Cranberry Growing In The Northwest barrica; fruit and nut trees. Foul- • Uy House, barn, and double ga- rage. L. W. Oddy, Phone MJ. (Continued from Page One) wnrlr. U BICYCLE FOR SALE—376 Elliott, Coquille. . ' South It*» h GOOD HOUSEKEEPERS Save Time • and Money. See Southwestern Mo- j tors Goodyear Store for cleaning , needs to keep your home spic and , span. You’ll find mops, brushes, , waxes, sponges, step ladders and . many other hard-to-flnd household 2 helps at budget balancing low I. prices. its i MOTORISTS—Look at your car, ev­ eryone else doe». If it Is showing r its age, better see ua about some u items to give it new zip. Good- s year polishes, waxes, cleaners, - chamois and sponges. Southwest- 1 eru Motors Goodyear Store. Ito t FOR RENT—Furnished three-room I I apt . clean, light and airy with water. Inquire 351 So. Henry St., Flora E. Dunne. stf FOR SALE—1939 DeLuxe Chevrolet Coupe; excellent condition, tires . like new, only 15,000 miles. Call at 175 So. Beach, Coquille. lt*s FERTILI^R—>-10-10. bone meal, ammonia phosphate, victory fertilizer, we have all. FARR A ELWOOD. \ s 1944 NEW CHEVROLET Trucks- Loggers’, Farmers*. Haulers’, We can now supply you with a new 1*44 Chevrolet Truck. Southwest­ ern Motor Co, Coquille. tfs FOR SALE—Logging truck and tan­ dem trailer, new 120 motor, new tires, complete equipment. H. A. Dean, Valley View Ranch, Camas Valley, Ore. 22t6*s v. . WATER SYSTEMS—We have power pumps and shallow and deep well water gystems. J. A. LAMB COM­ PANY. X a WANTED—To buy small or spinnet- type Plane Write Box 515, Ban­ don, Ore. ■ lt*s WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We service all makes of washers Washer Service Co. 365 West . Front St Phone 17. tfs PAINT UP—Clean up, Buy your Paint Now, while stocks are com­ plete. J. A. LAMB COMPANY, s FOR SALE-’41 G.M.C. Log truck, Trombley trailer; new rubber. Eva Brooks, Rt. 4» Eugene, Ore. Phone 4513. * it«s RIDING EQUIPMENT—Navajo »ad­ dle blankets. Spurs, Latlgos, saddle FOR SALE—N. H. Red Hatching strings, bits, cinchas, stirrups. Eggs, 31.25 per setting. All stock FARR & ELWOOD. s blood-tested under Oregon Poultry Improvement Plan. Guy C. Torry, next to Coquille Auto Court. 21t4*s MeCORMICK - Deering Milkers. TRACTORS, Farm Machines and Genuine IHGdtopairs. J. A- LAMB COMPANY. s Night Phone 15CR Southwestern Motors MILKING Machines—If yours needs overhauling, bring it In now. We carry a full line bf parts and sup­ plies for McCormick Deering ma chines. J. A. LAMB COMANPY. s The Assembly < m God Second and Heath Sts. * L, C. Parsing, Pastor Thursday 7'45 May Evangelistic- party in charge. * Friday 7:45 Rev. Howard May speaking and Mrs. May will sing. Saturday is a free night. Sunday 9:45 Individual class rooms with selected teachers for each class. There is a class for every age. Bertha Byrd, superintendent. 11:00 Morning service with a Christ-honoring message by Rev. Mr. May. You will enjoy the spiritual atmosphere 'and receive encourage­ ment and help for these days. 6:43 Christ Ambassadors service; Mary Lou Newton, president. 7:43 Evening evangelistic service; there will be special singihg and an 'inspiring song service. Mr. May will bring the final message of these spe­ cial meetings. Hear him. Tuesday 7:43 Prayer meeting night. Friday 7:45 Devotional and prayer. Emmanuel Baptist Church Rev. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor 10:00 Sunday School. . 11:00 Morning Service. Sermon by the pastor, r‘What Bills Do You Pay?” 7:00 Young People’s meetings. 8:00 Closing Evangelistic service with Lee Finley, evangelist from Porterville, California, in the Pioneer Methodist Church. Heat him tonight and Friday at the Baptist Csurch. Eternal decisions are being made. Saturday, Junior Choir meets at 7:30. Church Of The Nazarene Ninth and Heath Rev. V. W. Anglin, Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sunday Bible School. 11:00*3- m. Morning Worship. Pas­ tor preaching on God’s Perfect Gift to hungry humanity. 7:45 p. m. Evening service, Evan- egiist E. M. Arnold of Portland, Ore­ gon, will speak. 7:45 p. m. Wednesday evening, midweek prayer meeting. Prayer and praise. —V. W. Anglin - ROLL ROOFING—108 sq. tt., Ur, nails, instructions, only $1.40. FARR & ELWOOD. » t