Bare Facts From Bear Creek Fairview News Mrs. M. O. Edward. ~” The Catan* that’s Different” u i vnanss; Mrs. Theo Schiel; Mrs. overnight Friday at the L. L. Buoy (By Lans Leneve) u ardson and Jimmy Mullins; Mrs ““ d yAu p, tnt Next Sunday is Father’s Day. The home. Mrs. Edwards returned to her ’“I hün>e in Eugene Saturday. She had “**' Btearn’ roam, Nation pays homage to Dad. To home regular Sunday men­ those who are still fortunate enough been visiting the Wheelers in Pow« cw'ducted [ i tag — church -—•----- — • — service. J. W.iKvans and t > have Dad with us it is a day for tor two weeks. Extension Unit met Tuesday, June °*^alein- house gue^of Mr. rejoicing. To those whose Dads have departed, it brings a tinge of sadness ;«, at the grange hall when Mrs. Doro- t and Mrs. Steam, accompanied them; but brightened by fond memories ! thy Bishop Dunn explained, '’Women i also Harry McNary, who favored the that are recalled on this day that has > and the Oregon Law.** Those present audience with a vocal solo. Sunday been set aside to honor Dad. It 'besides Mrs. Dunn were Mesdames , school followed with an attendance of [Myrtle Holverstott, Iris Holverstott, ¡41. There will be services again next brings to mind happy hours spent [ Roxy Frye, Lottie .Fanno; Pamelia Sunday, preaching at 10 a. m. and t,eside the family fireside, of child­ hood problems that were brought to Hatcher, Audis Enlund and Helen Sunday school at 11 a. m. Dad In that far distant past-mem­ Chezem. There was a potluck din- 1 Mrs. Ward Evans attended the The two 'new offhars',toy“1 convention held at ories once again relived on this day. ----- -------- ' * / About every worth' white child al- presented with with a a corsage. corsage. ~Th^were P®*“ ,, . * ** They were 1 _-too bUo ’ ,pok I ways looked up to Dud ang always presented *“J*” tv figured him tope, not only during Chairman Iris Holverstott and Vice *, very tove,y *“ those kid days, but through life as Chairman Lottie Fanno. The sec.- “J? “ _ Pamela well. He was a greet guy in those treas., June Butler, was not present far. distant days and he still is a won­ m “ u ‘ vh to M yrt U P oin ‘ derful guy, whether living today in reality, or merely in fond memory. j J birthday Yes, it is fitting, indeed, that the Na­ shower was given Mrs. Quivey. < Mr* Ida “F*” Mr* st«n»«y H*1' tion should set aside a day on which andatMB°leN °HdeStofaUgteftr R X r k ^^t« -nd Mrs. Wayne Woodward were to honor Dad. . »t the home of Mr After being on again and off again morning for Bend, where she has „ been ” employed „ W r-I- .-TT- at Camp Abbott. SX^ll An- -* JI und Mfg Frank over a period of several weeks, on 1 F" ! and Mr». Frank Lane, account of the late spring rains, the other daughter, Peggy." wfi* home *4» Mr. and Mr*. Lawrence Bari last week-end from Eugene. logging trucks operating from the visited at the home of Mr. and Lieutenant Harold Norris, son o<| I l.u rington-Ray Camp on upper Bear Mrs. T. H. Benham, and Bette Lipin- Clarence Rutter Sunday- Creek are really doing their stuff. . . .—-f------ . , - - ----------- — —*<•*»-t .VI — A woman in Portland called up the lc< Ule evenln -------- «Maim « , <* Jun»! Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Myers airport there (the army airport) and 1 at the Lutheran church in Chicago. Harold Lee Ray, of Myrtle Point, vis­ attendants were Mr. and Mrs. ited at the home of Mrs. Ida Myers complained about the noise of the 1 Their Tobin. Lieut. Norris had been hon­ Sunday. training planes in flight She was informed by the officer in command orary usher at the wedding of the ( A group of young folks enjoyed a that the constant flying meant the Tobins’ daughter, Shirley, a few days ! party given at the home of Mr. and sating of more of our boy»' lives previously. Lieut. Norris and bride Mrs. Jake Moomaw Saturday eve­ present were olend Misses Cr.wfordi . when they became engaged in ac- werf given . reception at ths1 Tpbin 1 ning. Those Nola home after th. ceremony. He left ;uul »olycrom, Maureen •ual combat. The woman replied that she wished all the flier» were Saturday morning tor R°«weU. "^¡Evans and Don* Moomaw. Me^. dead, so that she might get some Mexico, where he will take Transition. Kenneth Donty, Junior Gulstrom, Weakly v and David Moomaw. GiUwpte • ladies from HeU” that we Were in charge of Sunday school and Were in -» --------------- --- 1m1 heard so much about. If she ta’ church In the absence of Rev. Roy should return home for that to where pBrgeri Mr. Gillespie to to be employed at she belongs. " / I H. t C. met at the home of Violette the present time, Everett Cameron purchasM »Id Geitner 7^^,. June K Mrs. Ward «Evans, Pamela and and traded iwo truck loads oi ing having been postponed one'day. Maureen visited at the home of’Mr. last week- There to one advantage n Thoge pre-ent were members, Gene­ and Mrs. Chaster Willson in Myrtle disposing of a horse, there isn t any vid*vsa “ Fil ^ l» : • s a y,n w mill Myrtle Point last Saturday. gas or rubber to be argued about ^***, ^ Holverstott, Bethel Norris, Helen I f he is slightly the worse for wear, I. Chezem and Phyllis, Audra Enlund it isn’t necessary to call in a mechanic i and Joan and Patty. Guests were -a few feeds of oats will put him Mrs. Carole Blohm, Margie and Roy.1 back on the road again. 1 Grange met last Saturday night for ! Jack Arnold, bur old fishin’ friend from Coquille, stopped in to see us regular meeting. The Chezems were a while back. He'was very anxious hosts, serving chicken sandwich, to have us look over his fishing boat, strawberry shortcake, cream an coffee. which he had along on a trailer. So Mrs. Clarence Deadmond has r< we both stepped out to look the boat turned home from Seattle, st over (Jack and L) But at the same .had been visiting relative». instant, our gaze was attracted to Phyllis Chezem returned hona something* else. Well, anyway Jack . Wednesday from Roseburg, where st pulled off for home without either of ■ visited at the Glenn Richardson horn us looking at his boat. That is, we [ 1 Mr. and Mrs. Guy Davis are par are pretty sure that Jack’s boat .nts of a baby boy, born last wee doesn’t wear shorts. But if that was at Knife hospital in Coquille. Mr Jack’s boat that we were really look­ Davis and baby were brought ham ing at, we claim that it was a real Monday by Mrs. Fanno. work of art Mrs. Russell Stillwell to in Portlanc We wish to thank. Dr. Calver Oram t being called there by the serious ill Mace, of Sahta Barbara, Calif., for {ness of her daughter, Mrs.'E. A. Wil his splendid letter of appreciation for | cox. Mrs. Wilcox to a sister of Mn this column and comments regarding . Robert Holverstott. our personal freedom and rights un- | Mr. and Mrs. Quivey escaped |n der The New Deal. Parts of his let- t , ¡Jury When fheir car h|t loose gr ter—a real message to the voters of unftat|0fl froip oytiying districts tq ¡Scripture reading on prayer by Mrs the Reedsport depot Is something that i O H- Awn; P«jw »ong. «l am Pray ing for You,” by the ladle» trio: M m should be corrected. Graydon Haga, Bear Creek farmer, dames Albert Lillie. Albert Gulstrom has recovered from a recent serious Stanley Halteo Werner Plaep, S. C mouth and throat ailment. It wasn’t McAllister, Jake Moomaw and Dona the hoof and mouth disease, but prayer by Rev. T. J. Pryor, of Myr­ GraydSn says that he can sympathize tle Point; vocal solo, “Bless Th fa House,” by Mr». S. C. McAllister with cattle thus afflicted. ........ ........... ------ short, skit by Mesdame* Wemei Plaep, Melden Carl and Charles Grif­ fith; song by the la^leg trR>, "Softly and Tendejl^?' A lovely luncheon ol fruit salad and cookies, tea and- cof­ fee was served by the hostess to the I following guests: Mpsdames Emil Pe­ Well some how we missed our column {he pgst two terson, Charles Griffith, Loretta, and wegks, but it seem ■ Mary Anne, H»ro|d F|ah, Tom Cook, R. B Maspn, Rile Miller, Lizzie Lett, to put the paper our of Adrian Halter, Lee KelHaon and Bob- business so we will come l by; C. A. Kellner, Werner Plaep and igain. [Bobby, Albert Lillie and Glenda, Al­ Wf'v® begn panned a bert Gulstrom, C, K. Schroeder, of