration Awards
For The Fourth
Mrs. Carlill May
Lose One Foot
Fourth Financial'
Report Not Ready
B. W. Dunn Turns
School Affairs Ovej
To Carl Morrison
SW Ä. ‘Â.*ÏÏ
Barton Reports On
District Conference
« VU.H fw
Mfry W
W W ww w®
» rn* °w m°nl
Huge Rhubarb
Leaf On Display
Hf was a discharged, disabled veter- between 0 and 4 p. aa.
Y j O.W.
[they expect ip purchase
<d its post-war projects.