■ bC VALLE» SRNTINEÍ. —I. Personal Mention Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. arrived in Portland last Saturday from their home in Indianapolis, were met there by Mrs. E. E. John- son and Mrs. Chas. Kash. They stopped at the ladies' home in Rose- burg and expect to be in Coquille for a week before going on south to spend several months at Santa Bar» bara, Calif. They will be guests at the home of Ben's brother, K. P. Lawrence, while here. THURSDAY, JUNEIS, 1944. ’ ! Friday Evening (Continued f* page one) of battle cleared away the results C. S. Roberts, of Cottage Grove, a showed: Commander, Amzy Mln- friend of R . L. Stewart for the past tonye; First Vice, Commander, 35 years, was here Wednesday morn­ William J. B. Head; Second Vice ing. He is now buying lumber for Commander, George Jenkins; Ad­ the Army under the orders of the jutant, George. Ransom; Sergeant -a t- Engineering Corps. Arms, George Keeney. The offices of Chaplin, Historian and Service Mr. Snd Mrs. Leslie S. Miller, from Officer are appointive. The newly Washington, D. C„ are expected to elected Commander ir tuna ted that he arrive in Coquille ^Saturday to spend would appoint C. L. Penring as Chap­ their vacation with Mrs. Miller’s par­ lin; Roy C. Morley, Historian; and ent, Mr. ynd Mrs. S. L. Leatherman. Dave Rackleff as Service officer. She was formerly Julia Myrl Leath­ These appointments, of course, will erman. have to be confirmed after installa­ tion eeremonTes. Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Rietman re- Another one of our ex-Navy of­ turned home Sunday from Portland ficers has taken hiir physical and is where they had attended the three- reporting for service in the navy as day session of the Oregon dental as­ a reinstated officer with full rank sociation, which was interesting and before he was discharged in 1919. -Î instructive. Leonard Fitzgerald reported for duty at the San Francisco navy headquar­ Miss Phyllis Bunch, who has been ters. taking nurse's training at the Medical / Again the grim reaper has reached Nurses Training School at Loma opt ant^removed from our midst a . Linda, Calif., arrived home last week comrade, Ilo H. Heaton, who was laid for the summer vacation. She en­ to rest in. Sunset Cemetery, with a joys the work very much and says ' ments to Mrs. Maud Greene, Miss Ida military escort.’ Many of the com­ General Mills. Mr. Van Zant is in the school is speeding up the training Oerding, Mrs. Lois Stevens, Mrs An- 1 rades who are too busy to stop work to graduate nurses a few months officers’ school at Camp Lee, Va., j 1 nie Robinson, Mrs. Lenore Hunt,; to attend community meetings and short of the prescribed time. She at present. He will emerge a lieu­ Mrs. Della Wileox, Mrs. Florence other civic activities, laid aside their ,n will graduate in June, 19J6. The next tenant in the quartermasters depart­ Hallock, Mrs. Harriet Schaer, Mrs. work for the day aqd paid their last day after she arrived home, her ment of the U. S. Army. Mrs. Elling- Ruth Beyers and Mrs. Birdie Skeels. respects to our late comrade. brother, James, left for Walla Walla sen gave a series of breakfast parties Normandy brings back memories of - t > attend summer school until the in honor of her daughter. Former School Superintendent’s the mud and slaughter of 1918 to the middle of August. Legionnaires and what they endured Mrs. Ford Li day and two children Daughter To Be Married June 21 on that terrain, across whieh the Jean and Gary Ford, and her sister, Firrest Sherrill, proprietor of the Mrs. Iitez R. Chase has received an present armies will wade and fight Shoe Repair Shop on Front street, Mrs. Wilda Custer, felt last week invitation from Mr. and Mrs.' W. V. before this carnage is ended. returned home last Friday from a for the post in Oklahoma, where Mr. Ferguson to attend the wedding of By Roy C. Morley ten-day business trip to Kiqmath Liday i/ stationed. their daughter, Marjorie May, who is Falls. A mistaken rumor circulated to be married to Ensign Frank Reese to the effect that he had sold out. Al Montgomery, formerly with the. of the U. S. Naval Reserves, at Kirk­ State Tax Commission, came in Tues­ land, Wash., next Wednesday eve­ Mrs. R. E. Nosier and Mrs. Laura day morning from Salem to be as­ ning, June 21, at the Community Con­ Brandon, who. accompanied Mr. and sociated this summer with Keith gregational church there, at 8:30 p. m. Mrs. Hal Howell home to Seaside Leslie in helping municipalities, Mr. Ferguson was superintendent of SERVICE after the latter, were here for Memor­ school districts, etc., prepare their schools In Coquille several years ago. ' ial Day, returned to Coquille last annual budgets. REASONABLE Frl.lay evening. They spent a week Aietterfrom Mrs. Laura Boutell, of ON at Seaside, enjoying the beaches and San Jose, California, thanked * the their Visit there, and then went on to lodge for the veteran's jewel award­ Portland for the Rose Festival. ed her recently. Two applications for membership Mrs. Wilda Schroeder will return were read and Will be acted on at The regular meeting of Mamie Re­ the next meeting. Friday from a trip to Portland. bekah Lodge, N<>- 20. was held in The degree team of the lodge con­ • When P. O. Lund returned last the I.Q.O.F. hall on Tuesday evening, ferred the Rebekah degree upon two week from hia two weeks* vacation with Noble Grand Iola^doore pre­ new members, Miss Margaret Wolga-’ trip to Palo Alto, Calif., he was ac­ siding. The regular business of the moti and Mrs. Mary F. Elligsen. companied by his daughter, Helen lodge was cared.fcr. Sisters Inez Mrs. Florence Hallock, Mrs. Lois Lund, who had been working there Chase and Anna Morrison and Broth­ Stevens and Mrs. Ruth Beyers were for eight months. Mrs. Lund, who er E. C. Briner, who have been ill, appointed as a committee to present went south with Perley, received were reported as improving. the annual memorial service for A letter from Louise McArthur, members who have passed ori during word that her father, who is 87 years • CALL US WHEN of age, was quite seriously ill and secretary, of the district conventl the yeM*. This will be done at the announced — that that, will Me next regular meetfrtt ’ .,— -t.T meeting ——„ _..l she left at once for Missouri to be --------------- -------------- ------------------------------------- WednesdgJ, ! ’Th® d^(e of lrJtall;iti(M1 of ofJ with him. _ Helen will remain here ‘n until Mrs. Lund gets home and then Julyl2, at their I. O. O. F. hall. fleers was set for Wednesday, July return to Palo Alto.-------------------------------- Various official letters were read. 19 whlch wlh be a special meetiM -------- . ! One announced that th. President of A „port of the Pa^Nobte Ora^. The regular meeting of the Past , Noble Grand Chib of Mamie Re­ | bekah lodge. No. 20, was held at the home of Mrs. Florabel Boober last Friday evening, with the president, ‘ Mrs. Maud Greene, presiding. >' Among the many interesting pieces of business cared for was the ques­ ' tion as to what this club should pre­ pare as its Christmas gift to the I.O.O.F. Home in Portland. The sec- Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kester of the cretary, Ida Oerding. was instructed Igloo Market are enjoying a visit to write to the home to find out what from their daughter, Mrs. E. F. is needed. , Moore and children, Theda and Mel - After the business meeting the vin, who came in from Aurora last members were entertained with Chin- Saturday and will remain until next ese iheckers and hearts. The prize Monday. » gh in checkers was awarded to Mrs. Annie Robinson, while Mrs. Florence Mrs. Herbert Van Zant, of Sausa- _ ’ 1 'the award for Uto, Calif., spent last w^k visiting adrottlness in managing the elusive her mother, Mrs. Pearl Ellingsen. i black queen. A drawing for a door Mrs. Van Zant is the former Pauline prize gave it to Mrs. HaHock. Ellingsen. She is in charge of an i . The next meeting .place is as yet office at Marin Ship at Sausalito, Undetermined but will be announced in the personnel department. She and later-’ her husband went to California to t At the close of the eveniiffe, the live five years ago yrhen he was pro- responding secretary; Bess Maqry, treasurer. Susie Folsom was elected director for one year. The group The Soroptimist Club met last voted to take over a concession at the Tuesday for luncheon at the hotel. 4th of July celebration. Thirteen Leta Leslie was elected, president for members were present...... the coming year. Other officers chosen were Flora Compton, vice Alarm Clocks repaired at Schroe­ president; Edith McNeily, recording der’s Jewelry. Men’s Wedding Rings secretary; Georgianna Vaughan, cor- in stock. Soroptimist Elects New Officers With the Gas Restrictions now in effect we are not able to do A as much collecting and de- livering of clothes as former­ ly and appreciate having your garments brought to the plant and called for Please remove buttons and pins City Gleaners Father’s Day June 18 prompt bates Mamie Rebekah Lodge Notes Mrs. Pauline Harvey left Wednes- I «he Rebekah Assembly of Oregon will CTub told of the lntereBtlng meeUng day for Palo Alto end expects to re- be in Coquille to make her annual held last Friday evening at the home turn at once with her nine-year old visit on Tuesday Evening, July 11. of Florabel Boober. . son, Peter, whom she left with friends 1 A very interesting letter was read After the meeting, refreshments’ there. her ----------- mother. — Mrs. ------ Ines frum Mrs. . Frances Brown, • who is in were served to the members in the -------- While -------------- Chase, continues to improve slowly, Lincoln Acres, California, where her j(Xige dbilng room. Mrs. Harvey thinks she should re- j husband, Tom Brown, is stationed as ■ member of our "country’s forces I Insurance specialist.*?. R. Bull. main here tar a time yet. L^ACKI«, CRWW6 Phone 53 We have a splendid assortment of gifts for Father on his day, many items be sides those listed below • Candy • Cigars • Cigarettes • Shave Set • Stationery • Bill Folds • Father Day Cards • Shaving Lotion • Talc • Cologne Fuhrman’s Pharmacy