Canning To Be Demonstrat'd June 28 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. . 11:00 a. m. Meaning Prayer with Emmanuel Baptist Church Rev. Menno D. Rempel. Pastor 10:00 Sunday School. Say what you will, the Sunday School has pro­ duced nothing but good! It is wor­ thy of your support personally and it will be for your own good. 11:00 Hear Lee Finley, evangelist from Porterville California, and past resident of Coquille 7:00 Three Young People’s meet­ ings. 8:00 Evening service. Lee Finley FOR RENT- Small, S-room, partly furnished House on Spurgeon Hill See Mrs. M. O. Hawkins, »17 West J. 8. BARTON, Realtor ' "'H Fourth, phone 3UM. South Taylor St. Phone 21J or 7ÎL Coquille, Oregon. it .'Keys made for all locks. Stevens Cash Hardware, Coquille. Ore. tf 193« CHEVROLET Master deLuxe .Sport Sedan that’s a honey. Ori­ FOR SALE—"Farmers’ Bargains"-- Pits — Saddle Horses — Cows — ginal black finish, white side wall Bulls — Gasoline Engine — Hens. tires, fog light, two back-up lights, See FARR & ELWOOD’S ‘ Swap ’ radio, heater, automatic choke, Board.’’ perfect motor, seat covers. If you can find anything wrong with it, McCORMICK DEERING Electric we’ll- fix it. Southwestern Motors Milk Coolers. J. A. LAMB COM­ Used Car Lot. 8 PANY. ' s Monday through Friday, 7:30 even Junior Choir, Saturday evening at The Assembly of God WOULD like to care tor children in their home. Am 15 years old and have had experience. Lorraine Sedth, phone 2<>2M, Coquille. It’s JUST ARRIVED — New siiipment Camp Chairs and Stools. J. A. LAMB COMPANY. S WEED KILLER—Dupont AMMATE will kill all kinds of weeds, poison FOR SALE — Six yearling Bulls, oak and Ivy, BLACKBERRIES. Jersey and Guernsey, C. M. Ed. Something new that really works. wards, on Myrtle Point highway at FARR & ELWOOD. Glen Aiken Creek. 31t3*s 1H and 3 TON International Trucks avalla’bje for immédiat* delivery to farmers and othep, subject to War Production Board authoriza­ tion for purchase. For particulars, see OEO. F. BURR MOTOR CO. » and 3 TON International "R-ucks available for immediate delivery to farmers and others, subject to War Production Board authoriza­ tion tor purchase For particulars, see GEO. F. BURR MOTOR CO. • First Church of Christ, Scientist Coquille, Oregon SundayjSchool at 8:30 a. m. Sunday Service at |1 a. rpi. Supjeei for next Sunday, “Is th* Unlvprse. including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?” • ■ Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o’clock, Pre* public Reading Room at 83» W. Second, Roxy Bldg, open 8VWF day eggept Sunday *nd holidays from 1:30 to l;qp p. m, Attention loPetails, LAUNDRY TRAYS — Single and Double compartment cement trays, with or without legs. FARR & ELWOOD. FOR PLUMBING repairs and Ser vice—call 2-L. J. A. LAMB COM­ PANY. ; I Farr & Elwood XN So. Taylor St. Coquille, Ore. FEED ‘ Night Phone «MX Southwestern Motors Benham s Transfer • YOUR 1 BABY CALVES ORWi D oans P ills Storage SWp AND GRAVEL t UAL ~ PPM Oil? — tfQftAGE Agents Ur OFPgOB-lfcvtfq-Çgliloroja FroMlL Offlc, Phone 5.'