vs. THI RSDAY, JUNE Ï9. 1944. .. .................................... “7 Revenues Title of Accounts and Estimates No. «5 8415458.76 8446,66642 S570.M11« 8367.KL90 85*7,090.06 8510.015.0« FUND REVENUES . Title of 8 . Revenues Year 1941 Revenues Year 1943 Revenues Year 1942-43 86,458.75 1,076.85 13,079 40 65645 28,440.14 17,065.50 8,111.35 8 25,096.90 417.45 5,761.15 186.50 18,11041 2,70143 8 55484.42 723.21 11,401.30 1,165.20 34,79248 2,147.62 443.43 K. 592.75 529.33 3,069.84 17,527.89 188,010.93 '47481.41 8 40,000 00 700.00 12,000 00 1,000.00 30,000.00 3,006.00 9,588.31 21,000.00 1040141 15,000.00 97144 2,81048 700.00 3,000.00 500.00 1,200.00 300.00 457.56 2,344.05 700.00 3,000.00 700.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 266.00 1,000.00 250.00 1,900.00 2,340.00 2,606.00 750.00 103.75 41.13 3.127.78 745.56 3,297.18 1,900.00 4,495.00 *3,000.00 1,900.00 4,495.00 3,000.00 57 19 95.34 65,000.00 106,000.00 162.365 12 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 300,197.19 245,292.59 316,045.00 316,045.00 131,511.19 192,753.97 J 171,655.87 77,440.00 ,440.00 V 5748341 176,998.88 ,63,80142 8313406.2« 840943948 8570491.16 8664407.41 840,000.00 700.60 12.000.00 1,000.00 30,000.00 3,000.00 18,000.00 2,916.54 90.55 354.87 156,883 39 30,738.38 Taxation, State A County----------- ----- _ 229,545.68 Taxation, County School Fund .......... 65,301.79 8 28,041.86 564.70 7422.70 539 55 21,976.91 3,017.89 8 50,000.00 1,200.00 12,00040 1,000.00 29,000.00 3,000.00 8474.411.77 118,030.06 77,440.00 116,530.06 77,440.00 8511415.06 8516415.06 -------- -------- T 6 Months Budget Expenditures Year 1943-44 Departm'tl As Revised Estimates By Budget Year Committee 1944-45 2.780.00 1,800.00 8 1,520.00 | 930.00 3,535.00 8 . 3400.00 8 2,310.00 2,400.00 1.95040 8 1,09748 8,1 1, 8 1.500.00 1.500.00 . 100 00 .. 50 00 11,000.00 2.650 25 199.53 Total General Road Fund 8209,553.39 8 57 18.810.98 $ : 12,250.00 8 2.565.17 1.147.04 21,375.33 - 13,397.04. »><" 551.4 1942-43 Budget Year 1943-44 $ 18,200.00 7,709 11 $ 13,810.50 Totals 8 18466.67 8 7, 8 13.810.50 -8 18.209.09 8 3.900.00 2,100 00 200.00 5.00 800.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 47.03 24.183 15 2,261.53 12.39 10,000.00 10,1X10.00 9,910.27 8 -8,749.00 88.749.00 9,910.26 8,749.00 8,749.00 11 Revenues Year 1941 Revenues Year 1942-43 Budget Year 1943-44 2,261.99 $ 13,400.00 421.12 8.00 —^4^- 13,90749 8 7,439.89 8 18,000.00 8 18,000.00 3 18.09049 8 18.999.99 7,439.89 6 Months Departm’tl As Revised Expenditures Estimates By Budget Year Year Committee 1943-44 1.70Q.00 $ 2,183.48 8 1,000.00 8 1,000.00 16,500.00 199.00 65.73 2.26 12,205.48 17,000.00 17,000.00 .60 8 16,601.20 8 18.200.00 8 14.655.95 8 18.090.90 8 18.990.00 471.08 34,918.75 9, S12:i.l9K 00 ■ S123.49H 0« 6 Months Departm'tl As Revised Expenditures Estimates By Budget Year Year Committee 1943-44 J 944-45 3 16,593.18 8 8 48,78043 8 50,000.00 »129.198.0« 8K443846 Bridge Fund Betterment A Replacements Interest on Warrants.............. Bridge Fund Reven Delinquent Taxes •_ O A C Funds........ .... Motor Vehicle Funds Sale of County Property Redemptions by Original Other .......... Taxation ...... 50.000.00 #7.799.94 8 33,513.50 4,639.62 38,152.37 110,000.00 Total Bridge .8 7.754.34 61,757.02 2.139.50 382 52 1.140.35 2,004.30 46.778.50 Taxation, General Road Fund Taxation, Sinking Fund______ TaxaUonJtoad Districts ........... Taxation from General Fund •. Title ot Accounts and Estimates GENUAL ROAD FUND APPROPRIATIONS Cost Year 1942-43 $ 41.385.50 3 43,385.42 8 43,000.00 8 43,000.00 Title af Accounts and Estimates No. 79 Cost Year 1942 < 3(1,825.96 83447.90 J TAXATION ..... 847.00 888.72 535.75 3442 2,364.78 104.73 General Bond Fund Revenues O A C Funds. ........................ ................. 8 15,204.34 8 21,13859 Coos Bay Wagon Road Funds.... ...... .. Motor vehicle Tax ...—-- 34,687.03 2,192.74 Sales, County Owned Lands...........— 1,295.18 Redemption of Original Owners.... - 4,082.25 Refund of Gttsoline Tax _ __________ 2,916.09 Fines ............... ................. .. 73.12 Forest Rentals .................. Sale of Equipment.... Cancellation of Warrants Delinquent Taxes ... 1,658.66 Other .... .......... ......... From Other Funds___ TOTAL, OTHER THAN 6 Months Departm’tl As Revised Expenditures Estimates By Budget Year Year Committee 1943-44 1944-45 Budget Year 1943-44 Year 1942-43 . Year 1941 MA BUT IOAD FUND Cost Year Title of Accounts and Estimates Cost Year 1942-43 Budget Year 1943-44 6 Months Departm’tl As Revised Expenditures Estimates By Budget Year Year Committee 1943-4« 1944-45 - 8 50.00 56.66 8 1406.67 217.71 473.09 8 1.50 • 77.04 9340 8 7644 93.00 8 149747 8 682.00 92.28 339.21 58.50 8 1.171.99 8 No. 82 Vi 8 8 1,703.83 198.11 704.91 8 3,66645 8 3,400.00 8 250.00 900.00 60.00 756.14 114.88 183.29 8 341040 8 146441 8 < 0.00 640 2,400.00 8 250.00 900.00 60.00 2,400.00 250.00 900.00 60.06 341646 8 3418.68 N Repairs uipment 8 Labor Materials 8 8 1,584.21 8 8 7,48141 8 ' 665.96 8 389.61 8 238.78 16,622.09 8,644.92 17,098.13 17,624 22 16,760 00 21,172.15 12,65872 8,189.35 13,636.74 12.46 92.46 119.74 172.08 144.45 289.94 462 19 351.86 52.35 15.88 42.50 854.06 786.48 8 8^/<.13 Publishing Notices 1,074.30 230.62 1,220.89 58 50 3,715.50 644.29 3,121.82 2,225.00 474.97 1,178.16 8 8 5,256.00 628.00 2,000.00 60.00 8 2,777.01 365.61 951.45 8 5,256.00 628.00 2,000.00 60.00 8 » A 5,256.00 628.00 2,000.00 60.00 20,000 00 15,000 00 14,000.06 11,261.24 1,484.12 4,904.96 8 8 47436.43 8 56469.66 8 18417.75 8 56496.06 8 50,590.60 8 10,248.08 4,65746 8 35,519.66 8.396.62 « 24,000.00 12,000.00 8 19,589.79 8,306.07 8 30,000.00 6,000.00 8 30,000.00 6,000.00 8 14,966.36 8 4341648 8 36,666.66 8 81,79546 8 86,666,96 t S6 0MX) Totals • As per Above ... 3,632.18 8 2,496.39 8 4,735 43 . 8 4,800.00 8 2,363.40 8 4,800.00 8 8 50,500.00 . 8 50,500 00 1,350.00 1,350.00 8 51.500.00 8 14.832.46 00 No. 81 Market Bead Fnrfd Bev< Delinquent Taxes __ Cash on Hand ................. Sales and Redemptions Motor Vehicle Licenses.. Other ....... Taxation 948.18 71,549.69 Totals 72.4974 7 Revenues Year 1942-43 Budget Year 1943-44 .6 Months DepartmHl As Revised Expenditures Estimates By Budget Year Year Committee 1943-44 1944-45 8,000.00 944.09 10.37 39,093.58 8 4B.8A1.31 13,000.00 3.000.00 13,000.00 38,850.00 35450.00 738.46 43,500.00 4.51 38,291.70 S - Reca pi tula tip n of Budget Budgeted Revenue Expenditures Other Sources 1944-1945 1944-1945 8 l.ntxir 7,305.81 2,647.56 8 344.00 8 10.99 7,052.55 1,707.51 8 3,500.00 1,500.00 945347 8 354.96 8 8,766.66 8 5.060.66 8 0.00 8 8 3,500.00 8 ‘ 1,500.00' 8432,575.06 77,440.00 123,498.00 18,000.00 51,850.00— 8316,045.00 * 106,000.00 1,000.00 16,000.00 8116.530.06 77.440.00 17,498.00 17,000.00 35,850.00 Totals ....... 8703,368.96 8439,945.00 1264,118 96 Estimated#failure of Current Tax Collections, Budget y A i 19 j 1-1!'45 5.996.99 8 3,500.00 1,500.00 5.999.09 AHmtatte^e^Tay 52,695.89 8317,013.95 -,..J 8 14,252.37 8 21,375.33 8 13,397.04 8 22,000.83 8 8,749.00 8 8,749.00 Indebtedness, May 31, General Fund Warrants .........—...-.... Indigent Soldiers Fund Warrants Dog License Fund Warrants General Road Fund Warrants District Road Fund Warrants Bridge Fund Warrants ......... Market Road Fund Warrants - Serial Bonds to be Paid August 1. 1944 . Callable Bonds to be Paid August 1, 1944 Serial Bonds to be Paid September 1, 1944 Serial Bonds due 1945 to 1949. inclusi 1944 ....... .... — ............. 12,069.78 ' 55.00 111.00 6,988 13 790.36 1,462.85 3,630.55 8 35.000.00 322,000.00 15,000.00 92,000.00 Total Costa Not------- Warrant -Adjustment Other ... Totals .. 15.00 8 332.99 201.70 8 291.76 347.99 Estimated Taxation 1944-1945 General Fund County School Fund General Road Fund Bridge rund ............ Market Road Fund Add: For Refunding Issue ... 78 8 51.850.00 4X 8 6.167.18 38.152.37 8 14,165.07 667.39 l.ouo.oo Revenues Year Tax to be Imposed As per Above . 50% as Required by Statute . 8 50,500.00 4,800.00 on Warrants 77 46 8 33,688.63 140.00 500.00 50.00 900.00 58,990.75 8 35.27546 16453.51 9,543.36 ^5,794.37 Total» Title of Accounts and Estimates 20,000.00 15,000.00 14,000.00 140.00 500 00 50.00 900.00 123.26 202.92 41.25 140.00 500.00 50.00 900.00 20,000,00 15,000.00 14,000.00 8 .28 8 31,320.92 18 2,387.71 BEVI\I Is 744440 8 4464.67 8 744446 8 7,644.60 8 Market Maintenance 180 ml. at 8166.75 .......... 8 31,430.28 8 16,1 Industrial Insurance .......................... .. Interest on Warrants—«................. „... 2,036.30 To Callable Bonds _____ -- 8 56.56 ATTEST: L. W. DDDY 464.000.00 8489.107.67 Done st Coquille, Oregon. this 22 day of June in the year 8 8 25,107.67 L. D. FELSHBIM. County Judge LARS P. PETERSON, Commissioner P. W. CULVER, Commissioner