REDDY KILOWATT ELECTRIC SERVANT I'm Shooting Everything I Can aloaol OiMiUrr* Produ eta Ceruoratioo York M Proof Mountain States Power Company "A Salf-SupporHiif, Tax-Payii*«, Private Enterprise" piston Inside your engine are so many upside-down water glasses. And inside each cylinder is • snug-fitting piston that slides up and down like your dish mop in a glass. But pistons must do it about W 5» 1800 timet every minute /]• $ your engine is running. And that’e jgXXXSp* traveling! And Shell doesn’t want you in trouble. If your oar ihould stick « pistos wouldn't be commi in Jr any of our free oorvípo». Nor •xpoaaiva fro» kop- ©RECON 'GREEN’