The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 22, 1944, Image 1

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NO. 3».
RADAY, JUNK 2». 1M4.
of C. .Opposes
Coos County And July 2nd River
Meeting June 30 3 C.
Relaxation Of .
Coquille Way Short Parade And Sports To Plan Myrtle- '* joep0 fréterions
01. E Bond Quota To Be Realty Hof Lined Highway
Eight Queens, One of Whom Will
Reign Over Coquille's Fourth of July
Celebration on thé 2nd, 3rd and 4th
• \ Arch Sanders, manager of the Coast
way Association, and C. H. Coe,
Below appear the pictures of eight of the nine Coquille queens,
of whom will rule over the Coquille Celebration on July 2-3-4, while the
A------ wa. h-M In U» Mlv
“,“n * for
UI the
u*e 5th War
"«r Bond
Dono others will be princess« of the royal entourage. The one whose picture
Is Coquille going to fall down on
Chairman Jack Moore and the river
does not appear is Marybelle Yarbrough. Her picture has not been, re­
meeting its quota for the 9th War sports committee for the July 4th hail last Friday evening a*
ceived so t^at a cut could be made. She is the candidate for queen of the
’Bond sale? It hardly seems pos­ celebration, which opens with the time arrangements were made for attended the Chamber of Commerce
luncheon meeting in the Coffee Shop Coquille American Legion Post.
sible that the patriotism of this city’s dance Saturday evening, July 1, have the visit of the Portland Chamber *f
at noon. .
people would permit such a catasr arranged a very interesting and ex­ Commerce Recreational Resources
Mr. Coe commented on the slow­
trophe to occur, and yet on Tuesday citing program' for the Sunday events committee to Coquille on Friday,
ness with which the War Bond drive
of this week the sale of bonds which will start at 1:00 p. m. with a June 30.
‘-'A H
has gotten under way and remarked
amounted to just under ten per cent Fire Department tank battle and a • Included in the list of nearly a I
that if Coos county fails down in
of the quota set for E bonds.
demonstration Of fire fighting on Sec­ dozen Portland men who plan on be- ■
meeting its E bond quota of »720,000
Of the »125J10O E bonds quota, ond street, at the rear of the Sentinel Ing here are an ex-Governor of Ore- ■
(he does not want to be in this sec-
George P. Laird, Coquille chairman, office.
gon, Gen. Clfes. H. Martin; Marshall '
. tton when the war is over and fac
reported on Tuesday that the sale Of .The parade of decorated boat* on Dana, of the Journal, and KOIN man­
j the boys who may come'back after
E bonds totalled »13,187.50. Of the the river will start at 3.00 o’clock ager.
| offering their lives in defense of thei
The purpose of their visit is in re- i ¡country. He said he could not look
»173,000 quota for other bonds the and that will be followed by a variety
sale has amounted to »7,740.
of river sports contests.
gard to creating g myrtle-tree lining 1
I them in the eye and it is a feelinr
Things have been going very sat­
In the parade the queen and prin­ of the highway between Coquille and !
that each And everyone of us should
isfactorily on all fronts of the war cesses will appear on a barge with a Myrtle Point, which in years to come 1
and it was reported this morning that band and Moore Mill Co. boats and would be one of the most striking!
Mr. Coe complimented Coquille an
14 Japanese ships had been sunk or Smith Wood-Products boats and tugs and noticeable features in Coos coun­
its Chamber of Commerce u* always
damaged by bombers east of the Phil­ will be prominent in the lengthy line. ty and would be the cause of un­
having a progressive program on
ippines on Monday. Some of them
The most exciting contest arranged excelled publicity.
Which it is active, and said he ad­
were carriers and a cruiser. However, . looks to be the battle royal on a
It was decided at the meeting tt>
mired the "guts" of a town or city
the Japs are still hiding their battle barge for which a »25 prize is offered, hold the dinner meeting at the Co­
which would attempt to hold a 4tb
fleet from the U. S. armada and re­ All the prizes will be either cash or Coquille Valley Country Cub house
of July celebration this year.
fusing to join up for a naval en­ war bonds as deaired. This Battle near Norway on the evening of JuM
Reports were made to the directors
Royal la stirring up a tremendous ?0. with tickets priced at »1.50. The
by Secretary Caughell on the com­
These encouraging reports do not amount of Interest between up-river dinner will be served by Mr. and mittee activities in preparing for the
P. W. Club
mean, however, that the war it yet and down-river intending participants Mrs. Jack McLarrin, managers of the
celebration and Lafe Compton made
won and the need for funds Is just and it will be a ready hot affair.
dub, and as only 100 can be seated
. as vital .as it ever was.
*| Other events and the prizes offered in the dining room there, it will limit a report on the Portland Chamber o'
Commerce delegation dinner which
Can we, on the home front, let for the winner ark:
the number of tickets which can be
is to be held at the Country Olub
our boys down by falling to buy the < Boom Stick Riding Race, »10 and »5. sold.
June 30.
bonds and furnish the funds without
High Climbing, »20.
Owners of all properties along the
Besides allowing bills, the most im­
which a war cannot be carired on?
highway between Coquille and Myr­
Boom Stick Race, »10 and »5.
portant matter to come up was ir
No. No. And we have every con­
Log Bucking Contest. »20 and »10. tle Point, (husband and wife), the
regard to the proposed move tr
fidence in the people of the Coquille
Tub Race, for river men, »10 and Portland delegation and the newspa­
allow U. S.-born Japs to return to
valley that Coos County and Coquille »5; for boys under It, »5 and »2.50.
permen of the county are being in­
their hornet, which the War Relo.
will not have to hang heads in shame
Log Rolling Contest, »10 and »5. vited to attend as guests. - . —
cation Authority is planning to do.
because we did not do our part in
Fat Man’s Special -200 pounds and
The Myrtle Point Chamber of Com­
The directors votecTunanimously t
support of our soldiers, sailors, tsa­ up ss
merce, as well as the Coquille Cham­
notify our congressman and senators
rina and fliers.
Entries Jpr all these events are al­ ber,, are invited to participate and it
that the Coquille Chamber of Com­
It naturally causes apprehension, ready assured and the^july 2 cele­ is hoped there will alao be represen­
merce is unalterably opposed to any
though, when in a week’s time only bration on the river looks a honey. tatives from the Coos Bay Chambers
relaxation of Japanese restrictions a*
ten per cent of our quota has been
of Commerce.
this time.
Do your part, buy till It Former Coquille High Student
hurts. You are not giving; only in­ Buys Drug Store At Bend
in securities which are as
A former Coquille boy, H. Allen
i k
anything on this earth can be.
Young, who has been living in Port-
for the past several years and
hMa-thmMtoaBsadBamlMwsfrJ An
of the Council C. M
in that city, has purchased th* Bend cast in the Coquille School District. Gray presided at a short session of
Drug Co. in the city of Bend and on No. 8, election Monday afternoon that body Monday evening in the ab­
Saturday of this week will move his when only SO voters went tp the sence of Mayor O. L. Wood.
Plans are progressing nicely, ac­
household goods and take Mrs. Young Washington school building to cast
The complaint sent in by W. P
cording to Charles Stauff, president
and their two boys over to the their votes for school director for a Laws to the council about an' old
of the Coos and fjuery Pioneer As­
Deschutes county capital, where he three-year term.
car standing for weeks on South Di­
sociation. tot the Agaual Picnic to
Of those cast there were 22 for vision street, brought a statement
will on Monday assume possession.
be KMd July 30, the last Sunday in
Local drug men who know the store Mrs. Maxine Jeub for whom a peti- from Geo. F. Burr, Cbquille Salvage
July, at the »Myrtle Grove park in
say he has made a good purchase and tton had been filed last week, seven chairman, that he had amx>inted Mr
Coquille. J. P. Beyers is general
that it has a splendid location.
for Dr. J. R. Bunch who had an-
comififaeemnn for
chairman and Mrs. Beyers, program
nounced that he was not a candidate that district with full authority to
chairman, for the affair. Emil R. Bev. G. A. Gray To Preach
to succeed himself, and one for Don dispose of the wreck.
Peterson, who calls himself the "Old
[. The matter of Social Security pay­
Timer,” is giving radio talks on Mon­
ments for the workmen who helped
Rev. G. A. Gray is to speak at the
day mornings at 7:30 and Thursday
in construction of the Community
evenings at 8:30. On these programs morning service Sunday in Pioneer
Building was finally settled when the
he always mention? the plans for the church, the pastor of the church be­
council ordered that »300 be paid the
annual''meeting. On this Thursday's ing absent from Coquille that day.
Social Security fund as payment in
program he will present Mrs. Cod­
of the Social Security bureau’s
ding, who is the former Daisy Was­
ment on another page of the 8-day ; claim against the city.
son, pioneer Coed Bay woman.
A tract of land west of the ball
Rummage and Auction Sale which
The fire alarm at 8:50 Wednesday
„„ Coquille
___ _
Lions „„„
chib „
is holding P*rk- Mainst which the city’s claim
evening called the department to the
in the Thrift Grocery room on Thurs- ,or improvement assessments to to Is
Bishop home, the former Watson
day, Friday and Saturday of this »542.12, and for which tjje county
Rotary Club ’
place, on Spurgeon Hill where the
week. The Rummage Sale is on for
flue burned out again. There was no
the three days but the Auction with ***«>title to « tor delinquent texes)
CoL R. A. Jeub officiating as auc- , was ordered purchased from the
tioneer, will start at 2:13 Saturday county for the »125 private parties
had offered for it.
City Engineer Gearhart and Police
The Lions had room in the adv. to
list but a few of the items which will Chief Creager reported that the side­
be on sale but even that list con­ walk on First street, east of the Safe­
Following Is reprinted an article moment was intensively devoted to tains a tot of things which will be way store, where a lady complained
from a Massachusetts publication, | acquiring cranberry knowledge, and eagerly snapped up..
she had turned her ankle from step­
•Cranberries” which was written by I thought backed by considerable pre-
Don't miss this biggest of all Rum­ pink on a loose piece of gravel, was
its editor, Clarence J. Hal., following limtnary study, cannot make for a mage Sales, June 22-23-24.
The council voted to buy, if pos­
,hta visit of a few Weeks ago, when \ thoroughly adequate report.
sible, a new motor for the Ford V-8
is the land where growth is
he spent several days in'Coquille and
truck operated by the st-eef and
huge—the mightiest trees in the
the valley:
departments. The old motor i’
water depe
world grow here, azaleas are as big n
pr.ctitaiiy worn out.
Cranberry growing in the Pacific as trees, lupin grows waist high, ct»v-
Northwest is carried on in country er leaves are nearly as big as the
meeting of the
Woodyarg .„d Bride
which Is still pioneer. This region leaves of trees, and they raise big nAt
Republican precinct committeemen „
of the United States, separated from cranberries. There are palm trees, elected at last month’s primaries, held Here This Week From >••««»«
all other cranberry afeas by the Mis­
Mr. and Mr». Ray Woodyard came
in the city hall here last Thursday
sissippi flowing to the Gulf, the great orchards. Washington, in the latitude
evening, Raleigh Greene of Marsh- in from Eugene Monday to spend
flat plains of the wheat states, by the
field was re-elected Coos county their honeymoon at his old home here
mighty Rockies, and the perpetually than-temperate climate in this sub­
Coquille Grange
Fraternal Order
chairman, and Gra/don Anderson, of and in the Barton cottage on Bandon
arctic latitude. The warm Japanese
frost tipped Cascade, is new.
Coquille, was nam-'d aa secretary.
beach, His bride was Miss Doris
Cranberry culture there hugs the current cuts in close, giving th» Pa­
Gwen Rogers, Sawmill & Lum­
At the recent democratic county. Worden of Eugene and they were
very rim of the Pacific ocean, and, cific coast where grow the cran­
ber Workers Local No. 2770 8,000
married In Salem on Wednesday, June
capirai committee meeting, Fred
minor though it is compared to the berries a climate in which grass Is
Bull, of Coquille,
was chosen
14. .
great dominant industry of timbering green the year round, and weeds grow |
County Budget Committee
Ray is employed by two of Eu­
and logging, it is growing. There the ten months .or more |n the .year, i
gene's Independent theatres.
His • Below is given the standing of Vic­ Holding Final Session Today
tremendous forests march down the There are no extremes in terqperature
many friends here were extending tory Girl candidates as ot this date:
The Coos County Budget Commit­
western slopes at the Cascade to the range; there is seldom snow, 85 de­ Surgical Dressing Class To
hearty congratulations
and beat Gwen Elrod. Rotary Club
10,725 tee was in session In the County Court
ocean»‘and timbering has ever been grees |s a “heat" which has cran­
wishes to the happy couple.
Gloria Haga. Eagles Auxilary. 7.17« room on Tuesday this week, and ad­
— the all-important reason for its de­ berry vines and growers gasping.
The ladies of the Red Cross surgi­
journed over Wednesday, to resume
Phyllis Lltzenberger, Coquille
Rain falls consistently during the cal dressing class, which met with
velopment in the towns in which
Woman’s Club ...... *---------— 5.000 their session this morning. It was
cranberry growing is now gaining a “wet season," which lasts a greater their chairman, Mrs. J. R. Bunch, at
anticipated that they would finish
Maxine Whereat Junior Wom­
foothold. Timber, big around as gas­ part of the year. There Is no rain her home on Knowlton Heights yes­
4,000 their labors today.
en’s Club .....:
oline tank trucks, are hauled past the (or almost none) during the brief terday. have decided to continue to
The second section of the Sentinel
Roberta Stonecypher, Lions
bogs and the loads of cranberries in summer season, but this summer is meet each Wednesday for an all­ this week, was printed yesterday af­
Club _..
...... 1—g. 20J540
not hot as heat is known on the At­ day session at the Bunch home, »tatt­ ternoon before» yesterday's Coos Bay
the fall,
.Virginia Lindsay, Business &
I have Just relumed from an all-
ing at 10 a. m. Each member of the Times was out. In our second sec­
too- brief visit to this Pacific North­ Wisconsin. A New Englander growls class attending will bring her own tion, along with Ralph Moore's letter, | Professional Women's Club. .. 3,400
west, which in the past couple of at his weather; not Do a resident of sandwich, or whatever she wishes for the statement is made that the Times Waneto War drip, w Coquille
..... -............ - 3,500
* years has been making cranberry his­ Washington or Oregon. He ignores lunch, and Mrs. Bunch states that had not seen fit to print his I
tory and to which interest is turning. the great amount af ra'n which falls ears will be available to bring the but it appeared in the Times —
I' carf Legion ...5*. ------.------ »,200
Such a short stay, even though every
(Continued on page
ladies to her home
Wednesday. night.
Very Light Voto
At School Election
Be Held
Short Council
on Monday
Lions To Hold
Rummage Sale *
Easterner Writes His Impressions Of
Northwest And Its Cranberry Growing
R. Greene Re-elected
Republican Chairm n
Victory Girls'
Standing Today
S M Wi '