w; . ! ■* ■ ; i 4 f7 <’• \ ■' LO J '« 1 ÿ >• » X J M i FAGS TWO ■ r' ’Jp; ¡ I ‘ « r carried a spray of white gladoli. Mrs. w.uwiwow. Paul Pinkston i was matron of honor d in pink and carried She was dressed et. Mr. Perry Berkel a mixed bouquet. .-A. gave the bride away and best man was Mr. John Potter. Th* altar was decorated in Talis­ man rosea, fem and mock orange. Mrs. Nancy Berkel song, "Uwe’s Old Sweet Song.” Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Bessie Mamey, Mrs. O. M. Potter, of Coquille, and Sgt. and Mrs. Paul Pinkston. ofsLompoc, Calif. A reception was held at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Parry Berkel. The young couple are making their bom« at San Diego, Calif., where Clarence is stationed. I * 4 J I i < « —5= ■si« Th« hUu:. JCiTii.E 4an S Cabin Mar Unit s Notes ■' -i • [•» 'x I ! t Sfc.ML. '<•? /i 5— ; Ü., fcv,- ¥ .... Of Lea- Church of Christ parsonage —----- - ---------- iharrted June 0—Eley Shelton and c,,. Monday by Liston Parrish at the Carum, both of Camas Valles No»-High Sehool Director "f ’•■ Martha E. Mulkey, County School i Superintendent has announced that Coquille Red Cross will hold its _ There-are many thieves, burglars, a petition with 32 signers has been regular meeting on Friday, June 0, Kt rtiiUH Hall Cmm i -in 4 10 » m “** people of that Ilk in the secelved by her as ’secretary of the from 1J0 ^4 3^.01. worW |t wouW the Non.Htah School Board for W. E. Flannel baby garments will be cyt meanest civilian is one who will CroM. Mr CroM resident of and distributed as well as kit bags, steal from a man Who to in Uncle outrict- No. 44, Roy, and has for many scuff slippers and other articles. Sam’s armed forces. *years served as a school board mem- The following ladies are thanked. ; After being stationed in South ln’ district. tor donations of wash cloths, beedies, America for 20 months. Staff Sgt. Mr Croo wU1 SUir M tx-tlef- heavy thread and clothing: Mesdames Kenneth Arrell came home on fur- who hlls dnce September ?9, 1033 Frank Schram. F. C. True, Neely and lough last week to visit his folks, j^rved faithfully as q member of the A- T. Erickson. Another fine afghan Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Henderson, and Moll-High School Board. Mr. Detlef- has been received from Mrs. East , friends here. hers. refUge »k^, Non-Hiffh Rn»rfi mm- to thJ matter and^ Planed to ¿f£SS ±22^1?!! instruction, for an eieetion ■ 1 a l lL-LJ gi » ........ . II — — '■ i defense, can best be characterized as wh(ch wln carrled at the elose ¡"the meanest man.” ' of the regular school meeting in each : —— . - ...r . school district within the zone. diseuss it, says Mr». Keiner W. 8. C. 8. Met In Pioneer Hall Last Thursday The Woman’s Society for Christian Service met in the Pioneer Hall of 1 Phyllis Litzenberger, to/nm/in't Marriage Licehses Wrim/sn'c r*lnk “OTTian 5 VIUU YF V»sew«« w May 31—Raymond F. Hetlage and ! the Methodist church, with 20 mem­ Jessie L. Daniels, both of North Bend. bers present, last Thursday. The They were mailed at his home last meeting was called to order by the Miss r-nyiua miss Phyllis c.iu«.-iioer Litzenberger ker uoa has been ueeii ' Pleads Guilty Tuesday Ta “Oh foq a chcMn by the CoquUlo Woman’s Club ReV’ president after singing -»» fiftH the I as it. candidate - - Irs.Wrvrtfh Hand for queen at the Nouilonri Ne*,,n^ u , Driving While Intoxicated Thousand Tongues to Sing" .coming 4th of July celebration. Phyl- June 1-William Robert Tucker, of l " Mri. prayer song, “ Into My Heart. ____ _ _, _ _ Jack Mason Lae, brought to the .coming sin or au.y ce.eurauon. rnyi Qre gnd H ifl27. she will of liquor, on Monday entered his plea Oregon Conference Summer Scho.il a senior next fall in the High married on Thursday by Rev. C. Har- ____ ________________ of guilty. after widving grand jury for the Woman's Society for Christian g^oo! and has been an honor student fold Van Duker at his home on the Queen Candidate* investigation. Judge King postponed Service, which to to be held at Silver pronouncing sentence, iMttl next Creek from Aug. 22 to Sept. 2, Monday discussed. disclosed. - potluck - - was enjoyed -------------------- ---- | ‘ A by all pros- T* Kidneys Must Work Well z Ì Hsj i to ln her cja8aea All her school life ln Coquille, since ,J„une nag been spent spent in uoquute, since . in the first i starting |tMrtln< tn fir>t grade grad* in the old °f San Jose, CaUf., and Bessie Louise ' ! w“run* *" *"• ™ a stu- Lee, mar. build|n<. Rh* was ' “ of Eaataide. Th*y were - ---------------- ___ __ _....... ried at the minister'«home in Marsh­ ent. den| body officer this year, has been .At the afternoon session Mrs. Minnie yell leader for high school for |WO........................ 2. by Rev^Oscar W. Rayne, M • years, the to to be editor of the “Hi^ ••U June * 3—Stewart Mobley, “ of * “ Mus- “ Laws led the devotipnals and Mrs. Brown was In charge of the program. Times” this next year and is how , kogee,> Okla., and Alice Werah, of -On June 2» the executive meeting holding office of Honored Queen in Coquille. They were .married hqre by Rev. L. C. Persing at his home will be held at the home of Mrs. .Job’s Daughters. Helen Peterson.~ \ on the _ She ..... to the daughter ........................ A report of Mr. and ......... Mrs, on Second street last Saturday. oea American A rv*xx*«lr»ar»” _ . _ .. __ study bqpk; "We Who are ” : walterLitzenb^ger. She is a brun- June 3—Laurence E. Pressnail and Marcella M. Koons, both of North will i>e given at that time ette type with dark hazel eyes, ston- Bend. They were married on Satur­ ' der, five fqpt, one and one-half inches day by Rev. R. D. Bender at his Durcas Society Sewed For The tall. home in North Bend. Bed Cross Last Thursday | When Phyllis graduated from J June 5—Jack J. Kershaw, of The Dorcas Missionary group of the eighth grade she was given the Amer- ' Marshfield, and Velma ' Louryane Church of Christ met with Mrs. Wil­ lean Legion award for good ettizen- Richardson, of- North Bend. , They lard Sloan last Thursday and after a ihip. ■;J/./„ .were married by Justice Fred Bull at short business meeting the after- | * his office here on Monday. noon was spent sewing for the Red Marybelle Yarbrough b To June 5—William Herman Huff, of Cross. . - ' I I Be Legion Queen Candidate The hostess, Mrs. Sloan, served ice­ Miss Marybelle Yarbrough, daugh­ cream and cookies to the following ladies: Mesdames Arthur Towne, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Yarbrough Guy Kelley, Al Erickson, Alton | of the Cow Bell Dairy, was selected Dungey^ Liston Parrish, Ralph Had- , by “z Coquille v-mjuuie Poet, rv.., No. ««. M. oo. American sell. Belle Hooton and Amoa Payne, i Legion as its candidate for Queen of ¡the 4th of July celebration, at the T ¡Legion meeting held in their club ( home Monday evening. , f ■ ---------------------------- . | a i I D oans P ills — !, i. I ■SF DillardlEarket J Notice—The Past Noble Grands’ club will r^MC.at the home of Mrs., Roy E. Boober Friday evening. June ’ 9, at 7:30 o'clock. | Belle Knife Hospital i Last Thursday at the hospital here 1 Judy Anderson underwent a tonsil-, .ectomy, N. Dive!bls of Sixes entered, for treatment of an infected hand, and James Phillips from Greenacres, underwent an operation-for appendi- 11 citto. 4 A baby boy, weighing ten pounds and who has been named Robert1 Wilson, was born to Mr. and Mrs. I Iva'Moss of this city last Thursday, h On Friday Elmer E. Briner re­ entered the hospital for. treatment. | ( On Monday this week, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harbison, I ✓ Ann, underwent an operation on her!, knee. , I On Tuesday Mr*. Phyllis Mitchell ( of Coquille and Mrs. Mabel Spurgeon^ ; of Marshfield Underwent major oper- ’ ations and Dianne, daughter of Mr.’i and Mrs. W. E. Buell, entered for ' treatment. I i Dismissals have been Mrs. Harry , Aber last Thursday, Mrs. Robert I Byers and Mrs. A. L. Stanley and j I their babies on Saturday and Mrs. 1 Frank Sinnott on Tuesday this week, j s. Circuit Court Cases I t I z ♦ !” ; June 1—State Unemployment Com­ pensation Commission vs. J, A, Fuller, E. O. Pdst and Jack White, doing business as the Powers Lumber Co. I June 1—Libby P. Murphy vs. War­ ren W. Murphy. Suit for divorce. June 1—William Long vs. Wilma Long. Suit for divorce. June 5—Osborne Nulf vs. Hazel i . Belle Nulf. Suit for divorce. June 5—Myrtle Sidney Carlson vs. | Albin Sidney Cartoon. Suit for di- vorce. June 3—Walter E. Homenyk V». Catherine E. Homenyk. Suit for di- 1 voice. ; June 7—Richard N. O’Kelk y vs. Thelma O’Kelley. Suit for divorce. I Alarm Clocks repaired at Schroe­ der’s Jewelry. Men s Wedding Rings *" «to<* • u tfs ‘ ' I NOTICES— Durinf fruit season we will be open lune 11 Large shipment of Strawberries on Sundays. Starting this Sunday, arriving Saturday Night for Sunday Trade f Specials for Friday, Saturday and Sunday MILK Nestles Alpine Case ’4.33 SUGAR BACON Swift's Pure Cane In Clath Bag 10 lbs. Eastern Lean with a Delicious Flavor Lb Cristo Washing Snowdrift Powder Pop or Formay Large 22 ox pkg. 3 lb. jars 63' 31« 6^ 15® Cleanup Price EGG NOODLES Krinklets Lge. Pkg. TOILET TISSUE MAYON­ POP CORN NAISE Little PEANUT BUTTER Astoria GardsnBnd Fine Quality Fresh - Delicious 6 rolls 2 lb jars ; NoHey's OR Luxuary Pt. Jars rr. jars Buster Guaranteed to Pop 2 ~ lb. ,u- cello VCJ* 23° 25« 29« 33c 35c a a Fresh Fruito and Vegetables LETTUCE 2 25c ' WIU’ HAVE: CANTA- ONIONS'”^."""”3 h » 25c J w HSP’X t ' grn beans — SWEKT CORN — PEAR — ^ ^OWRR- b S a PR?: ORANGES "1^21.. 55c t Ô pay . voij can af >»» d I ~ TOMATOES — AT ,t -d 1