OREGON PAOB TWO MB Marriage Licenses ~ Coquille By C m « Beg _ TMVMDAT. JUNE 23, 1444 SS Playground Notes a Belle Knife Hospital Dismissals the past week were Mi-, Phyllis Mitchell on Sunday, Dianne Buell on Tuesday, Mrs. Chas. Miner and baby of CoqulUe. and Mrs. l.ynn Schrader and baby of Riverton, on Wednesday. Mrs. Paul Snider, of this city, who* underwent a major operation twft weeks ago, was able to leave the hos­ pital and return home this morning • _ ____ ,----- sJ------- Mrs. Myrtle Heath, of Cqaiedo, en­ June 14—Otto Charles Witt, ot In observation of the first anniver-: jOfl III vOKralld » at the park nave Deen somewhat cur- tered the hospital last Wednesday for North Bend, and Mary Elisabeth sary od the local Soroptimi»' Chib, _ _______ ____________ __ */<• Mrs. Sam Sturgeon, ot this city,' tailed. However, the model air­ treatment. Haptonstuli, of Marshfield Coos Bay Soroptimists, _____ sponsor group stwwgiWi . for mini.... "them i __ t - as follows - upon ___ — plane show was held Wednesday - with J Bmast Whereat, of Coquille, enter- writes the • Sentinel June 14—Manuel L. Williams, of ier Coquille, ^entertained. Powell, Missouri, and Evelyn Cook, Tuesday at a seven o’clock dinner at th«lr mturn from visiting their eon prizes for the best airplanes* These ed last Friday for treatment and the went to Jack Sisk and Duane ! same day Lawrence Abbott, who suf­ in a hospital in Oakland; of Maishfield. the Chandler Hotel, Marohfiri'i fered fractured ribs at Kline’s camp June 15—Bill Petty and Velma teen from here attended the We have recently returned from a j Last Friday at the circus, everyone at Fairview, was brought to the Danielson, both of Bandon. They which was formal and altogether de- j visit with our son, Marvin, at Oak * enjoyed Betty Clark’s tricks on he« hospital. were married at the Assembly of God Jightiul* acording to reports. 1944 is more than an election year 0l,ASlnM<4 tvanti ,'»vr Cimmimd* Mrs. J. J. Stanley, of thiZcity, en­ church down there the same day by Address of welcome was delivered IFmrkll Knoll KFntml Naval Ununitiil Hospital, Aobinnzl Oakland, At-H# Calif. , Shetland pony, also K Fay Simmons’ It U a year of decision for the Amer by Agnes Duncan, president of the He was severely wdUnded last No- acrobatic tricks on th.- bars. These tered the hospital on Saturday to Rev. A. J. Princie. lean people; the year when they will undergo a major operation. June «w 1»—Clifford Alfred Cotter, of Coos Bay Chapter. Florence Barton, vember. somewhere in the South Pa- ‘ two girls received pri .es as did Don- — —— —--------- , VWO SMJ MU* Wil) - -------- »----------- --- - — —w,. ■ - — - —------------ « - - ---- On Saturday ajso the seven-year decide whether to return to the Amer Coquille, and Sylvia Fay Adams, of charter .president here, responded rifle. Although his injuries were far ! nie Taylor for his costume and his old daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. K. O. lean concept of goverment or go the Mv ’hfield. They were married by enthusiastically. Group singing was more serious than we had heretofore dog, Pal. ' Mvihfield. whole way to collectivism. Rev. L. C. Persing at his home hare followed by discussions of the Ideals been told, we found Marvin cheerful A reading contest has been started, Mullins of Arago, Mary Ann, sub­ last Friday. 'of Soroptlmism, given by the follow- and happy. He ia to remain several which will continue all summer. The mitted to an appendectomy See “Spike" Leslie for the Dest in June Id—Ear) Oderkirk, of North ing Marshfield members: Lucretia ‘ months yet at the Naval Hospital for purpose of this is to help the younger ' On Wednesday of this week. Duane, Bend, and Merna Tjensvald, of Sas- skewis, Helen «Johnson, Blanche Ber-' treatment of a badly burned right children with the use of the library seven-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Liability, or other Insurance. Office, katchewan, Canada. gen, Irene Lundell and Mary Garden.' hand. It to hoped those massage and to help them develop an interest Harold Simmons of Coquille under­ 27$ So. Hall, in former hoepital bldg Junp 17—Earl O. Decker, of Port-I Vocal solos were contributed by*treatments will bring back the use In reading books. A record is to be went a tonsilectomy. phone 6: residence phone 95L. land, and Melvla M. Jones, of North Genevieve Arrington, accompanied by 1 of his hand but, even though he may-"kept by each person of the title and í Bend. They were married by Rev. Arlene Athey. A play, “Junior Miss.” ! still lose the hand, we are very thank- author of every book read and at Oscar W. Payne at his home in North was by Mrs. Rugge | ful he has recovered so nicely, con- i the end of the playground season Bend on Saturday. | violin selections by Audrey Aaaen, sidering the extent of injuries he sUT- 1 there will be a prize given, based on June 20—Roy Edward Potter and former Coquille girl, were received fared, both Internal and external. He the number and type of books read. ‘ galn- ' Tuesday of next week, the first Mary J; Anusich, both of Marsh- with special enthusiasm. Two of her has a good appetite now and ‘ Is softball game will be played on the Meid. , fir,t teachers from Coquille were ’ ing weight. Extra Large — Heavy Fire Boxes June 20— Frank O. Irish and Nora present, Mrs. M. O. Hawkins and' We received word on Monday this Lincoln school grounds. Still more B. Lewis, both of Coquille. Murial Dae Ardath. Miss Acaen has wvek from Marvin and his very re­ players are needed for the teams June 21—Jim McKester and La- jmt returned from California. 1 cent bride thgt they had been married Anyone who wishes to play may Velle Haggith, both of Marshfield. | The tables were quite gorgeousb I June 11. We had the pleasure qf sign up at the park —Harriet Tozier. decorated with outside flowers, place meeting our future daughter-in-law, Be ycurself. Ape no greatness. Be ‘'■rd» and programs were attractive j while we were In Oakland. We Nun-Hi School District Budget ~ pass for what you are. A details, and much praise was heard found her to be a moet Joveable girl, willing to Committee Meeting Held good ii.rir.ina farthing *» is better than a bad in compliment. to the hotel for its I a good cook and quite an expert gooa oeuer in The Non High Budget committee, superior dinner. ; seamstress, making most of hei- own •evereian - Samuel Coley. —---------- ------ i clothes. She was formerly Miss Doris , at Friday evening’s meeting, set July New Shipment F.O.E. «tod Auxiliary Give of San Bruno, Calif. Details 28 at 8:90 p. m. as the final hearing * F.rowll P.riv Far th« LewlsM of veddln« hav* not yet been date on the budget. This committee <■••••■» »■■v tne Lewises , learne