tat (WtLU valley Square Dancing Most Interesting Myrtle Lane ’dea Approved — Parade One Of Best Seen Here Personal Mention Miss Kathleen Collier and Mrs. Helen Grier, who came up from (Continued from Page One» (Continued rrom Page One) The Square Dance feature of Mon- ' ¡Berkeley, Calif, last week-end, ex- day afternoon’s program held the in- i Moore, Wm. L. Finley, W. H. Horn­ float, their beauty adding to the dec- i oerae»ey, i south Saturday. Mrs. terest of a large crowd from begin- | ing and Arthur R. Kirkham, all of », a» ™,.i x is a former C. H. S. Instructor The Coquille Women,' Club entry ¡(*rier u "■ ning to end. It was under the direc­ Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. De­ —Helen Pollock. Miss Kathleen, who was a float on which the Statue of [ vers, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Witt, from tion of Chairman B. W Dunn, and has been in Berkley for the past two Liberty was represented by Mias ___ __ the judges who made the awards were Salem. The speaker of the evening was Marianne lUnMMf. in Cmden mb. Mrs. Nellie Ray of Myrtle Point, Charles Geitner of Fairview, and Mr. Kirkham, manager of the KOIN and holding aloft the torch of liberty Jess Beyers of Coquille, and with broadcasting station, and the picture and enlightenment. How she could Ben Lentz, the Northwest cham­ Wayne Smith at the piano, Ranald he painted of what Oregon has to ssume that rigid position with her pion log-bucker from Castle Rock. Williams on the violin and Verne offer in the way of scenery, cjimate arm aloft for the more than an half Wash., who gave an exhibition Sun­ Eldredge. guitah furnishing the and beauty was as eloquent and nour was a mystery to all beholders, day afternoon, is a brother of Paul masterful a word-picture painting and her father said that evening, his music ’ ' Lentz of the Southwestern Motors The calling is a very interesting as was ever heard in Coquille. Mr. arm was still tired, just from looking force, and was down here on a visit part of square dancing and Harold Kirkham made a sales talk for Ore­ at Marianne. for a few days. Commander C. G. Stem and other Potts won first prize for callers and gon that drew the warmest applause occupied the dec- j Legion officiate and commendation from an enthused Paul Bales second. Mrs. Charles Brown arrived home In the Grange section of the pro­ audience which knew of all Oregon’s orated American Legion car, which Sunday evening from Cottage Grave, the precise-march- was followed by octette won first attyactions but had not before ever gram the Sumner < where she spent a few days with her Coquille heard them so splendidly presented. ing, uniformed Eagles Auxiliary place and the $50 award. son, Rev. Frank E. Brown, pastor of Traveling coast that day group. Grange placed second and received __ _____ _ down the .... the Cottage Grove Methodist Church, Tiie me acu Red vim» Cross iinu had two wwv beautifully . _____ he and his party had been in a para­ $25. „ - „ tnT VMr- ■ rml The Sumner Grange was composed dise of beauty the whole time. He decorated floats, the first carrying the Red Cross officiate and the sec- Mr*~.EU^..O^<,/ Ly^ of Harold Potts, Ada Messerly, Jay referred to Portland In its park­ I dent of Coquille while Mr. Gregg was Richards, Mrs. Everett Messerly, Ev­ like setting as one of the prettiest ond*a group of knitters. alive and they were operating Gregg ____ _____ ... U. 8., ~ _ and __ 1______ „ The handsome Oregon State Nurse erett Messerly, Doria Crooks, Carl cities in the referred 1 td Hardware, was another Coquille its 58-mile scenic drive, started in Association 'float was followed by 35 Peterson, Mrs. Thelo Steckei, Thelo visitor for the Fourth. 1M1, as one raved about by tourists Boy Scouts |n uniform and the Co­ Steckei. The Coqulllians were: Paul Bales,, from all sections. This led naturally quille Police Car. Rev. and Mrs. Liston Parrish and The B. & P. W. club float was a Kate Delefsen, Ed De lefsen, Elva to the suggestion that there are son, David Lee, spent last week at the — - — -- ----------- MMyrr Grom, Ed Hughes, Glenda Clinton, scores of such scenic drives that can prettily decorated hay rack with sev- state convention of the Christian Earle Green, Gladys Bales. Ray be built to lead in a loop from this eral of its members aboard, one of Myrtle Lane—lie was thé one who them tinted and garbed as an Indian. p'^^aVelletedtoThe^tate Mte- Buckles. -------- . that catchy ----- --- designation ----- ---------- ---- to' j Next came the Townsend club and Parri^ *“ el*Ud to *** ™ , Three juvenile groups of * contest- I ' applied the proposed project___ and urged the Bachelor Girls entry, a mechan- « *e representative from ants had a place on the program, the southwestern Oregon counties and ized piece of equipment from the Oregon, Roy District Grange juvenile team placing first and receiving $15; Troop communities to work for such drives Smith plant which’the yoang ladles __ it I Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Willson, of this No. 14, second, and $10; McKinley and after they have been built every had covered so successfully that float. The So- wero vsrytbappy this week to juveniles, third, and $10. resident should make it a point to was a * tasty-looking ‘ *“ roptimlst and the Junior Woman ’ s hear from their son, Thomas, who is Members in those groups were: tell every tourist about them. •> Ed Hughes, caller, Leota Johnson, Mr. Kirkham mentioned the Cali­ Club cars were both very tastily dec- now In France, after being in Eng- Richard Gauer, Louise Johnson, Bob fornians who are forced to leave their orated and were followed by the l»nd f<* • year, that he was well and Green, Joanne Gower, Jim Mullen, state when they want to travel by the Roseburg Girls Drum Corps, under 8a,e when he wrote. He is In the They Army Engineer Corps and said the Beverly Green, Skippy Mullen. visitors from the east, south and mid­ the direction of Bill Blake r-resuHi hums , caiicr, omy viair, aie west wno me were nattily attired and the judges going has been pretty rough during Preston Willis, caller, Betty St. Clair, die west who are are aiiraciea attracted io to the Roger Williams, Joanne Peart, Chas. Los Angelas area by the strenuous were in no doubt .that they should and since the invasion. Billings, Darlene St. Clair, K&th publicity of California's boosters. I receive the marching club award. Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Johnson and Johnson, Carol Ann Creager, Joe And that publicity pays dividends in Their martial music helped all the Sayre. Colleen Shepherd, caller, cash. Two hundred and ten million way in the progress of the parade. . son, Stacy, returned Tuesday evening ________ ____ The three _ pet entries, as mentioned from Drain, where they went on Dona June Krewson, Fred Ellis, Myr- dollars pour into the Loe Angeles na Oberman, Clell Laird, Lila May area each year because they sell their above, were all awarded prizes, and Sunday to see their daughter and Laird, Charles Payton, Marilyn Ober- sunshine to eastern dupes. Oregon the 4-H club float of youngsters, with month old grandchild, man und Jim Churchill. ¡gats posibly 50 milion a year from two calves aboard, was symbolic of ________ Burr, -who la in the truck —' tourists while California harvests the club work._____________________ I Ronald f The ucvw«icu decorated hay rack and »• girls division or of tne the Army Air uorpz Corps ana and Electric Fence Units, $14.75 and 550 millions. i u«y r«v» “» envision up. Will work on 110-volt line, ar ’ “We Oregonians must do a better on bikes were followed by the Lions has been in training at Amarillo, hot shot battery, or automobile bat- Job of selling our glorious, climate club distinctive entryjvitti a couchant Texas, came in last Friday on a fur- tery. ( Also Hot-Shot Bateries for and scenery to the Californians than U°n *t the top. The Eagles* float, the lough. He expects to fly back to - - - • iatfa we have heretofore,” was Mr. Kirk- Rotary International wheel, symbol North Carolina where he must rei- sale. Geo. F. - Burr - Motor. ------ ’s ------------ --- of the organization, on the sides of port July 13 for further Army school- ____________, ham comment. -------------------- ; "Are you people in Oregon dead?” the car, and with both gentlemen and (ng '* I * 4 ** " i is the frequent query of eastern tour­ ladles Inside. returned Tue._ ists who may have come up north, I The Coquille Fire Department. . Mr> Frgnk from a trip to Camp after doing California, when they trucks came next with the fire boys behold the marvelous beauty of the astride and some of the city C0'MP—California, where she vte- The department s comedy her husband for a few days. He Oregon country, enjoy its most salu­ men. brious climate, and say that they horse entry followed and behind that la stationed at the Army camp there., never hear anything about the North­ was the city’s First Aid car. Copies of j Geo. F.’ Burr Motor Co.’s Inter- west at home. "Oregon must promote and adver- •qnitnnnl national Trucks a44ms%.lmae display, urldK with five ttee its highways and scenery; protect new logging trucks, new tires and and preserve the natural beauty of all, were an attractive addition to I the tree-studded land,” declared Mr the parade, and the Smith Wood- Kirkham, who declared he was ready Products' two lumber carriers and : to make war on the timber owner or trailer, with appropriate placards tbe ' lumber man who would cut the tlm- telling — — how lumber is fighting _ ti? clear to the highway right-of- Jw on aU fronts. I way. destroying the land’s beauty for The Southwestern Motors Good- ,. * years and years it would take to .year store truck was resplendent repijce those trees. He praised the with bright colors and store equip- Crown-Willamette Co. for Its stand ment and the Hlland Theatre an- i 1 in refusing to cut the timber on their, nouncing car with Austin Dodge from . ■ property along the highway at Elbow , Myrtle Point driving, followed. Lakes. The Cobper’s Gardens truck was ¡ 1 While only 20 per cent of the tour- ' tastefully and artistically doc- j «„ ü ™ j XJT? ? in Japan as a mtasionary for the Christian Churches, will the Sunday evening service at the Church of Christ, East Fourth and Coulter Sts. Miss Farnham was in Japan at the time the war began and has ex­ perienced life in the concentration camp and was returned on the Gripe­ holm. The public is invited to hear Miss Farnham speak. of service t Guardsman—which wl„. appear and fill the two display win­ dows of the J. C. Penney Co. store. Also there are pictures of local girls and women who are in the service There are more than 500 pictures there which were callected and ar­ ranged by Mrs. RObah Robison Card of Thanks Geo. F. Burr, chairman of the Sal­ vage committee and who was in charge of the city clean-up campaign, asks the eSntinel to thank for him all those who helped make the city’s efforts to present a splc and span appearance for the Fourth so suc­ cessful. He says his co-workers did Norton’s have a large assortmeut a splendid job. of boxed paper—airmail and regular. Priced 50c to $1.35. Get a good Book at Norton’s Rent­ al Library. tfs Following the completion of the Coomer vs. Roper damage case, in which they had found for the de­ fendant last Wednesday. Judge King excused the jurors summoned for the June term until further notice. LJ!__ LL'-' ' ' DfllardJUarket •__________________ ________________ . _________ ______________ . ________________________ f 1 Specials Friday,and Saturday Ä. C. Schultz ist accommodations along the coast orated with greenery and flowers fare opera Ung. at the present time, «nd richly deserved its award. when the war is over, they will all1 Curley's Wranglers, orchestra from | be operating to their capacity—if the’the Bay, was the last float in the . Abo see him for Oregon coast will only let the rest of parade and they delighted with oc- • Ante Lubrication by Mechanics America know what this coast has caslonal numbers of old and newer • Ante Repairing all kinds to offer. And Myrtle Lane will be- music. come would-renowned when it be- By actual count there were 121 | comes a fact, a dream realized. horses and Shetland ponies, with | | Jas. N. Jacobson took the floor for riders, in the wjnd-up of this most a few momenta and said this Myrtle successful and attractive procession.1 Lane had been an Idea of his and «showed that Chairman Larry Lund- Mrs. Jacobson’s for 40 ysars, ever quist and his parade committee had | since they bought their place on Rink done a lot of actual Work as well as j Front 8L at Willard creek, and he told of the light which Planning to produce the results illumined his wife’s face when he rhown. went to the hospital where she has ■—------- ..... been confined for more than a year, Vaughan Hears From and told her of the possibility that Brother, Capt Bo Johnson their dream would come true. Miss Georgianna Vaughan, deputy Others called upon and who ex­ pressed complete approval of the county clerk, on Tuesday received a ¡plan were property owners—Judge letter from her brother, a former Co- I Dal M. King, E. C. Finley, Everett quille boy—Capt. Bo Johnson, who is ' i Benham. Mrs. Rylander, Tom Detlef- skipper on a merchant marine vessel sen and J. H. McCloskey, whose in the South Pacific. Ho wrote that ¡myrtle grove at Norway could be a musical instructor in Coquille | made into a beautiful myrtle park. ' H1«h’ about ten F*“« ago—Prof. Lafe Compton spake on the need Lou Bernath—is now an Ensign in )tcTTi Ore- ,h* Navy and gunnery officer of a [for state parks in south' ________ fl I gon, such as the highway commls- cre* of it gunners on the v< I slon maintains farther north on the 00 navigates, R was Bernath who coast, and then expressed the com- organized the high school band back {mittee’s thanks to all tjioee who had lhe e“rty IKO’a. % I i helped prepare for the meeting Inj -------------------------- Roar With Gilmore” Gilmore Service Station BUYE¥7%4 WAR BONDS July 8a West Coast Telephone Co. ^anyway. McNairs Have Purchased One of the highlights of the three- T. r ... r hour session was the singfhg of the '-’»••W »“cn ¡Corn Fed Canaries, who responded) Mr- and Mr*. John If. McNair are time after time to requests for music- living up their Coquille post office The Canaries organization, «dating box, Ño, 463, which they have had from old Corn Show times, is now »<* over thirty-three years, even composed of VI F. F. G, nnu and Ldll Earl E. L) LiWIJt, Leslie, though the office had been moved a _ --------- 6. T. Ganfeahd _ Kenneth Tally, mem- twice in that time. , They will, now ' ber of the State Police force stationed get their mail at Riverton post office on the route, as they have purchased ¡here. . The ham dinner served by the the Jos. Collier ptace on the Bandon club house operators, Mr. and Mrs. highway three and a half miles from J Jack McLarrin, was another matter Coquille. d -.- l which helped make the occasion a most successful one. • Flour FISHER'S BLEND 50 £ *1.99 ■’ <►. , Coffee Syrup HILLS RED WELLMAN'S FANCY TABLE SYRUP Pancake j Flour i HUNGRY JACK 1 1^ 28c & . . 35c 10SU 53c 1 1 Peanut Butter Marmalade Sunbrite Cleanser Tomato Pickles Prem Salad j Delicious Dressing | f^ellman’s Bittersweet LUNCH MEAT 1 TANG ( JOHNSON'S FANCY 23«J Jt . . 15c 1 % 39c U7.. 35c K — ml 5Cc«n Delicious Qt. Jar Shortening Cocoa FORMAT 19c3"i; Jar I nestl . es SWEET MILK 69c^2 23c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables I ■ TOMATOES ä’Ripentd lb. Z5c * APRICOTS ★ PLUMS ★ RED RASPBERRIES STRING BEANS W CORN ★ PEPPERS ((Everything th« Market affords) Calling cercu, av for SIM. x’ e w W CANTALOUPES I ‘a