The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 29, 1944, Image 1

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Coquille Boys In
Service At Home
Mayor Declares
Monday A Holiday
lake a large
but care and
d within the
at the Coquille Hotel desk.
Two Budget Meetings
Set For July 10
Western Auto Dealer
Store To Open July 1
With the announcement by him of
the opening of a new Western Auto
rhich are to Authorized Dealer Store at 546 South
O. Johnson, Taylor in Coquille on Saturday, July
•bandry De- 1, Harry Johnson, owner, wishes to
the first and state, “I am proud to become a part
11 be in Sth of the business community of this
are listed by progressive city, and pledge myself
to bring to Coquille, a complete stock
125.00 $5.00 of famous, fully guaranteed Western
25.00 5.00 1 Auto merchandise, and to adhere to
. 25.00, 5.00 Western’s long established policy of
25.00 5.00 , friendly service and saving prices.”
• 25.Q0
*| ‘In the past twenty-one years, John-
.. 10.00 5.00 son has operated Western Auto com-
show events. pany stores in the communities of
paid in cash Portland, Medford, and Modesto. And
ing at 1:30, for the past two years has served as
isted as fol- a Dealer Fleldman, in which capacity
second prize his duties have been to assist and ad­
vise many of Western’s Authorized
dealers. His work in this capacity
$5.00 $2.00 has eminently fitted him to operate
a) 5.00 2.00 his own new store to the best inter-
— 5.00 2.00 eats of Coquille. Such a background
... 5.00 2.00 has thoroughly acquainted him with
.. .5.00 2.00 Western’s policies. Johnson is proud
to announce that Coquille residents
... 5.00 2.00
(Continued on page nine)