The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 06, 1944, Image 1

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'Myrtle Lane' Idea
Heartily Approved
At Fine Meeting
“Myrtle Lane,”
myrtle-lined highway between Co­
quille, Myrtle Point and the Powers
junction, a 12-mile stretch, captured
the imagination of the four score In
attendance at the banquet meeting
In the Coquille Valley Country Club
house last Friday evening, and a
resolution was unanimously adopted
recommending to the state highway
commission that the project be begun.
J. M. Devers, council for the com­
mission, presented the plan as out­
lined to him by Sam Boardman, su­
perintendent of stifte parks who was
unable to come for the meeting, and
satisfactorily answered all questions
put- to him by the property owners
along the 12 miles of highway.
In return for the highway depart-
ment’s program to set out the trees
and maintain in a parklike condition
for a specified distance ba<£ from
the right-of-way, the property own-
ers must deed to the commission, not
the land but the trees now on the
land and those to be planted, and the
A Near Fatal
Accident Injures
Mrs. R. Carl ill
Building Over 130 Horses
Is One Of Coquille's At Tuesday
(hfstanding Features Afternoon Show
Crowning Of Queen
Gwen Saturday
Opened Celebration
That was a terrible accident last
One of the interesting items In
There were clone-to'five thousand
evening, just beyond the Cunningham
connection with the celebration was people out in Athletic Park Tuesday
railroad crossing when Mrs. Richard
th» statement or rather short his- afternoon for the 4th of July Horse
tosy of the Community Building, as! Show, on which Chairman J. 1
Carlill was hit by the skidding trailer
given by Ray Jeub just before the! Smith hajl spent dsys and weeks
of an Oregon-Nevada-California Fast
Freight double header.
crowning of Queen Gwen Saturday lining up a program of unusual in­
Whether she win lose the sight of
terest snd attending to tt^e multi­
an eye has not yet been determined.
Mr. Jeub said that the idea of a tudinous details In connection with it
Her whole body was bruised and one
new building for this city originated While there were more than 130
limb badly mashed.
with Lloyd Claver when he entered horses and ponies in the park, none
Mrs. Carlill was walking along the
upon his term as president of the of the Curry county horsemen who
highway between the curve beyond
Lions club. Casting about for some had been expected to attend were
the railroad crossing snd the Co­
able to be here, primarily due to the
quille Auto Park, off the pavement.
fuct thMt
looked like rain and they
The freight truck had picked up dren with dog and cart «2, Children for a community building to replace had to get-their hay In.
speed across the Cunningham bottom with doll buggy $1
There were many amusing fea­
4-H Club—Roy District W.
to make the grad« west of the track,
tures, one of which was the appre­
and around the curve struck the
Farm Float—Pinto team, |S.
hension of a horse thief during the-
Oldsmobile coupe of Jim Baltoh, who
Bicycle Group—«1 each to Levers»
progrum. When the horse was re­
was just turning up the road to his lsflmiiM, Darien» Cooper, Foggy
ported stolen the Horse Thief Posse
home on the Creager place. The col­ Stewart, Barbara Davidson, Shirtoy i
left the park in a body and soon re­
, lision caused the truck to skid and
sumed with the thief strapped to
resulted in Mrs. Carlill being struck,
the animal's back and with a rope
Thej, Carlill» also live up on the
around his neck by which he was
point of the hill. They have two
hung in front of the grandstand. But
small children who were In LeRoy
the most amusing incident was not
Rice’s store buying candy at the time
seen by the crowd. The horse bucked
so hard when the dummy was placed
upon him that it continually fell off
and had to be strapped to the ani­
mal's back and did not appear aa
everything in connection with the an upright rider.
building have been used to reduo»
The double rider (man and woman)
the debt on |t.
race brought forth many a laugh. The
The building Itself oust I7B.0Q0, rules for the race were that the
without th* furnishings, and Smith 1 epuple
_r _________________________
___ _
had to ride' acrons the _ park,
Wpod-Products furnished all the let th» lady dismount and then the
iMBtor tot has gone into th» build- male rode back to the starting point.
- Both man und woman had to disrobe
The P!ywoud-on-£dge flooring of and then the men rode back to the
to auditorium cost «13,000 and it ‘ women, and the women rode to the
te probably the mo»t unique dance starting point, and at both ends of
floor In to world.
| the line they had to robe themaelves
in the others' clothing, and the first
one back to the announeer stand was
River Program On
Sunday A Most
Colorful Affair
A bevy of loveliness was present
on the stage of the Community Build­
ing last Saturday evening when
Queen Gwen, surrounded by Prin­
cesses Roberta, Gloria, Maxine, Phyl­
lis, Gwen (Rogers), MarybeU, Vir­
ginia and Waneta, was crowned to
rule over Coquille’s Fourth of July
The crown was placed upon Queen
Owen's brow by Geo. A. Ulett, with
a very few words, after Mayor O. L.
Wood had given a welcoming ad-
dress to the throng which filled all
the available apace.
The queen's entourage had proceed­
ed from the city hail at 8:30. led by
the Coquille' High School band, with
a throne carried by six huskies; then
the princesses, linked together; mem­
bers of service clubs following, and
with the Eagles Auxiliary, In uni­
form, bringing- up the rear.
Following the crowning ceremony,
dancing was enjoyed by the throngs
here that evening and was continued
on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
evenings, with splendid music fur­
nished by the Medford Fuller Or­
The high school band, under the di­
rection of Wayne Smith, had a prom­
inent part in all programs during the
celebration and right royally did they
1 do their part in keeping the thousands
I interested and entertained.
C. H. S. band will rank with any high
school band in the state.
Bond Rally
Saturday Evening
A Bond Rally is scheduled to be
held Saturday evening, accordin
Geo. P. Laird, Coquille chairam
Kd Hughee end his daughter, Mar-
the Mb War Bqpd drive, and he
garot, won first and Darrell
eon and Mias!
Other members of the committee
und officials from Salem included
Thornton Munger, Walter H. Gerke,
K. Wolfe, David B. Chariton, R. T.
(Continued on page two)
vtow tta M
thusiasttc |a their prate»,.
The procession was headed by a
Coos Co. Has Bought *
Only 40 Per Cent
Of E Bend Quota
The repp0 of to Federal R sSR r v» '
bank, as of J ply 1, |y nothing foF
Coos pounjy to pe proud of, qltftqqgti
If |hofve that to wnty's tot# I pur­
chase pf bonds |s <2,029,405. Whioh is
143,400 pver to combined quota for
Poos rounty of ll,«87.tiot)
. (
Th» corporations, mill, lumber and
logging companies, banka and Other
large Ind itrld con.'trns are respon­
sible for the total showing, but It is
tn the E bond purchases that Coos
county must hang its head in shame.
The county quota for individuals in ['
the purchase of E bonds was set at I
1720,000 and, according to the Re- I
serve Bank report of last Friday, the
pr just over 40 per c
Of the twe|ve coup
»topd a»
Bandon Mayor Buys
Another Place Here
Mayor K. 1. Franklin, of Bandon,
who not long ago purchased the W.
L. Klstner ranch just west of Co­
quille, has added to his Coquille
property the past week by purchasing
from Mrs. Callie Leach the apartment
home and two lota, formerly known
as the “Lyons Flat,” at the west end
of Second street, just West < fl
Schroeder Bros? Mortuaries.
ha, beefl |n au|te
A very badly wrecked 1837 Chevro- ;
let is at the Southwestern Motors
garage here, but neither state police
nor anyone else knows how the acci­
dent happened. The car belongs to
Delbert S. Cotter, of Port Orford,
and was involved in a collision with
■ ^933
|933 For4
Font on (he1 highway in front
of the Dapielson place, this side of
Beay cfee^, Sunday aC^io^. The
Chey M
. J Ì turnei» dv»T on ftg »ide in
the ditch,
litch. w|th |t| (eft front whpel
tom °M.
whfle the Fo0, still there
fapch four qileg down the highway a day or so ago, had run up the b«t)k
an« crashed into a telephone pql».
M IlWn np was much hurt
Cwp VMted
|a the accidenf.
Hupdrpds Over the Fourth
Mr and Mr«. to^l «Mtton, fwmer
The Boy Spout camp, |n the myrtle
grove at to rear of [he ConpquRity propriptors pf ti»e Quelle oafe, wert
Ruild(ng, gas vfelto bV
<* to <|owp heye front Portland for the ce|-
Ju|y fth visitors during the MW- ebratiott,
dnv celebration Their camp was set'
pp In refular S<x>Mt fashion, their |» Ragt Noble Grands Club of Mamie
HpeoulrymenH weft open and on dis- Rebekah lodge will not meet tomor-
pjay. and the boys were glad to talk row (Friday), as previously planned,
about tolr organization to all who Announcement of place and Um» of
visited the
state police car in-which Mayor Wood
was riding and which was fallowed
by the newly organized Cub Pack,
No 314
There were 24 cubs and
the escorting Scouts in the group.
The Coquille High Band, which
won the sweeptakes prize added to |ts
already-won laurels.
Queen Gwen and her royal court
followed the b«nd
» Rower-banked
(Continued on page two)
Loyd Speaker
Helps The Show
The surprise
other laughabl
(Continued on
Horses Judged By
Prof. R. G. Johnson
The handsome Public Library, fur-
nished in mahogany, la ta be matched
by the Junior Auditorium in the same
(wgod when that room is completed-
R. G. Johnson, from the Animal! Interest of the bond drive during the
j Quarters are provided upstairs for
Department at O. S. S.,' celebration told 72 of the ticket* on
the building caretaker, the kitchen
has not yet been equipped, and the gave an Instructive talk at the close Monday and Mr. Laird report» many
other» aa »old.
Rotary Club Is sponsoring a move- of the Horse Show program Tuesday
The rally will be held at eight
afternoon telling how horses should
be Judged in the several lines and o'clock thia coming Saturday evening.
then proceeded to judge the animals
on the lot, the following being the
*uw now Lvnr.uwv,» anu uirruuj, winners in the six different classes,
are held in this new building, will Shetland Peay C la ss A «x Entrise
Coquille receive most favorable pub- . l- Cl<1 Laird,
licity from thia beautiful building,
«• Betty Clark,
Sunday afternoon's demonstration
framed from the front, by its back- I-Saddle Horae —11 Entries
by the Coquille Fire Department was
ground of green myrtle trees.
shown before a crowd that lined both
Coquille truly has cause to con­
sides of Second street and credit for
gratulate itself and commend the
the Ideas of the demonstration goes
foresigh ted ness of the men who made
to Chief Craig Perrofg.
the building dream conq» true-
The fire hpyi all got plenty wet
Novel Fire Dept.
Again thia year, aa he has for th»
past two fourths and at other times
when called upon, Austin Dodge,
Myrtle Point movie house operator,
has been an Indispensable adjunct of
the celebration. His loud speaking
system was in use every day and
evening, enabling everyone to hear
what the events, and who the win­
ners were aa the prograig progressed
Mrs. Julia Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
And Austin |s • v«yy cjagsy M- B- F. Lawrence, from Roaeburg; Dr.
and Mra. B. F. Lucas, from Bandon,
and Mrs. Marvin Lyona, from Marsh­
' t.g---------- 11 ■.J-. i- W ttPMMW
Mra. Marvel Oberttuffer, who field, were here on the 4th and were
stopped a pouple of day* in Portland members of the party of 20 who en­
to vialt her brother. Marvin, on her joyed a picnic dinner in the J. A.
way here from New York City to Lamb yard that day.
■ " 1
spend the aummer with her mother,
Mrs. Birdie Skeels, arrived last eve­
ning by bus. She will probably visit formerly resided here, came in Mon­
in the old home town for a couple of . day from Redmond to visit relativ«»
and friends here for « w«ek.
Wayne '
Mi« Betty Emery, last year's
Fourth of July queen who had been
visiting at Denver, Cokx, and stopped
at her hum» in Elgin, Or»., for a few
day«, came in Saturday evening for
th» celebration and wjll probably re­
main her» tor several weeks. She
Is house guest at the O. L. Wood
transferred from the troop transfer
service on the pacific, (he was chap­
lain on the vessels), to Vancouver
Barracks, north of Portland, where
he is to be stationed for a time.
Lieut, and Mrs. Cecil Laws came
down from Portland last Thursday
evening for a week’s visit with their
parent*, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Laws,
Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Compton, and
their many friends here. Cecil is
being sent to s dental school In Port­
land by the Army.
in subduing the blaze mt off by
bombs in the “Chick Salm” house.
When it came to opening the box
(locked) to get the emblem to set on
the upright pipe in the middle of the
street, Leroy Swinney and Ray
Schroeder took plenty of punishment.
It was a tank battle, the muzzles of
the guns shooting water instead of
bullets and as the two men wrestled,
each striving to use his key to open
the box, the full force of the city
water system played on them from
the guns' barrels.
Swinney was the eventual winner
althou<h gchroeder gsve him s great
Coal Development In Coos
Is Nearer An Actuality
A. T. Toon, who has been taking a
leading part in the effort to develop
the coal resources of Coos county,
was in town Monday. “Came down
to take in your celebration,” he said.
H^ added that things were moving
right along and that before long the '
story at what has been accomplished
end what it is expected will br done
will be ready to break and that it
will be a good story.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Collier
over from Roseburg Monday evening.
“Pats” had a few odds and ends of
business to finish up here and they
timed their trip to take in the final
day of the celebration.