0 * « X pagi t V'- ■ S. g I •V. t an FR l-l- I -I- ' - ----- ... . ____ MM OF SALE or LAND AC-! i en at MILK CLASSIFIED • I Ohe Goad a Word Each in—.rti<»r ... Ns Adv. taea than 35 cento t i 7 I I y r I ELECTRIC WIRING Supplies are available in limited quantities; WANTED—Lady bookkeeper. Ex­ have those extra convenience out- j perienced preferred. Call at South­ teta installed. Phone 193R. E. G. j western Motor Co. It Opperman. 46tf NOTICE—New Item» Just Received. Check the following list: FOR RENT—5-room House, garden WANTED — Water wells to drill. Metal Garbage Cana spot and orchard. Place for cow if Have new and up-to-date equip­ Dutch Ovens desired; 3Vi miles out Granvelford ment and heavy pipe where needed. Metal RFD Mail Boxes road. Mrs. Jeeise Huntley, Myrtle Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshfield Ironing Boards 20t2*s Point. Phone 9R3. MM4*tf ---------------------------------- ;—2 1 Ms and 3 TON International Trucks Folding Clothes Drying Racks 4 New Seta Dinnerware FOR RENT — Two-room furnished available for immediate delivery Perfection OU Room Heaters. Cert, apartment with private bath and to farmers and others, subject to required. Garage. Suitable for two adulta. War Production Board authoriza- Mounted Grind.Stenes. Phone E. G. Opperman, 193R. 16tf • tion for purchase. For particulars, Many New Tool Items see GEO. F. BURR MOTOR CO. ■ PERMANENT WAVE—59c! Do your Vice Grip Pliers own Permanent with Charm-Kurl .. - l(fr . j . ■ - -- ..... r- --------- r------- r..... t -1-- r - t - rrnirr PLUMBING GOODS—Tubs, Show­ 'Hydraulic Jacks Kit. Complete equipment, includ­ Grease Guns ers, Septic tanks. Toilets, Lava­ ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy I tories, pipe and ffttings. - FARR A* Tool and Tackle Boxes ' to da absolutely harmless. Praised »{ Fishing Tackle. Many new items. i ELWOOD • by thousands including Kay Mc­ Cory Coffee Makers Kenzie, glamorous movie star. BANDON BEACH Cottage, furnished, Children’s Games and Blackboards Money refunded if not satisfied. for sale. Will sacrifice for imme­ Also many other new items* that Barrow Drug Company. 18tl0* . diate sale. Strictly modern, double you have been asking for. We only ------------------------ ------ - --- - ------------------ 1 garage. Flamo Range, furnace, received limited quantities of above DON’T FAIL—Tuna in KOOS on tireplace, glassed-in Porch, 3 bed items, therefore don’t put it off— your radio Sunday evenihgs at, rooms. C. M. Gray, phone 131R, shop today. 19tfs 7:1». Coquille. 20tfs J. A. LAMB COMPANY HEADQUARTERS for Crown Dairy DUPONT WEED KILLER—Ammate 1*4 and 3 TON International Trucks and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed will kill BLACKBERRIES, poison available for immediate delivery ft Seed Ca . tfs oak or ivy and weeds. Not poison­ to farmers and others, subject to ous to cattle; easy to use. A new War Production Board authoriza­ ILECTRIC FENCE Units, »14.75 and up. Will work on 110-volt line, diacovery. FARR A ELWOOD, s tion for purchase. For particulars, or hot shot battery, or automobile • see GEO. F. BURR MOTÇR CO. a TRADE—Have geniilne leather, • feet from Southeast Church of Christ eornor of Block 3, original 7:0—Thursday evening mid-week East 4th A Coulter Town of Coquille, run service. South 79 degrees East Liston Parrish, Pastor • This church has always gone for- along North side of 1st Thur. 7:30, Bible Study and Prayer Street M feet Intersects I ward when prayer has dominated the John Sanders will be in West boundary of Hall life of its members. It has been well meeting Street Elliotts Addition, charge of the study of the Book of said, “ You cannot do more than pray run along West boundary until you have prayed." of Hall Street North 100 Bible School 9:46. Martha Mul­ feet to a lino running through center of Block 3, key, Supt. Whatever your age, a The Assembly st' God North 79 degrees North 26 hearty welcome awaits you.* Seoond and Heath Sis. feet South 100 feet to be­ Morning .Worship 11 o’clock. Lord’s ginning, in Block 3........... 1500.00 L. C. Peking, Pastor Supper. Special music and message Begin 100 feet East of South- rt corner of Lot 1, Block by the pastor on “The Lost Penecost.” original Town of Co­ 9:45 a. m. Sunday School with Intermediate C. E. 6:30. quille. North 11 degrees, classes for every age. Bertha Byrd, Young People’s C. E. 7:00. Mar­ Eaat 100 feet, East U de­ superintendent. grees South 25 feet. South garet Wolgamott will lead a candle­ i 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. Jvan- 11 degrees, West 100 feet, light consecration service. run along Front Street to gelist Howard May will be speaking. Evening Service 0:00. Pastor will beginning, in Block 3 1000.00 2:30 p. m. Annual Membership speak on “The Voice.*’ 20x40 feet in Northwest cor­ r ner of Lot 5, Block 1 150 00 Meeting. Wed. 7:30 Choir Practice. Don Farr, 0:45 Christ Ambassadors’ Meeting. dierctor. First AMitton To Oeqtflto Heights Reports of Convention will be the Lof 3. Block l ....................... 50.00 evening topic under the direction of IMiorr&B 8 v ftttioiw First Church of Christ, Scientist Mary Lou Newton and Winifred Van Land described in Volume Coqeille. Oregon 104, Page 3, Deed Records, . ■ Fleet. Coos County, Oregon, Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. 7:45 p. m. Evangelistic Meeting, Block 8 ............................... 50,00 Sunday Service at 11 a. m. conducted by Evangelist Howard S. West 100 feet of Lot B, Block Subject for next Sunday, "God the Weit 100 feet of Ji,’ 50 ft of »0,00 May uf Washington. The music will ba under the direction of Mt»- How­ Preserver at Man.*’ Lot C, Block || ...... ........ U.00 ard May who will also be singing Wednesday evening meeting at 0:00 South 95 ft, of W< rest 100 ------- ft. I solos throughout the campaign. This o’clock. leas South 10 ft, . at Lot C, Free public Reading Room at 355 Sock 11 ....... .. 25.00 service will mark the opening of a North's© ft. ofSouth 'Un ft. series of evangelistic meetings which W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every of Lot E, Block 10..... .. 100.00 will be conducted nightly throughout day except Sunday and holidays from North 50 ft. of South 237 ft. 13:30 to 0:00 p. m. of Lot E, Block 16 _____ 100.00 the coming two weeks with the ex­ ception of Monday and Saturday eve­ Begin 412 feet South M de­ grees East from N Church of God nings. The public is cordially in­ comer of Lot 16, Corner of Henry A Seventh Sts. * vited to attend. Subdivision, run i South U Sunday School 10 a. m. Herschel ’ Monday—0:30 p. m. Tune in on degrees, 09 minu 'Utes Raat 183.5 feet, run Soul ith 59 de« KOOS for Songs of Memory, pro­ Allen, Supt. grees 49 mlnutag gram sponsored by the Christ Am­ Preaching at 11 a. m. Martin Fisher, feet North 0 dei __ bassadors. supply pastor. minute* West, 152,5 feet -------------------------- Young People’s meeting 0:45 p. m. run North 89 degree», 49 West. 45 feet to Church Of The Nazarene Block 18 50,00 Ninth and Heath Rev. V. W. Anglin, Minister 70.00 Sabbath School at 9:45 a. m. Morning Worahip Service at 11 a. FOR SALE—“Farmers’ Bargains 00.00 Chicks — Horses — Cows — Cream m. when the pastor wilt preach on 00.00 ¿The Faith that Justifies.’’ Separator — Bulls — Pigs — Saddle Horses — Laying Hens — MOWBR Evening Service at 7:45 with pas­ 50.00 — Rabbits. See FARR A EL­ 50.00 tor preaching. 50.00 WOOD’S “Swap Board.” S Midweek Prayer Meeting Wednes­ day night at 7:46. 00.00 V. W Anglin. Pastor 50.00 50.00 Insurance specialist, F. R. Bull. a Dr. De La Rhu* 50.00 50.00 quarter of the Northeast quarter, Section 29, Town­ snip 28 South, Range 13 10.00 West of the Willamette Meridian__ _ ___ 1200.00 10.00 North half of the Northwest Reception room jointly with quarter. Section 32, Town­ Dr. £ R. Bunch 10.00 ship 29 South, Rangexil L»lrt West of the Willamette Meridian __ _____ _ __ _ 1100.00 Lota 3, 4, 5, and 6, and North 35.00 half of 10, Section 7, 35.00 Township 30 South, Range- 13 West of the Willamette Meridian .......................... 500.00 »100.00 Land described in Volume ¿rds O^- l»0, ¿mi i ? I t C good condition, with rubber tires FOR SALE ■4-room Modern House, McCORMICK - Deering Milker», with circulating fireplace, partly TRACTORS, Farm Machines and Call 166M after 0 p. m. Mrs. Frank furnished. Located at 595 East Thrift. lOtfs Genuine IHG Repair». J. A. LAMB 11th. Lois Fenn, Coquille. Its COMPANY. • FOR SALE—Sixteen-foot cedar boat.1 Practically new. Waaher Service GOOD Alfalfa »nd Stock Ranch to ARC or ACETYLENE Wriding/w time, anywhere, day or night. <■ Co. 385 Front St. 19tfs trade for small place. Must be Prince Auto Electric, 290 North DON’T LET THE BUGS EAT YOUR ' 7°“ ‘“'f 7° w W‘nted- 21,^* Taylor, Coquille, Phone 174M. tfs GARDEN—Ask us what to use on -f*"**?' * ■ ■ _ ■ r _T. ■ f ’ them. FARR A ELWOOD. s 'ESSENTIAL Household Items — WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We service all makea of waahers. Clothes baskets. Clothes hampers. FOR SALE—10-aore Dairy Ranch, Washer Service Ca 365 West Handy step ladders. Furniture pol­ family orchard and garden; new Front St. Phone 17. tfs ish and Cleaning supplies. South­ DeLaval Milker end Separator; western ilotors Goodyear Store, a BULK GARDEN SEED—It’s fresher good milking stock; plenty garden ] It’s less expensive. FARR A EL- space. Goodwin, 1st house on Rink /■OR SALE—60 (Christy Strain) N. WOOD. .« i creek. , litfs H. CHICKS, 5 weeks old, large, i~ ------------------------------------------- r-_. healthy, 45c each. One, 100-Chix DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk­ PLUMBING SUPPLIES—We stock a Electric Brooder, practically new, ers. Parte and Dairy SuppUee. Get full line including fixtures. J. A. 811X10. Phone MILL.. lt*s them at Pacific Feed A Seed Sa tfs LAMB COMPANY. a =—.—_____________________________ FOR SALE—Large Simmons Cribs SUMMONS AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. and mattress »10. Will trade IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Bring your car in------ wo can start STATE OF OREGON IN AND Damascus long shuttle, treadle FOR THE COUNTY work at once. Southwestern Motor sewing machine, quite new, for a OF COOS Ca ' » portable machine. Call at once atl-LOlS M. AINSWORTH, PLAINTIFF. VS. FOR PLUMBING repairs and Ser- Ulett’s Cabins, No. 6, across high­ DEFENDANT way from Smith Woods. ” It*» LEE T. AINSWOR viee—call 2-L. J. A. LAMB COM­ To; LEE T. THE PANY. s DRIVE IN and let us Inspect your GOOD SERVICE makes Good In­ tires for hidden defects before you surance I give service. F. R to • take that trip. This service is free Bull. and may save you trouble and ex­ and - answer the .» against you in the above pense away from home. Thornton Court and cause on or before the last WANTED — Housekeeper for two Tire SeArice. • tfs date prescribed In the Order for ? adults. Will pay good wages. Ap­ Publication of Summons herein, and ply at 242 South Coulter, or phone FOR SALE—1036 Chevrolet Master if you fall so to appear and answer, 170L. ., . its Coupe; has radio and heater. Bill for want thereof, the Plaintiff will IHM «y of apply to the Court for the relief de­ Tennant. 2V4 miles from Coquille manded in said Complaint, a succinct June, A. O,. 1044, oommenclng a Block ’ ur at 1Q io o ’stook A- M of »a|< the hour clock A, on Marshfield highway. Ito statement of which is, as follows Block 8 day at the front door of the Cour Block 0 That Plaintiff be granted a decree house in the City of Coquille, am WANTED TO RENT — 2-Bedroom. of divorce from Defendant; that Block 10 Countv of Coos, State of Oregon, Furnished House or Apartment. Plaintiff be awarded the care, cus­ offer for sale and sell at public auc­ Three responsible adults, with no tody, and control °f the minor chil- tion the following described real W. property to . the highest and best pete. Write Box M. cars the Sen­ about 4H year», Lots HEADQUARTERS For Dairy A bidder, on the following terms and tinel. No phone calls. lt*s Ainsworth, age a conditions, to-wit: . Poultry Feeda, Metal Chick This Summons is NOTHING OVERLOOKED . For either cash in hand at the Waterers, Milking Machine WANTED TO BUY—Old horses, cows suant to an Order 3 oc I time it {kje, df if tht pin Lots to |9 ¡M ‘ *k made by Da) M. Ki» , LOO Supplies, Bug Chasers for Gar­ and calves for Mink feed. B. T. electa, fm7 not less fhin no matter how large and elaborate L<>ts jo 15 Block named Court on den and Flowers. EATON’S P«r wmCCM«) <4 th* pt Hepler, ouilards route. Phone above f 1944. The date of first Lots to 12 Block the scale upon w|>|pb the (uperal FEED STORE, Coquille. tfs 9R5, Coquille. st Jan. 11,45 of Summons Is May 23, I Lot» to |2 Block Ofc arrangements are tp pe made That Lots I to ll Blk date of the he last public« " at terms arranged pet#* FOR SALE—2 Small (partly fur­ ARE YOUR FLOORS SHABBY?— mens is kite I to J) Block J aw ItitH *• <*r RSilFJ—Ihft is qyr proud purchaser and the County _ _ nished) Houses, 100x100 lot, close Lbt» I to 11 Block Rent our - sander, use it yourself, HARRY A. SLACK, all deferred payments V bear claim after mgRF »earn of egpt-ri ’ Attorney for Plaintiff Lota I to 11 Block HO,00 • internal from the date of sale at In. Both rented—312 W. Sth St easy, economical. FARR A EL­ Residence and postoffice address Lot» 1 to 10 Block 150 00 I ence A conference with MS will Write L. M. Sinclair, 3410 & E. WOOD. « the rate at 0% per annum, on any • 9 __________ Coquille, Oregon.___ __________ |0t5 Lots 1 to 10 Block 150.00 and all panels the purchase Mh street, Portland 14, Ore. 17t4*a » to your advantage Und. 391/48«; NOTICE TO CREDITORS ■ ... . ■»,„ - ------- ,a,a. ■■ SCOOTERS— Rregular 05.95, Special price of which equals One Hum Beginning at M. C. be­ Notice is hereby given that the dred (3100.00) Dollar», or mors. Price |3.19 with this Adv. J. A. undersigned PAINT—Our stocks of interior and tween Secs. 10 and 15, 22d ' _ '. was ._ on the . “ 2 day of No sale shall be made of any of Twp. 25 South, Range M LAMB COMPANY s May, 1944, appointed by the County exterior paints are in good shape. the above parcels of real property West of the Willamette Court of Coos — C„ j County', County, Oregon, as FAHR A ELWOOD. I for a lesser amount than the mini­ Meridian, at SW corner of Administrator of the Estate of C. L. mum price shown thereon. Lot 4, Sec. 10 run North Collier, deceased; and all persons RUN YOUR M11. K WATER SYSTEMS—We have power Date at Coquille, Coos County, 19 Degrees East 1320 feet having claims agulnst said Estate are Oregon, this lstday of May, A. D., ' ««quilte ICandon pumps and shallow and deep well -•x TO MARKÍT FOR along Meander line, run ¡«ereby Inquired to present them to wster systems. J. A. LAMB COM­ N. 37 degrees East 90.42 / I MR l»83 ■ne.wWh toropey vouchers attached WM. F. HOWELL. feet along meander line, PANY. a 17t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. ? -&\ __ _______________ run N. 45 degrees W. 860 PAPERHANGÌNG? Kalsominingr is­ . JJIB U- " ............................ I '1-4* feet across Mud Flat, run Dated and published first time toriar and Exterior Painting. The \ Uwf Io« ' F«w 60 veara 4ay 25, 1944. latest in Pittsburg, Imperial, Birge j degrtiteT» W 19t0 G- Sapfoyd, Administrator ■» C a MF m * Wall Paper. Herbert E. Wood, 27^ A. WjF uu ..I«.. L- in the B ounty coubt qf the 508 85 feet aíinl ììoni South No. Henry, Coq'xille, phone 288. I STATE OF OREGON. IN AND boundary S. B. RRH of W. 8tfs . FOR THE COUNTY OF OQOg 1 run Sputh 13 degrees 30 In the Matter of the Estate of fS2..’™'"!« Robert M. led. ! D0W. <0111 ihp 0» BATH TUBS—We have them. FARR davl Nettoe A ELWOOD. >• . ■ NOTICE IS 9f ; that ■J .JM.1S -IMI '■arj» 1 «ru.......... i , the undersigned • has "9 00r i u io ------------- --- - .LHWJ pointed by the above entitled Court ' .... warwet. Item 280 So. Taylor St. as the Administratif 2‘ ’ of the estate Coquille, Ore. of Robert rt M^ _______ Devereux, deeeaasd. and East half at the North»»! has qualified as such, quarter pf the Northwest NOW THEREFORE, all persons having claims against said estate are Storage hereby notified and required to pre­ I*. PSnne 83 sent the same, together with proper Meridian .............................. I j vouchers therefor to the undersigned Night Phone «MX e tANP ANP CHAV Pl East half of at the offices of J, Arthur Berg, Co- Und. 0/4 nf ths »o.iihsaat quarter of *’ •r 1 St . ■ V« attention 'to Details, / SCHROEDER BROS. MORTUARIES, ta«. r ■ Æ' VICTORY I Farr & Elwood -1 jW’ I Benham's Transfer WRECKER I Í '«®ä Southwestern Motors I I •T a p A Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 4th day of May, 1944. 17t5 - South, Range . 13 West of the Willamette Meridian Administrator of the estate of North haif of the Northeast Robert M. Devereux, Deoeaaed i quarter, and the Southeast »00.00 COAl - PUBI Oil - PTOKAGK Afanfa hr Or^ow NrvMls-