■H* - • '’'i ■ J ? ■ ■ • ' 1 A * - <■ \ .... . A, m W- ♦ TO *• .< fAua nvt I’ **w *'L of V, Co. n. ;r'J > r ka i juju LUL»M.gi r » p — ■ ■■ !J- pi U.JL J ! "Jl-LUB B $ s. Watch For Fires Over The Fourth I-...................... ........ . „„ • I *•’ A — - will be substantially below the supply more fully appreciate OW own won- pf IMO, A« toe manufacturer» were ¡derful climate and the fact that there notiAed e< toe quota and are now to lare few spots tn to« entire United production, they will be able to Statee tost boast either toe winter, speed up without month« of delay In .spring of obtaining material from the steel head that Ptonts, So think I There may be a handicap in sueh start “be farm machinery factories as have next time been making tanks owing to the in­ creased demand for a greater quan­ tity of these implsments of war. Months ago tank production was cut back and practically came to a stand­ still when Russia lent word that it did not want or need toe quantity which was then being shipped under lend-leaae. N°W, however, American troops have lost such numbers of tank* and truck* on tha European really - battlefields that it has been decided w'Ttv* to restore production at the earliest possible moment. In addition to tanks and trucks being lost overboard while being transported, there were seversl losses on the beachhead to France ant) these losses w|U conttoW To the h|gh pommand tank» «nd trucks are pqw more important than that fannrni b» provided wlto agri’ cultural machinery gnq this may in­ terfere w(th the increased production of the latter. 4 'J 1 « • • .1 9 \ X ’ t f N, — Mr. Caaey: Dear Sir: After using many treatments for rheumatism and arthritis, with no reSults, a friend recommended Casey’s Compound, of which I have received wonder­ ful results. I recommend it most highly. MRS. B. P. BERT, 853 N. Preecett. TR. 2889. -..»..I. ............ y .. .i. ■■■■— . —.......... ", "My rheumatism has left me and I can truthfully recommend Casey’s Compound, for it did the work.” L. A. KRUGER, 4344 S. E. 29th St., Portland, Ore. SU. SS03. Oregon SUte Fair Win Not Rg Rtng^l TU. Fail Oregon will not have a state fair to asoardlng to announcement mad« to Salem late last WMk by Di- metor R 1« Peterson of the state de­ partment of agriculture, following ths regular semi-annual meeting of the atats board o< agriculture. Mem­ bers of toe board of agriculture and the director considered carefully all the angles on th« fair before deriding it would be unwise to hold a fair < under present condlttoRA Any state fair that co^ Ito MM this fall would be g glorified carnival, the iPoujBdltti. cjr/vv •. .. . 1M4. with arthritis. Since Com I can ___ ___ climb stailrs. My friends rejoice to see me walk again. Now feeling fine and no pain. OLIVE A. BOWKER. 1804 Dear Mr. Casey: I was down five months with Neuritis and Rheumatism. Was given up to die. Found Casey’s Compound a life saver. I cannot praise your Compound enough. Since my recovery. W. T. FORD, Baptist Minuter, 3728 S. E. Mor­ rison St., Portland, Oregon. MANY USERS OF CASEY’S COMPOUND RECOMMEND IT HIGHLY AFTER ALL OTHER TREATMENTS HAD FAILED YOUR DRUGGIST CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH Cl CASEY’S COMPOUND. Bottle.................................. ^B.^V OR WRITE J. H. CASEY, P,O- BOX 731, PORTLAND, ORE. .■ 'Í f * « ■ b ■•.1 ** « Í •' I 9 ,• .,4. r i — ARTHRITIS, NEURITIS and RHEUMATISM Speaking for and in behalf of to« cotton growers of toe soutoi Bsmtor Bankhead $ Alabama baa introduced a resolution for an tovto^tion qf the rayon industry an<^ has s^toe4 fW an approjMflatton f^ -^f WMM contingent fupd pg fc e«P*«*», .Since tovqiltiP'lOM «• «tama*’«’ : fo^ the purpose of gathering data for future legislation, || U to be presumed that Senator Bankhead hag to mind some plan wh|ch will benefit cutton growers toe expense of the rayau } \ 4 ernment, However, th« money does not flnd its way into toe treasury but . ■ --i 4.98 How the government is pocketing g profit from iU purchasm qf fUgas to Cufea If explained by Senator Van- depbprg pf Michigan, who stated on the floor of the senate that, whpe thq sugar If Imported fRq of «M/ «Mto purchase |s ppge by a federal agency (thg eommpdity Credit corporation) the tariff rate la added to th« charged too refiner» gpd this repM- sent« an outright profit tn th« gov­ is added to the operating funds of Commodity Credit corporation. When the purchases first began the tariff rate was paid to th« government as would be the case If a private con­ cern was doing the buying, but the Commodity Credit corporation saw an opportunity to build up its funds and took'advantage of a IMO law, which suspends the tariff on govern­ ment transactions. This arrangement costa the govern­ ment nothing because Piqyp igKg Credit cprpprat|on p framed by congressional appyopytoMW* but i1 is unfot|0aotary to V* Cuban PW dueen W* |t |s indicated they my file « claim fer toe sMovAt of toe tariff rate- They alga bolleye that when toe preasnt emergency is over the arrangement should be continued with tola pick-up profit going to them. Th« tariff rate la 75 eanta per 100 pounds, so If the Cubans win to toe controversy the cash gain to them would be considerable but Senator Johnson of Colorado insisted that there is nothing in the sugar act which would justify recognition of such a claim. t j *