I of said City, to-wit: tl may be heard in favor 3 12421.04 | 13,4094)0 3 ,, 't’ 3,444.20 179.70 617.53 • 4441.43 MISCELLANEOUS Rep di« to Street«, Bridge« A Wharves Chy Hah Maintenance _.......... .... ...... Firn Department ................ X.............. »... Community Building Expense .............. Elections ........................... _»........ Library .................».— ... Parks, Playgrounds & Supervision ..... Other Items ..._........ 71.l.„. 290.74 6.8880» * 11,503.75 I 3,75X07 INDEBTEDNESS Payment on Funding Bonds ....... Interest on Funding Bonds ..................... Sinking Fund—Funding Bond Interest Interest on Community Building Bonds CONSTRUCTION Labor 3 2,500.00 000.00 4,873.17 3 4,13X00 3 2,641.94 8 3,604.00 1,570.18 125.21 8 2,022.22 1,51X34 14.05 8 5,29948 3 3,552.39 7,000.00 7,000.00 200.00 3 4,203.50 4,640.55 357.18 • 14400.00 3 9,310.23 3 80 56 557.41 8 84 06 340 1,680.00 3 43.74 304.56 640.00 3 637.97 3 1,767.86 3 988.30 3 . Fife A Supplie» MlstS tlsn*IMM ... $ 12310.24 | 7420.00 $ 10,200.00 3 10,202.50 $ 2333837 $ 36,810.19 3 20.132.75 700.00 8 10,720.33 3 33,290.00 I aiu. in W, ¡operation with other neutral organ)- rations. J , . | | 3 30,997.28 INDEBTEDNESS AS OF DECEMBER 31, GENERAL FUND Warrants Outstanding.... _.................. 3 1,989.99 Special Fund Warrants . ......... 517.70 Funding Bonds—1936 Series -... _. 7,500.00 Community Building Bonds 6,000.00 Improvement Bonds .... .........3,103.31 WATER FUND Warrants Outstanding ................ L._| 948.83 Bonds—1936 Funding —............... 18,000 00 Total Estimated Expense 3110,777.50 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS General Fund .... ...... ______ ___ Water Fund .............................. Cash on hand .....x..........>»___ / Total Estimated Receipts 3 43,372.50 The State Department Io its an-1 nouncefneni or tnisjiggripneiit for limited relief (or wat prisoners held ■ by the Japanese stated that "The United. States Government is con­ tinuing to press the Japanese Govern­ ment to grant full reciprocity in this respit t." ; Ip |hg evpnt fhat wider oppor- lW4t|es for worjt w|th war pr|»oners to afforded hr fhe Japanese fjovepn- ■ meat, War Prisoners' Ap| is pre- pared to expand i|s program to meet the needs, which uuthMities stale ar* far beyond the limited amount of supplies thus far agreed Ip by the i Japanese Government. Announcement has been made in London that'the British and United States Governments have agreed up­ on a method for shipping supplies for war prisoners in Japan, and it Is expected that as soon as oppor­ tunity to afforded by the Japanese Government for distribution that the ¡work for War Prisoners Aid will be ' i I I DON'T JAl^— Tune la ROOS pr( your radio Sunday evenings st 7:19- Ittfs