L. C. Persing, Pastor .' Thursday 7:45 Special meetings with Evangelists Mr. and Mrs. May. Friday 7:45 Rev. Howard May speaking. ' Saturday night is a free night. WANT TP RENT—House near Co­ quille, where there Is pasture for a cow. Phone 174M before five o’clock, A. R. Stalcup, 670 East FERTILIZER—Jugt received a stock ’ Third. Coquille. . . a or 5-«-«, i-lftel#, 4-13-4, Victory garden fertilizer, Bona Meal, Gyp- ' sum, Compoat. FARR * EL­ WOOD. * Attention io Details S — Gia»»-O-Net, •nd Window Fabric RUN YOUR MILK , ■> TO MARKIT FOR 4' ('•quii*- IWR VICTORY Wrase Benham’s Transfer Strage >UR 1 NlchtflMMNtX Southwestern Motors [ BA BY CAL VES 1,000.00 COAI. - FVKl OH, „ STO HAG IS «Hu. for Owi«>-NrvWaOII*<>n>a r«4 tnliM !%>». 9