SECOND SECTION Linus Seéley Awarded The i Purple Heart For Injuries Sustained At Tarawa MB st ■ w a ■ Ralph Moore's Reply To Coos Bay Times Editorial In reply to an editorial in a recent issue of'the Coos Bay Times, de­ claring his statements about the fed­ eral governments' use of Social Se­ curity receipts for other than Social Security payments to be incorrect, Hon. Ralph T. Moore, who releases a rdlumn each week to the Coos coun­ ty weekly papers, under the heading, "Timely Topics,” sent the following letter to the Times but which its editor has not yet seen fit to publish: national income at a high figure through heavy production and great­ ly lowered tax levies so that a max­ imum of capital be available to fi­ on the Fairview road. nance the flow of commerce. Repay­ ment of borrowings from the Social Security reserves should be provided for in every budget submitted to the Congress so that the integrity of the trust be' unimpaired. The tacts are therefore just as I have represented them, although I will concede that the language used would be particularly unpalatable to ardent supporters of the New Deal. My intent was to point out what was going on and not to hurt any one’s feelings. As the charge you have made is a serioul one, I will appreciate your giving this reply in an early issue. The diligent fostering of a candid habit of mind, even in trifles, is a matter of high moment both to char­ acter and opinions—Howson. Breakfast Nook 10.50 Brook's Used Furniture Phone 119L Step Right This Way A Loaf of Bread and a Pound of Meat and All Coquille .. FOR THE Celebration Coos To Receive $12,565 Wagon Road Grant Land Taxes JULY 2-3-4 RACES OLD TIME SQUARE DANCING CONTEST NEVER A DULL MOMENT . . . FUN GALORE ------------------------------------ ------------- ;--------------------