T— ■ •* .¿,k.4Wí«íA'r»V ■ ? ........ f 4 M r * - % ' '' 1 ■ ; ■■ i’V' Z “■C MS. i r!1 , “’ g t f I --------------------------------- — ' I port on un-American activities, that IU was heavily loaded with ma! who I have been affiliated wtih the com­ munist party in recent years. Rankin called the alleged communists and fellow travelers by name. Later there was pressure from high otA- rial sources that caused a sufficient number of congressmen to change g their votes and restore the half mil- flion dollar appropriation. ... • I ,z . Follov tog are extracts from a let- < ; ter recently received by C. W. Kline. r ’ awake until lights out, well when li from his son A/C Robert F. Kline,, ; hit The rack last night I had had . who is stationed with the Army Air , eight hears of sleep in the previous Force at Santa Ana, Calif.: ' 85 hours. Then I 'found out last' ' r ................................ 1 " Oveneu Edition of The _ Oregonian ¿3 ; Work StorfeJ On Curry Cour/ty'Airport E e eaerad for mailing «r ean I Street fresa the Oregonian efflee by euliing the Oregonian agency in CoqnlUe, *hene Ml night that, being as t was scheduled, tor fire guard today, I was on again today, which means no extra sleep to- ! night either and I also miss classes, PAUUNE TALBERT yzhlch doesn't suit me so well either. V In code class the instructor asked w if any of the fellows have had any g Washington, D. Ç.„ June 22—Like Work of clearing ground for the previous experience to it and „ many other things in this war. the northern Curry county airport was mlnlke * "" ¡Bi-29 superfortress which bombed started last week by Leonard & Slate, right off the bat. That's all we have , ^ke to pan. the course'su f guess Japan was a secret withheld from ■ Portland contractors. They have re­ ceived authoriaxtion from Washing- none tor me 1 gto '“J j won’t have trouble to that subject 1 the American people until the spec­ see the C. O., who *aCd that I wa t nl have to wurk tacular raid on .the steel mjils at I ton, D. C., to proceed with the grad-f I ing project. It is estimated thkt the on the bat for fire “ua^Au^ray’"d , like------ to is Navul Recognition. I : Yawata. - (More than a million tons ¡like of scrap Was shipped to those mills grading will eost $225,000 and that for K. P. and as I was listed for Mon- 1 — never did know the difference to the ’ from the Pacific northwest prior to ! three to four months will be required day he had moved me up a .day. ‘ looks of the different battleships or the war, vrtued at many millions of for the job. The grading contract is Finally I found a fellow who was different classes of battelships (BB), J dollars). It is true that scores of exclusive of the paving work. not scheduled for either of those let alone being able to tell a cruiser neWs|>aper reporters knew all about i The area to be cleared is opposite duties so I paid him. |2 to take fire guard duty for me. ■ • ( ! from a BB. We learned the features 1 the B-29s but they were pledged to the state cedar park and extends to i of our four oldest battleships on Sat­ ’ secrecy and could not write a line Blacklock. Following completion of “I got down to where we eatch the i urday and I guess we are having four until the raid had been made. How­ the grading project, runways will be Imses off the field and there were more today. In gunnery we will ever, tiiere were inklings to publi­ . constructed. only about 200 cadets in line then. learn to stMp and assemble the 30 cations which gave a hint—but noth­ About 50 men will be employed and Earlier in the evening there, must and 50 cal. aircraft machine guns ing hiring will be done entirely through * have been 10,000 to the line 'cause it and the 45 cal. Thompson Sub-ma- g superfortresses were coming the United States employment service, was clear up past our barracks, chine. e assembly lings, iii^s, hundreds, of The final plans call for north and *9. ' which is about 500 yards from the "This just goes to show you how Lhoutlmds of Chii inese coolies, meh south runways only, as the naval au- buses. There must have been 200 much time I have now that we have and women, were • building huilrtincX airfielda AirfiAlria thorlties thsxritiAe considered fhut unH that esatit east and a newspapers that these boys were read­ started Pre-Flight. Here I am in China for the special use of this w«st runways are unnecessary, slRfc ing lying ell over the place and it third day on this Q.I. bulletin flying battleship. These airfielda the prevailing winds on this part S really' looked like hell when I got isn’t finished yet. To go on were required as a base from which ' the coast are almost entirely from a » there a:.d about that time the O. D. gunnery course: We do the with the B-29g could fly'from China to northerly ar southerly direction. As, came along and stopped the buses (side the 45 cal. Automatic Jtg>an. Pictures of the Chinese at ‘ a result of these changes it has been and said no one leaves till the place 30 cal. arm for all Com. Off.) work were printed to many publics- necessary to make new plans and ra­ is cleaned up, so evtxyone stands amiliarizatlop .Ml Carbine and a tions, but the significance, of these advertise the contract two or three around and crabs tor abodt ten min­ Id ___ and with the 30 Cal. „ fields was not comprehended by the i tithes, hence the delay to initiation utes and then we finally pitch to and R.AJR. (Bro Automatic Rifle) American reading public. What they of the work.--Curry County Reporter clean the place up and I caught a “Now that we/ire taking Pre-Flight saw was an army of coolies carrying bus into Santa Ana.’’ we have to » T loads of rock to baskets balanced on Bob then goes on to tell what a sure is ear a pole over their shoulders, the'way time he had finding his way to % ES, sonny boy, I'm your the Chinese vegetable gardeners used Wally’s station, what with green bus P. I. we are getting now daddy —the daddy yon to vend their ware to housewives to drivers and other troubles, but he don't remember because you is rough. Today we ran cross Seattle, Portland and Tacoma. The I finally found him and, after talking were just a few months old try for about a mile and a quar­ airfields were built with hand-power, I half the night, he crawled into a when I left for war.'* to the P. I. field, took a half nothing else. bunk in Wally's quarters. And to War is heartless, little man. nour of Judo, ran the obstacle course _ H , the morning, while Wally was ... , ¿A .. j t One d-*y a B-39 in a test flight 1 It doesn’t five much heed to which is half a mile itself and then ________ _ _________ duty. Bob sat to the office and Had crashed into a meat placking plant in family ties. But, along with ran back. If I ever get out of this Seattle, killing several people and more chinning with him. o millions of other men and Army I am not going to lift a hand Bob said it took him three hours wrecking part of the building. The women in uniform, tout dad i to do anything but sleep and eat. public knew It was a new plane but and 40 minutes to get beck to his is doing everything he can to "I guess we’ll be going through the A made no inquiries, for testing new | t atop after missing the last bus from keep another war from start­ High Altitude test next week. We ing when you’re grown up and Long Beach to Sanja Ana by ten . planes in the past three years lias ' are going to get a lecture on it this have children of your own. become routine. ' Later the B-29. minutes. Finally toy a round-about week. way he was al went into mass production. The, to make it back, | “WeU, I have some teste in Naval * TkBaAwatMNWgegwradmdsMMndsMdto by street nd buses. His letter Boeing company, in its several (ac- ‘ T.» recognition and to Gunnery in the continues: I morning so I had better get on the lories, was doing a magnificent job : THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION ’’Wh< got back I happened to ball and do a little cramming. Every­ The big planes were taken to India , that I had forgotten to thing I am taking is really interest­ and thence flown to China and the > s sign/but the night before in the big ing and nothing at all like the dry Japanese agents knew’ all about them- the time of their arrival, their rpih to get out of here. So I signed stuff we had at Bozeman. I was zFut and signed back in when I got taking eight words per minutes today size and speed and the airfields in I China. The Japs knew the B-29 I here. This trip was more of an orien­ in my second hour of code.” was intended to find its targets ia tation session anyway, kind of gave i the land of the mikado, and knowing me the lay of the land, etc. ft QB Electric Fence Units, $14.75 and this, they began decentralizing their “A feller sure doesn’t have much .'•i time of week ends here. You get up. Will work on 110-volt line, or war Industries and surrounded the > .* Noble Chow aing, Jr.—Phone 148M date experiences In Bozeman Bui Shipped out of the ports of the . ■■/i’ from what I’ve of California • » north Pacific Viave been many tons - : K W, '■ FW ■ of medical supplies and food intended x'j for the American soldiers who are held as prisoners of war by the Jap­ t ■•■J fl anese. These consignments have been taken ashore at Vladivostok, along I have had Arthritis for over Mr. Casey; with boots, butter, farm machinery, six years. Used all kinds of treat­ Dear Sir: After using many etc., which the Russians will use. The ments and walked with a eane 4 tnentments for rheumatism and until five weeks ago. Casey’s Cem- supplies for the prisoners of war arthritis, withmo results, a triend poand is the only treatment that recommended Casey’s Compound have been warehoused in the cold helped me. A. H. MATTHEIU. 351 of which I have received wonder­ Siberian port for months instead of The distinctive imoofhn«»! and zest of Sick«' Select have % N. E. 75th Ave. Phone SU 9513. ful results I recommend it most Portland, Oregon. being rushed to their destination. The highly. MRS. B P. BERT, 853 N. given it a place all its own in public esteem. Among hitch to the program lief at the door Prescott. TH. 2889. • Sept. 8, 1942 of Joe Stalin, the gallant ally of Dr. Mr. Casey: beers it is unique in the favor in which It is held by After suffering three years with “My rheumatism has left me Uncle Sam. Arthritis, 1 am now feeling fine those who recognize and demand extraordinary merit, Stalin refuses to permit the Japan­ and I can truthfully recommend — • • . t . sirice using your Casey’s Com­ Casey’s Compound, tor it did the ese ships to enter the port of Vladivo­ pound. No more pain. Now able work.” L. A. KRUGER, 4844 8. E. stok and remove the food and medj- Y '> to do my own work in my apart­ 29th St.. Portland, «Ore. SU. 5503. ment house. 1 cannot recommend cine. Why he hug taken this stand is the Compound too highly. MRS. 9 not explained, for the Japanese are Dear Mr. Casey: CATHERN KNOX. 1247 S. E. familiar with .that port and they Powell, Portland, Oregon. LA. 2626 1 was down five months with f know everything that Is being un­ Neuritis and Rheumatism. Was ARTHRITIS RELIEVED given up to die. Found Casey’s loaded there, transported from Puget I was in bed and to a chair for Compound a life saver. I cannot sound and the’ Columbia river by 1 2 Mt years with arthritis, Since praise your Compound enough. All taking Casey’s Compound I. I can Since my recovery. W. T. FORD, . ships of the Russian marine. Russian vessels going from the Baptist Minister, 3726 S. E. Mor­ now walk blocks fend cifmt ib ataiira. rison St., Portland, Oregon. My friends rejoice to see me n walk United States to Vladivostok must t -r again. Now feeling fine and no pass through waters constantly pa­ pain. OLIVE A. BOWKER, 1804 Oct.' 18, 1933. Mr. Casey: , trolled by Japanese warships. So Grant Si., Bellingham, Wash. I suffered with Neuritis and delay in delivering the supplies to SEATTLE BREWING & MALTING CO. Rheumatism several months, with Mr J. M. Casey. Jan. 9, 1943 Americans held In prison camps is •A1 severe pain to my shoulder, neck Dear Sir: For fourteen years I Since 1S7S « f.G.Sfcttos. not entirely the fault of the Japanese and left arm. After all other suffered from Arthritis. I took » trentments had failed a friend rec­ tre: tments and medicines of all ommended Casey's Compound. kinds, but they did riot relievo my ♦ Having refused to matte an appro­ After using 8 bottle I have no priation of $500,000 for the fair em­ cake in the least. At last the drug­ more pain whatever and my gen ­ gist recommended Casey’s Com­ eral health is much better and ployment practices committee (set up pound. I still bad hopes of some r now can enjoy a good night’s rest. by presidential directive) the tontae day finding something that would cure me. After eight bottles, I was I cannot recommend your Com­ finally recanted and that agency will pound too highly. GRACE O’­ completely well. Sincerely, MRS BRIEN, 1220 N. E. Everett St., now be able to function. Primarily, A. A. CURTIS. 133 N. E. 72nd * Portland. Ore. LA 1229. the purpose of the committee is to see Ave., Portland. Oregon. ♦ MANY USERS OF CASEY’S COMPOUND RECOMMEND IT that colored people are not discrim­ • • HIGHLY AFTER ALL OTHER TREATMENTS HAD FAILED inated against to securing jobs. The z ■ L house eliminated the appropriation YOUR DRUGGIST CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH <1 KA ^._T. ¿ when Rep. John Rankin, a southern CASEY’S COMPOUND. Bottle____ ____________ Democrat, read a list of active mem­ ».r ............................... .. -a . .. . ..^ . . OR WRITE J. H. CASEY, P. a BOX 731, PORTLAND, ORE. bers of the committee . and then » showed, from the Dies committee re- "Well, here I am dead tired again. I started this letter but had to go on a late K. P. shift, and will try again. “I got my first pass over the week-end and went over to Long Beach to look up Wally (Wally Moore who was in the same C.H.S. class as Bub). Just about didnt get out. Had applied fpr “ P““ an when they were handedputth^re was JÌ4 1 V Bob Kline Telit Of S Aviation Cadet Life ! * 0, COatmXR. OREGON. PAGE TWELVE S t 1 J - I* ’ARC YOU MY DADDY f ” Y I i I 1 / e^uÜLe StuJio « I. * * I & i ^eesMe in ßuilic tyuM ARTHRITIS, NEURITIS and RHEUMATISM - ¿ » * G ,i ’’ ’ál » I! J. . t V e •--« > 4, * < ‘ ■ ____________ .. ■ * I » h i I 1 ! Ç « ■ .’<■ • * Sr i » 11