s . i. ------------ . CLASSIFIED Gems of Thought AUTOMATIC WATEIt SYSTEMS^ , We have deep and shallow well ' units on hand. FARR/j ELWOOD, j HEADQUARTERS Tor Dairy A Pdultry Feeds, Metal CMck Wateren, Milking Machine Supplies, Bug Chasers for Gar­ den and Flowers. EATON’S FEED STORE, Coquille. th DYNAMITE — Stumping, ditching.! rock powders, cape, fuse. FARR * ELWOOD. H. HOLLOWELL and J HOLLOWELL, hto wife, MRS. X M. McGREGOR HEADQUARTERS for Crown Dairy and Poultry Feed« at Pacific Feed & Seed Co. tfa Oregonian tsserpd f*r amMlaff SUNDAY JOURNAL ON SALB AT FOLLOWING PLACKS Attention to Details DON’T FAIL—Tune In KOOS on your radio Sunday evening« at T:1S. l»tfs NOTICE OF SEASONAL DETERMINATION NEW ROOFING and Waterproofing of older roofs, all type* and kind«, done by the Standard Roofing Co., 893 North Ftr«t street, Marshfield. Glen Wm. Curtis, Phone . 859. Mgr. ■ 'Mÿct Notice Is hereby given that the em­ ployers listed below have been de­ termined'to be seasonal employers within the meaning of Section 120- 707 O. C. L. A. Any interested party may request a hearing before the Commission within ten days after ' final publication of this notice. The ¡“off-season" (in calendar weeks) [ of each seasonal employer in Coos County is as stated below: Point Adam« Packing Company, 89-10, OREGON UNEMPLOYMENT 1 COMPENSATION COMMISSION I Dated and first published this 2^n«i i day of June. 1944 (Date of last publication 8th day of July, 1M4. Mt3 NOITCE OF BOND CALL All outstanding COOS COUNTY, OREGON, REFUNDING BONDS, dated August 1, 1939, Number« M to 370, inclusive, are oalled for pay­ ment on August 1, 1944, at the office of Chas. Stauff, Treasurer of Coos County, Coquille, Oregon. Chas. Stauff, It Treasurer of Coos County. ty Court of Can C as Administratrix of SERVICE Phone 83 Night Phone 1MR Southwestern Motors Benham’» Transfer Storage IMMEDIATE DELIVERY M Farr & Elwood r SAND AND GE AV El COAL - FUEL OIL — STORAGE Agents for Oregon-Neyada-California Fast Freight Otlle. rhw » m ». tun