t BrJ •• ‘77’ ■ ■ > » ’ ) , » ! ¿A - ■, . •» ,-*** x e ION. THURSDAY, JUNE «8. 1M4. - PAGE FOUR 7 "* ; - hi ■ »m» a Sbto I . s’, ' ‘- '¡^it -t-*' ■>' I ■ Msie umuu • A Weekly Letter From Washington, D, C TWENTY YEARS AGO BY CONGRESSMAN HARRIS ELLSWORTH ... J ■'"»■7»11 H, A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMES Publisher» H. A. YOUNG. Editor i » s, & I a Get a good Book at Norton’s Rent­ al Library. tfs Insurance specialist. T. R. Bull, t 1 X1 concrete roadway as quickly as pos­ Washington, D. C., June 1?, 1044 ~ a few also who sought to wreck the sible. ■ j This week the House finished its functioning of the law, but these at­ r ■ ■ more than seven days of discussion tempts were also voted down by large At the school meeting Monday eve­ of the Price Control Bill (OPA.) A majorities. i What happened during the past two ning A. T. Morrison was re-elected few amendments were put in on the J director and O. C. Sanford, clerk. Floor of the House, hut moaf of those years of administration of the Price REASONABLE RATES' offered on the Floor were rejected. Control Law is very similar to the Geo. W. Bryant returned Wednes­ The bill is now in conference. The type of administration that has been ON day from San Francisco, driving up Conference Commit^e made up of given other acts passed by Congress. OPA adminis- another new yellow bus. This car, both Senators and Representatives It happened that the which is of 22 passenger capacity, will doubtless make a- report early tration was more in the public eye * - makes four new busses the Coast next week, and the bill will probably and has received the most attention, similar administrative Auto Lines has purchased* this year. by passed uud go to the President. However, There has been some rumor to the ef­ abuses of other laws are occurring. The Wagner Labor Relations Act is Mr. and Mrs. Paul Skeels drove fect that tike President might veto the J. D. Graham A Son have begun in last evening for a visit with his bill, because oF some of the provi­ a reasonable statute, but the adminis­ Ml • clearing the ground of all trees on tration of it has caused strikes, con­ brother, C. T. Skeels. Paul is now in sions. However, taPVtew of the fact rlSTIOi their property, across the street from fusion, and bad relations. There are the grocery business at Dallas, and that no great sweeping changes were the city hall, preparatory to moving is doing well. made, it seems to me he should find numerous other minor examples. ’ * 4 Since the courts as presently consti- their residence to the lot just south of 3 it acceptable. NOT INDISPENSABLE Mrs. E. D. Sperry ’s residence. On the The debate on the bill represented tuted generally uphold the Adminte- Last night at the Chautauqua per­ ao outpouring of the grievances of tration, we are dangerously near, It is tla.t some advocates of a 100 feet square which will then be O CALL us WHEN fourth term do not believe President F available they ’ propose to erect a formance J. E. Norton launched the our 140,000,000 people against what under this Administration, a change campaign for funds for Boy Scout h^s apparently been poor adminis- 1 in the form of our Repub) ic from a Roosevelt is indispensable. * Senator dance hall this summer. , YOU NEED ANT OF ........ . work in Coos county. As chairman nation of a fairly good law. •’Cn-Agdn-Off-Aguin” Barkley ad­ The | three-branch government, namely these services mitted in a recent magazine STJirte * feznil* Groshens, Misses Odille and of the financial committee in Coquille recitation of the troubles follfoved a J legislative, administrative and judi- Mr. Norton appeared between the that R x^cvett to not an indispensable M,e Groshens and Marguerite Hitler general pattern. Regulations forced çial, to a government of only two m it. The .Seuator says he doesn’t cwne ln iron) Heppner, Oregon, last acts and outlined the facts about Boy manufacturers out of business with branches, namely administrative'and thi k : Ayona to indispensable. Saturday.' evening tor a visit with Scouts in Coquille and Coos county. low price ceilings, but permitted new legislative. Since the Congress can­ /I ll^wiM, Charles Michealson, the Mrs E. l ,. Vinton, their .sister and Pledges totaling $110 were signed al manufacturing in the same line to not write administrative detail into 'ÏTOdSS , • ; s New Deal's smear artist, admits in COu*in. The first three had to start thq Chautauqua tent last evening bggin business and^seil their prod­ law, we are placed in a very diffi­ hit took, ‘Tlje G iost Talks,’’ that bacg home Wednesday morning but Which’ is not enough to carry on the ucts at much higher prices. This re­ cult npt to say impossible, situation. K ' Ro. sevelt is nothing more nor less Miss Hisier will remain here for the work-Jiere- - - sulted in scarcity of goods and ulti­ As I see it, the only way of re­ Sil CM aille than another poltician. He makes it summer. mately In much higher prices to the establishing the Republic under the plain that he thinks the politician in Judge,and Mrs. R. H. Mast, Mrs. consumer for many items. Constitution is to go back to the the White House is very dispensable. E. W. Gregg put a crew of meh to Earl Leslie, Miss Hughes and James One typical example was the pan three-branch system of government. In ether words, the only people work this morning, tearing up and Mast went out to Eugene last Sunday cake flour situation which developed who ar a supposed to Chink F. D. R. is burning the planking on Second to be present on Monday when Reub­ about a year ago. Many producers indi pi nsable are the voters who street, which has outlived Us useful­ en H. Mast, Jr„ graduated from the of non-branded pancake flour in i* * don’t kqow mm. . ness. He plans to start laying the^U. of O. medical school. packages were forced to quit busi- .X ■■ , u,_ , < ne at the best informed Democrats yr!- ■■■«ay .. ■ -i. ------- ------------------ l . u. ----- lx .. nesa when denied a lc increase in in Washington is quoted as stating case, a very amusing incident oc- price from 6c to 7c per package, that “President Roosevelt is one of curred. The decision as first handed Whereupon, some new firms went the greater politicians and one of the By R. T. Moore down made a very piou» statement into the business of pioducing pan­ wo. U udmiiuHrators the world has The weekly Press release from the concerning the right of every ciii- uaKe flour of the same kind and in ever seen.” Thai’s his opinion, and 4 West Coast Lumberman’s Associa­ zen to choose his own “ruler.” Evi­ the same size packages, but they were he cover« n lot -of territory—bu^ mil- tion states that the direct loss in pro­ dently, Mr. Hannegan. after reading permitted to sell at' ceiling prices as liut s oT voters have come to the same duction drf? to the recent strike was that one, grabbed his hat and rushed high as 18c per package. concl’ Jon and will not be inclined’ Numerous small retail stores were one hundred and twenty five mil­ over to the Supreme Court to head to challenge this prominent Demo­ it off. The astute Democratic mana­ forced out of business because the lions. But a more alarming state ­ 1 crat's cppraisal of the New Dealers’ ment is that the strike .resulted in a' ger was not going to hand the Re« prices, they were compelled to pay for ineispqpsable man. Io«' of man-power that, cannot be publican Party such a block-buster merchanlse were higher than their made up immediately and is apt to as that. The Court, seeing the erfor retail ceiling price line, but new • • • • • • • • • • lead to failure to meet the quotas set of its ways, immediately withdrew stores appeared next door or across the street, selling similar merchandise # Fragment» of Fact • by the Army and Navy as a minimum that portion of the text of it» decision at higher price». The new stores, of and substituted a text containing for 1844. '. JI und Fancy I » It is very regrettable that the other- more diplomatic language. This was course.were permitted ceiling prices 4 done as fast as compatible with the in line with their current merchan­ wise clear record* of the industry A A I rime Minkler Churchill refused should, ha?e been marred by the dignity expected of that august dise cost price«. In my own district, I haye known _ _________ to diseuse in. _______________________ parliament the standihg strike. But it is also good that «.great body. But the Press had heard it of General Chas, de Gaulle with the majority of'lumber workers realized the flr«t time and a-flood of indignant several, instances of tons of farm allies. The frictioh between the the importance of their duty to re­ editorials slipped through the Eastern produce being left unharvested for reason that OUA delayed too long British and American leaders on one main on the job and refused to take part of the country decrying the doc- trine that all citizens must choose a *n 1 telling the processors what the hand and th»’Free Frehch general on part in the walk-out. It is difficult to say at this writ­ “ruler.” We are apt to hear more of ««fling price on the canned, bottled, the -other is well known but it is or preserved product would be. Since ing how the loss in production can be this during the election campaign. maintained that the reasons for it r. We _________ ______________ made up. can only hope that the _ ' While the Supreme Court seems to th* Processors did not know what must not be made public lest the ______ the -------- European war will be1» individual in thinking could sell their pack for, they enemy profit by the knowledge. « progress r——----- — of — — — .................................................................... ~ on many However, if President Roosevelt's favorable that the requirements subject», they seem to be Joyal to the were afraid to buy the produce from refusal to recognise de Gaulle as the ot our armies in that theatre will be New Deal doctrine on cases important The«« are but •' few example«. v-w ,-j less estimated and will be within To the establishment of general head of the French people 4s uuc due to leM than 1 hrftan will the production limite of^he industry < policy. This wiU force “the Congress There were hundreds recited an the the fact that the Fren^hrf to continually plug the leak with Floor. - ■ make no concessions in the case of ' - ’ Out of'sheer desperation, many statute» annulling the bad effects possession* already lost to France, The Administration has lost con­ of the Court decisions. The Supreme Members of Congress sought to rem­ then the President, is to be com- trol over one of the three main Court has lost a great deal of prestige edy administrative abuses by atempt- 1 ». mendeda,r French-indo China gave Japan the branches of Government, the Con- during the past decade and is still on Ing to write atimintetrative detail into means oi conquering Singapore from 1 Kress. It has been forced to attempt the down grade. Another generation the law. The Members proposed the the rear. Dakar was long a knife holding its line by the bypassing of must pass before its high place can be hundred or more amendmentZbecause 4.40/4J0-2I ... ....... SI LOO 600-14................. ...SILOS pointed at the western hemisphere, the Congress and the exclusive use fully restored in the eyes of the peo- there seemed to be no other way of 4.H/S.OO-IO ... ....... 1L00 6M/6.50-I* ....... .... ÌÒ.SO w Bii getting relief for the people. The which Germany expected to use a* of the executive and judicial US/MfclB ... ........ IMS 7 j O$ i I................ .... 21.5S SMAflAf ... 1 original Price Control Law save the 7.00-1* .A........... .... 2L10 • soon as she could get around to ft in branches of Government. * TAX (people no appeal from OPA to the a conquest of South America The 1 An indication of this trend is the Oven Canning Is Unsafe ’ (courts. It was recognized, however, island of Martinique and other trP« oi decisions currently being Home canning accidents showed g by a majority of the”members of the French islands in fhe Caribbean af- handed down by the Supreme Court, sharp increase during the year IMS.'House that it Is impossible to write seven of whose members have been fgrded bases for German U-boats according to the Safety Division of, administrative detail into any sta- which came close to winning the war appointed by’ President Roosevelt the Secretary of StMe’s office. Re ~ ­ tute. The best that could be dqne, The Supreme Court has been break ­ for Germany by the destruction of sults of a national surve/ of home . therefore, in addition to throwing ai» our shipping before we could get ing precedents by flavoring its de­ canning accidents conducted by the I Certain other safeguards tiround the started. Madagascar was neutral­ cisions strongly with partisan poli­ National Safety Council, have just administration of the law was to pro­ ized and kept ddt of Jap hands only tics. It has held to thé Une of Gov­ been received by the Safety Division. vide a system of appeal through the after British forces battled with the ernment centralization in Washing­ More than 80 per cent of the home courts from OPA rulings. ton by deciding that insurance is in ­ Vichy French troops. In Syria also canning accidents reported to the ,it is true that sonie -minor groups there wbs bloodshed between the terstate commerce and therefore «ob­ Southern prugon s largest apd mo>! Complgfo fire Service ject to regulation by the. federal gov­ Council occurred in connection with sought the pasvige of amendments former aliles. oven canning, it was said. About fif ­ that would give tinlr Interests special The history of the war shows that ernment rather than by the several teen per cent occurred in connection advantage. The House was well the French overseas empire, whan states, thus throwing into question Broadway at Curtis, Marshfield, Tel. 652 with pressure cookers and a few per aware of those moves, and all such controlled by an enemy of this coun­ the validity of state insurance reg­ cent in connection with boiling water amendments were killed There were try, is extremely dangerous to the ulations and opening the door to bath. —WM— life of United States. American sol­ endless confusion thereon. They I The survey indicated that in Host -,— Rt r - *> diers are fighting in France tor the have decided against the traditional cases, accidents were the result of « protection of ’our homeland and not election taws of the Southern states unsafe canning practices. The Coun- for the rs iteration of the French em­ as regards the Negro vote, and thus » — .. .„ ml . m . --.v . C11 there,ore prepared a list of sug- pire. We hope td Uberale the op­ created a serious threat of race wars in many of those areas In the latter *^7* J*!* «“nnipg practices and this pressed countries which Germany has « list is ” being X t 4- “ distributed through " the overrun but that does not mean all —r safety division here $1 Orqgcu. the wealth and territories lost in their war. ’ Housewives interested in obtain-i- firs* defeat will be returned to hands Ing a copy of these safe practices, A note-to gardener»: The use af the too weak to hold them. may get one free by writing to the President Roosevelt is right in his hoe at this time in the garden is not f Safety Division, Office of Robert Far­ t t so much fpr the eradication of weeds treatment of de Gaulle if he is sin­ rell, Secretary of State, .Salem, Ore. but to prevent the loss of moisture •» cerely trying to protect U. S. inter­ —r:----- :—------ ests and internationalize the danger from the soil. A«dust mulch, made zones of the former French empire by shallow hoeing of the garden, e If the President is .motivated only prevents the rise of water through *1 4 capillary action from the 'ground Ä by Ids personal dislike for de Gaulle, then he is injuring the prestige of the Thus the .rule is. to hoe after every rain as soon as possible. It will ba iWpTIwnriWi^liHlhHHl J United States. found the ground remains damp for e i of Harmful Body, Wasta . 4 an indefinite length of -time if the Your kteaen an B Mautaatly Muatlutly Ntaihtr «(•■»<( i i Waata matt* boa tto th« Mtmj blood MrsMa. Hrwa Ba Hut I ■ E zer since the war started, we have. top soil is kept jooae. klSMyaaotMtlmaal ' ' T v. - not act aa Natura i __ noti.-ed that the National Geographic Magazine has kept- a jump ahead It is to be feared that many people of the military operations in provid­ will support President Roosevelt for f, ing their readers with maps wKIch a fourth term just because they do -> • dep irted the coming battlefields. no» wish to admit the mistake they tb* —* trailo» of nrrvou. a*xi lorn oZ p«p Hnaf.k * A month ago the members of the made in voting for him the first, sec­ Otk* Sana of kiawr * dia. Geographic Society were presented ond and third times. * a map with the islands of Japan at the center but the current issue __ A wife recently expressed the view is even more optimistic for the map that the invention of nylon w*as jnore it contains is one of bermany in de- responsible for the, war with Japan /s T tail. Judging from the past this than anything else. Her husband's means the fotfeerland soon will be quick comeback was: “80 jt’s all due * JÜjiCream •’ C< oos Distributors, Coquille F1 ~~ »L— a — r~ —1 4ku«u Ft n m 1 exY dVuaa l...t. »» (Taimen from The Sentinel of Friday, | June 80, 1044) A surprise'was sprung on the city jj 00 council Wednesday evening by E. W. Jne Year ____ ------------------- - .■r j™-™. 1.00 Gregg, who presented his resignation Months........ ....... Three Months •®w as councilman to take efefet at once. subscriptuai paid action wo caused by Mr. . _ - No ------------ ------------ — Ì— taken utoem XX ITS Thl> tor in ad ance This rule is impers-< Gregg's decision to submit a bld for the improvement of Second and Third Entered at the Coquille Po» toff ice ar s.reefs, and the charter forbids a Second Class Mel) Matter. _ councilman holding a contract to per­ form. work for the city. The mayor Uffier Cerner IV. Fir«» and llHtaag Mt. thereupon named Wm. Bettys to fill tiie v<.cancy for the rest of the year. gfe I ,• —s— à nr ill.... —..... I u sfo —,,r" - " 11 11 — -I.— . ■ ■! "I 1 â »»'M t; 4 PROHPT ' SERVICE I JdWMVMISEWICf LpWKW®. CMIW6 t •* L hsimbiitio * I k I L40CR c*RTWE A £ ■ >■ ■■ s • Alt Timeiv Topics I .4 AND c BOOK HOLDERS NOW ELIGIBLE TO BBT , _ r ,v ;♦ NEW JIBES idtdf 1 .- >• Î J Thornton Tire Service i 340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel, 270 * I Buy an EXTRA bond today! /. t I I SS ä S +- I I I I Ì ?*■ ✓ IBf. "Hi ' 1 I 22 •- i 1 thc beer 'hc ? \Wghl.O-"'Q-'‘’,n' ì D oàhs P ills 4 4. *v I a « / ACMI 0*(Wt«lf>, ................................. frutti f 1 I' ■ • i .'-»JF-*»’ ■ r ... I