I Mention elation meeting. way, took advantage of the II day holiday to go fishing on Rogue. Mel caught eight trout. Mrs. A. R. Terrell and son. Jack, arrived last Saturday to spend several days in the Coquille Valley. They XI especially to be here for Mem- Day. Jack, who enlisted in the Navy five years ago, June 13, 1939, School Buses To Be is looking tops. He has grown heavi­ er and taller. He flew to Portland Inspected This Summer Inspection of the 700 school buses from San Francisco and has reser­ operating In Oregon is to be made vations for return flight to San Pedro, during the coming summer school va­ where he is assigned tola ship. He cation with a view to providing the wears the Asiatic Pacific bar, Defense greatest degree of safety for their bar and Good Conduct bar. He went young passengers, and for determin­ through battles in the Coral Sea, the ing where new busses may be allo­ Solomons and Guadalcanal. Jack cated to replace ueits of equipment states he lost three months getting his found to be obsolete, says a commun­ rating because he failed to receive a ication from Public Utilities'Com­ replyzfrom the High school here for his request for mathematics credits. missioner Geo. H. Flagg.. Bibbie Terrell, first class machinist The department of education is said to be sponsoring the investigation, mate, who enlisted in the Navy seven and the state police department will years ago, is now in school at Nor­ folk, Va. Following the twelve weeks course he will emerge a chief ma­ chinist. His boat is nearing com­ pletion In San Francisco now. For thepdst twenty-seven months, he was on a boat out of Lima, Peru. From there he returned to Portland, Maine, It is pointed out on a Coast Guard cutter, coming to v requires that the San Francisco by train and north by buses, as well as bus to visit hir parents in Portland, vehicles pass an Bobbie was in the Battle of Midway, ure the approval when his boat was rented lost for before the com- two days. Also he has been through se operating per- three skirmishes. Bobbie wears the same ban as his brother, also the _ _____ i four-year hash mark and one for the paired at Schroe- Asiastic Pacific theatre. w tfg Bobbie suffered an accident to one ’_____ eye which has necessitated his wear- ie for the Deal in Ing glasses the past year and which Insurance. Office, may fesult in loss of sight in the in­ ner hospital bldg.; jured eye. During his visit with his family in Portland, his father, A. R. Terrell, Norton’s have a fine stock of leath­ was ill in the hospital for a week er billfolds, some with zippers, with pneumonia, during the last week change purses and with space of in March. For the past two years, photographs. Give one to that swell Art has wogked under the Navy Head Dad of yours for a Father’s Day for Willamette Iron and Steel. Prior gift. ' • to that «he was 1n the Coast Guard, where he hojds a certificate as com­ missioned Warrant Boatswain. He was on the city police force at one time in Coquille. Mrs. Terrell wears the red bar which signifies she has donated one gallon of blood during the past twen­ ty-four months. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Marrion return­ ed last Saturday from a week’s trip to Los Angeles. opening Sunday, June 4, with Evan­ gelist and Mrs. Howard S. May, of Renton, Wash., conducting them. These services will continue nightly except Monday and Saturday throughout the coming two weeks. Rev. and Mrs. Howard May are both graduates of the Southern California Bible College and have had a suc­ cessful ministry for the past three years in the evangelistic field both in California and Washington. Mrs. May will conduct the musical part of the program and render sacred solos nightly followed by the presentation of the old fashioned gospel through the ministry of Rev. Howard May. Thurs. Fri. Sat. June 1-2-3 |1«.M REWARD For information leading to the arrest and conviction of the parties breaking into my Tabin at Laurel Lake and return of the stolen prop­ erty.—Keith Leslie, 300 So. Beach St., Coquille, Oregon. Children l«c Adulte 55c CbWwfck lodge No. é8 ADULTS COUNT the STARS , ,7 Who! »on ¿if Such hm| And Ohl That fort when _ Holly wood"» lovelieit »tor» take a furlough of entertainment to thg/ front linesl Thn|li! v RONALD COLMAN CLAUDETTE COLBERT ROSALIND F Hesthe RUSSELL ’ bfre-hiuckli bou of the Gold Coast. VICTOR Mc’.AGLEN »lyre live, mtn uk no put iont and dead men teHno talee! Latest News Cartoon Evenings lkc - We LATEST NEWS