_ , , _ • Months Budget Expenditures ,,_ _ Cost ■■nue at Accounts and Y*irA, 1942-43 Disease Control 525.56 5.00 3 I 1,320. 90 530.56 1 8 1,82649 Departm’tl As Revised Estimates By Budget Year 1943-44 1943-44 Year 1944-45 Committee Cost Year Accounts und Examinations Expense 82.00 11.00 » n . , Budget ,Ye“\. Cost Yeur Cost 6 Mos. 1942 1942-43 1943-44 3 105.00 42.00 3 133.65 4.65 96.69 9 147.99 8 18846 3 Indemnity per statute 75.00 67 50 $ t 876.50 3 328 00 3 556.00 3 * 4,000.00 909.99 307.5« 307.56^ 1 4 Graxing Area $ ■200.00 As per SUtute... On County Owned Lands 3,034.14 Hunter and Trapper Mileage ...... Scalp Bounties 3 600. 00 150.00 382.50 300 00 65.00 190.00 $ 2,570.46 3 OUO.OO 240.00 185.00 8 8 3,000.00 3 600.00 400.00 800.00 3 200.00 2,570.46 3 3,000.00 3 3.000.00 600410 3 200.00 127.50 600.00 400.00 800.00 9 900.00 600.00 41X1.00 200.00 3 200.00 167-96 9 399.90 8 698.69 900.00 9 800.00 900.00 375.00 340.00 25.00 100.00 40.00 3 1,440.00 650.00 800.00 200.00 3 - • V- ■ 4 1,147.75 8 4204k) i 227.00 223.03 56.14 400.84 2.75 32.95 721.00 3 ‘1,740.00 • 3 2.600.00 247.50 25.00 155.45 24.23 990.81 66.01 3 868.19 292.50 289.45 35.17 204.11 25.88 3 000.00 300.00 250.00 10.00 100.00 40.00 490.02 36.00 342.41 15808 3 1,308.34 413 50 633 82 188.71 3 570.00 9 6 411.03 267.85 467.78 900.00* 375.00 340.00 45.00 -* 100.00 40.00 ' ToUls 200.00 3 $ ’V-- V Court Janitor-Jailer, Part Salary Coal and Wood Water and Light Janitors Supplies Maintenance Grounds __ Insurance .... Other Expense ... Healer ef Weights As per SUtute 1944-45 165.00 Indigent Soldiers and Sailors Per Statute Indemnity per Statute 1943-44 3 -J Tubercular • Months Deportarti As Revised Expenditures Estimates By Budget Ye“r Year Committee Court House, Old Janitor, Salary ... Fuel . .................... Lights and Water Janitors Supplies .. Insurance ............. Maintenance and Repairs Maintenance of Grounds 935.00 249.00 454.70 163.50 150.00 1,761 89 6.23 3 173.22 79.05 3 - - 1,440.00 550.00 600.00 ■JOerty 1443.58 9 2.948.60 9 2,042.80 9 323.21 1 55040 1 590.00 10.00 678.66 9 9 650.00 41.78 8.647.98 .“7*. ' 550.00 125.00 3.00 2.50 1480.98 1,168.20 9 USAI 9 10.00 10.00 • 56949 9 50040 9 650 00 3 650.00 19.60 102.13 1,818.74 100.00 350.00 1,436.63 76.85 558.92 350.00 350.00 ToUls General 10,525.00 9 Welfare Commission (County Only) 141946 9 B4W.96 9 686 01 3 M^Ml 14664» 9 8,500.00 9 1460100 » 9 8,17644 9 298.80 9 7,50040 3 1,500.00 3 6,500.00 1,500.00 For Relief 4 Old Age Pensions — Superintendent, Salary Superintendent, Travel Stenographer, Salary ....... . Examiners, Fees and Tests Records and Supplies .... Postage and Express Postal Telephone and Telegraph Extra Help 2,000.00 304 88 958.30 Aid To Dependent Children Welfare Commission —...... 448.20 3 540340 9 '.. '■ ' ' " ' ’ ’ V r”~ 2,706.80 $ 4,968.00 9 646640 9 * 2,563.00 900.00 3 9 1040000 9 10,800.00 Statutory School Provisions Institute Fund ...... ... County School Fund School Library Fund Elementary School Fund District Deficits Totals J 1,099.98 202.83 625.02 2,212.16 277.17 1,374.84 8 447448 8 75.00 101,898.02 811.37 41,417.50 3 2411.19 8 365.84 287.31 186.92 295.39 119.03 166.50 75.09 22.65 596.75 - 177.62 145.45 91.32 TeUls ...... 527.00 3 8 8 1,200.00 99.71 750.00 9 2,400.00 350.00 1,500.00 90 00 300.00 180.00 14500 375.00 9 8,400.00 350 00 1,500.00 90 00 300.00 180.00 145.00 378.00 332.45 111.11 309 27 4499.63 9 5,349.90 9 840244 8 5,340.00 9 5.340.00 7540 9 75.00 77,440.00 774.40 9 75.00 87,982.50 706X11 3 100.00 77,440.90 774.40 8 100.00 ---------------- 77,440.00 774.40 88,972.96 803.94 40,091.11 2,400.00 350 00 1.500.00 90 00 300.00 180.00 145.00 375.00 105.00 3144401.89 3 46,001.11 3 89451.M S 78494.40 3 88,76541 8 8 - 3 78414.40 3 78414.40 8 8 Dependent Childrens Institution* County Costs Only ... County Farm Superintendent, Salary .. Matron, Salary .—..... ... Cook, Salary ................ Cooks Assistance. Salary Night Watchman, Salary Mun Orderly, Salary . Nurse, Salary .............. Special Nurse, Salary Farm Hand, Salary .. . Groceries and Feed Shoes, clothing and bedding Furniture and Dishes Other Supplies Fuel ------- ---------- Light and Power Telephone ......... Burials ...».......... Doctor and Medical Expense Car and Car Expense '...... Maintenance of Buildings Industrial Insurance ............. Horae New ...... -......... ............. —— Fordson Tractor Disc Harrow Plows 780.00 9 360.00 1,520.00 «(X1.00 800 00 450 99 365 00 580 1,594.18 420.00 240 00 181.00 • 300 co »60.00 . .12.00 300 00 560.00 4.410.49 698.19 357.45 1.096 94 564.50 583.33 92.46 289.50 670.22 828.70 8.692.43 450.87 ToUls . ... 819.84 5.493.73 751.46 484.89 1,160.91 724.69 486.89 84.70 167.50 598.28 1.316.56 1,187.79 344.21 2,70.98 96 33 525.61 ' 9 . 2,000.00 1.000.00 1,440.00 960.00 600.00 LD20.00 1,500.00 3 . 2,400 00 1,320.00 l.SflOlH) - 960 00 720.00 1,080.00 1,500.1X1 600.00 2.508.93 153 19 44.61 33495 211.39 258.23 46.70 102.50 364.76 23687 89 35 182.26 1,440.00 ,6,000.00 500.00 b > 300 00 500.00 600.00 600.00 90.00 300.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 400.00 1,440.00 6,000 00 500.00 300 00 500.00 600.00 600 00 90.00 300.00 500.00 500 00 500.00 400.00 9,783.74 9 28.270.66 9 9 1,200.00« 6,000.00 500.00 300.00 500 00 * 600Æ0 600 00 90 00 300.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 400.00 200.00 and 1.320.00 7« Totals County Payroll Cans and Tops............■■■■ Meats, Vegetables and Fish Other 1,780.00 820.00 1,164.48 678.38 529.15 830.00 1,300.00 2,700.00 1,200.00 1.560.00 960.00 720.00 1,080.00 1,500.00 3 1 29,723.46 9 28.719.66 » 9 21.770.60 Cash Committment» Interest, General Fund Wts..... One-Half Game Fines Bond Redemption, Principal Bonds. Interest . .......... ...... Retirement, Callable Bonds Loss on Tax Rebates----- Loan on Sur. Comm. Plan Other______ -„...I Bennett Children Total» 9 137.78 715.75 72,312.25 21.168 75 17,771.53 6,500.00 432.21 119.93847 4.19 164 73 65,000.00 16.738 75 175,363.74 5,664.62 17.95 64.00 826341748 4.71 724.IX) 48,000.00 9,348 75 63,232.12 21,028 79 8 8 800.00 50,000.00 13,325.00 110,000.00 21,000.1X1 2.24 750.00 7,882.50 94,812.04 21,374.96 1,000.00 50400.00 3,412.50 1,000.00 50,000.00 3,412.50 21,500.00 21,500 00 8195.185.99 812449L76 9 7841249 9 75412.59 283.43 • 8142.62140 As Above . Law Library Grant County Grant for purpose of re­ tiring Library Indebtedn Civilian Defense As Above Ration Boards 8 2,401.74 1,130.90 3 300.00 9 3,000.00 600.00 3 300.00 874.33 245.55 100.00 100.00 Totals . 3 1,213.60 ‘■Si’ 9 8 98.35 I 8455.49 6 146.28 I 1 *506.40 441 94 470.14 77.64 9 1.496.11 9 600.00 600 00 0.00 0.00 1409.99 9 227.50 241.23 159 65 101.87 8 730.25 9 600.00 9