Belle Knife Hospital To Invasión Fi THE SAME CAPABLE DIRECTION, COURTEOUS SU­ PERVISION AND SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING PREVAILS IN EVERY GANO SERVICE fono muterai ‘¿Home '¿ sew/ce • T€i£PNone loo nwimcc coquille Corner Third and Confier Real Estate A. C. Schultz Alee see him for • Ante LabrieaUon by Meehaaics • Ante Semiring of all kinds • Accessories. Washins, Polishing at Bank Bldg. • Gilmore Service Station ' Also Service on ♦INSURANCE ♦BIRTH CERTIFICATES • ♦PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ♦NOTARY PUBLIC "•sth site Front 81 at Willard CoauiUe, Oregon SAIL WAY /•« «rrr tnrftUaf . BUT Money H □BO One of the moot important savings is to sac« money when buying the necessities of life (and the beet inveetment for that saved money ie a War Savings Bond!). Food to a neoeeeity, of ooearn and when you buy all your food at Safeway, consistently, you eave money! TOMATOES, 12 cans 4143 □ardenside Ufo. »H -..... .. ...Ite fRlSH PRODUCI SPINACH "”*■ *’■ u, CAULIFLOWER *** B u. W <”un fp*FII A IIH ,,. Uncle Sun knows that thousand» of adults and children need a "Nke" for ewantlal transportation. That’» why he's relaxed the restriotion», made it possible for so many more of you to have bioydea like the handsome, light, fast Wings Liberty Model shown here. We’ve cut the weight and “trimmings” but not the quality. Everyone who rides It exclaims over the "extra miles per pound of pedal power.” It’s a streamlined beauty built for years of hard use. Come in today and let us help you with your applica­ tion 'or a certificate to buy this most modern type of bicycle. r “ '* Southwestern Motors Goodyear Store APRICOTS <"*” *• PLUMS KtiTL*. 5c ,7e ,*? 21c JL 20c CANTALOUPES, guaranteed ripe, med. sire lb. 14c LETTUCE First, crisp, tender lb. 12%c CUCUMBERS Hot-house Good slicers lb. 27c MAYONNAISE^'1;^^"" 28c BUTTER Ct— o’ c~ ■» 35c