The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 01, 1944, Page 4, Image 4

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H. A. TO<JNG and M. D
(Taken from The Sentinel, of Friday, 11
May »0, 1»M)
| Yesterday, the Student Body of
100 the High school, marched down the
■00 recently completed board walk, two
’7® | abreast, for a ceremony of dedication.
^¿.IBrica Flitcroft broke a bottle of pop
’ on the railing with the words, “I
christen thee — “The Dinty Moore
Trail.” This to a fitting tribute to
Entered at the Coquine
the work of Rev. H V. Moore, pastor
qr the South Methodist Church, who
was the instigator of the plan. Hence­
forth it will be known as Dinty’s
Trail” and it was consecrated to
Health, Safety, Happiness and Lovers.
The Coquille graduating dam of
twqnty-four — both numerically aa
- wen as Anno Donmini—made an im­
pressive showing at the commence-
• Fragment» of Fact • ment exercises Wednesday evening
• in the auditorium at the high school.
md Fancy
• The members were: Lawrence Moon,
- hErrol Sloan, Pat Harville, Elva WU-
There to nothing new under the ley, Myrtle Olsen, Florence Bckker,
sun, we have often heard. * Actually Warren Brandon, Wilda Clark, Dena
the quotation from the prophet of Ellingson. Vera Endicott, Gertrude
the Old Testament reeds: ’There to .'.’.iatonye, Harold Peart, Elizabeth«
no new thing under the sun.” Not only Perryman, Dbn Pierce, Edris Rick­
does there s e em to be no new thing etts,
Vera Finley, ' Brica Flitcroft,
in this world but human conduct re­ Sadie Hamblock, Georg|gnna John­
mains pretty nearly the same since son, Clarabelle Min tony e, Icalene
historians first began their recording. Ricketts, Ted Sandon, Norma Willard,
A great deal has been said during Aileen Wilson. - •
the present war about the rug-chew- t
Ing pastime of Hitler and we will
'The new building into which S. M.
admit believing Adolf was original Nosier moved his grocery store the
in venting his anger and disappoint- first of this week to another of those
ments by gnawing the carpet How- was bjuii x -
i- -gag—»-
ever, in reading again the story of
the Magna Charta, we find King John
• imclY I OpICS
Officers of the Willamette Valley
Chemical Company have been here
all week arranging final details so
that construction of the alcohol from
wood-waste plant at Springfield can
be started in the near future. The
details* are apparently being worked
out satisfactorily and it seems Aikely
that construction on the plant will
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • J • • • -
■ j
Vìi I
begin soon. .
Clinic For Cripple Children To
Be Held At Bay June 12
England was a prototype for Hit-
By R. T. Moora
* e
When the bishops and the barons
A rejuvenated Republican party
stood side by side at Runnyn.ede and has nominated two able men as can-
forced King John to-sign and seal didates for the United States ssna-
the Great Charter, which to the foun- torship in the November election,
dation of constitutional liberty forf' The high courage and keen analyti-
all Fngii.h-.rv»»Una neooles even to cul powers of Morse, teamed with
this day, XhteJota was so wroth by the wid«’ experience and persuasive
the demands made upon him that it »Kill of Cordon will make a combin-
to related he flung himself upon the atio" hard to beat in the Senate. Both
floor aqd gnawed like a wild beast at deserve election in November be-
sticks and straw or anything within
euch provides the other with
his reach.
. attributes needed to round out his
Although the charter was pub- personality. The two will make an
ltohed throughout the kingdom and almost perfect legislative team,
was “swora to at every hundred-mete 1 As the election campaign gets un­
and at each town-mote by,'-the king's der way after the primaries, it ap­
order,” King John himself quickly pears that the voters will be asked to
broke all its promises and made war choose between two diametrically op­ double taxation has destroyed busi- I
on his barons and, with an army of posite types of executive government.
week, in a rush of
foreign soldies, laid waste much of hto , The aims of each will be sflbetantially
treasuries and in.the hands of private, action, cleaned up its calendar and
kingdom. He lived less than two yews the
Th* difference will be In
investors. Unless the tax law to on Thunday passed a total of eighty
after putting hto signature to the d1« organization and routine opera­
amended to correct this evil we may bills, half of them being small private
charter which he had never intended tion.
look for a general yetrenchment by 'claims. The others were of relatively
to honor and he is known as the
business in post-war when just the minor nature. The Senate to now
to reign over Eng- system as at present. The executive
branch of government will revolve opposite policy will be sorely needed awaiting for the House to finish up
to provide the millions of jobs for some other .appropriation bills, and
at Runnymede
to the about the preaident as the hub. He
it begins to look as if both houses
place where the Uberties we know!
P““ on “U matters of poUcy and service men.
Double taxation of qp same poop- will complete all important legtola-
and cherish today were first wrested *«*1 in«M UP°" having direct con­
front a resisting king. The tima was u‘o1- through directive, over the rou-
over seven hundred years ago, 72» to tine operation of the many bureaus
be exact, for it was on June 15, 1215,J
up to function in place of the cab-
that the reluctant hand of King John lr*‘ In short, everything must clear
signed the parchment that Was to be- over hU deak •nd muBt depend on his
come the keystone of English liberty.' direct personal opinion and judg-
Two of its provisions need to be ment. The cabinet members sad the
remembered in the twelfth year of j heads of the'many bureaus will coo-
Frenklln t). Roosevelt’s incumbency IUnu<
serve as whipping-boys when
vising their Congressional delegation
as president of the United States as , things go sour.
well as in the seventeenth year of the ' The Republicans will restore the It to probable that a strong factton
reign of King John:
prestige of "the cabinet Policies de- active in this Administration to de­
“No freeman shall be taken, or im- cided upon will reflect the composite liberately encouraging legislation de­
prisoned, or dispossessed, or out-' Judgment of We president and his signed to crush private enterprise.
la wed, or banished, or in any way cabinet and not that of the president The efforts of thia group must be
destroyed; nor will we pass upon alone- This system makes it im- circumvented through unmistakable
him. nor commit him, but by the law-;! peraUve that men of the highest manifestation o( public opiqloq ft
the contrary,
ful judgment of his r----- . or by the > ability be selected for the cabinet
law of the land."
poets to insure success. Ito effec- -It to too late to correct the injustice
‘To no man will we- sell, to none tiveness rests upon the premise that done to the stock-holders of the Mil­
yviU we delay, to none will we deny, the considered judgment of the many waukee Railrosd. No doubt they are
right or justice.”
i» more apt to be right than that of no different in composition from
No, there is no new thing under the the one>
matter how brilliant and those of other large qua*i-pubUc cor- I
¡»rations. They consist of thousands
sun not even In dictators
. talented he may happen to be.
|. The system used by the Democrats of widows, orphans, colleges, small1
Undoubtedly there is a let-up in I requires the president to be person­ estates, and wage earners who1
war effort. The epidemic of strikes al,y outstanding in energy and ability, thought an Investment In one of the
across the continent proves that. Also Obviously it is built around Mr. nation’s great railroads would be
the failure of the people to reach their Roosevelt since no other member of secui-e for themetoves and their loved
The action by the Federal
quotas in bond buying, the great in- the Democratic party can approach ones.
crease of cashing the bonds already him in political power i and prestige. Agencies and the big banks in de­
bought, show that some are either Nor could the system be remotely priving them of their funds was
too sure of victory or are letting successful if attempted by a . lesser probably necessary for the future fi­
their patriotism slide for the moment, man. Mr. Roosevelt Is his own sys- nancial security of the railroad..
But let us see that their sacrlfce
It is a serious matter when morale Urn “nd ha*. to all intents and pur-
among the workers on the home front poees, become the national Demo­ shall not have been in vain. Let us
insist upon amendments to tax laws
saga. It to not so surprising that it cratic party.
_■ r
should now, however. The lack of
Th« Republican system requires a permitting retention, in reasonable
integrity among the nation’s leaders, g°°d organiser in the presidential amount, of earnings which will be
to having repercussions all along the P°st He must be a man who can used as venture oapital for the bene­
assembly line of American industry. work with those who are his equals fit of labor and the progress of indus­
and war work.
or superiors, in general ability, and try. The protection of the small In­
’It to almost unbearable to be told who h“ the <*mlty & co-ordinating vestor and of small business, the in­
that our foreign policy with Argon- leadership in bringing to bear the ducement to invest with reasonable
tlna rests, not upon what to beet for c°mblned judgment of all in the for- chance of arftple reward, and full en­
our fighting armies in the field, but mutaion ot important policies. The couragement to American Ingenuity
upon an appeasement policy which Republican system subordinates per- in the competitive production of
-will furnish us extra meat this fall
charm ,nd brilliance to leader- goods are absolutely vital to post-war
prosperity. It to the duty of every
when election time comes
Some '*hip and »rganizing ability.
people thiqk the sudden lifting of1 The question before the voters wUl patriotic citizen to demand the re­
meat rationing early in May was a
wheW,er the interests of the «»un­ scinding ot double taxation and all
political move, attempting to man- ; *** wl)1
best served by the contin- other provisions of the tax laws detri­
ipulate the public and to take its trance of the one-man administration mental to freedom of enterprise and
mind off of the Montgomery - Ward of Mr- Rot*eveh or by the cabinet freedom of labor.
fiasco Then there to the ides gain- administration of a Republican presl­
ing ground that the invasion to being dent whlch wH1 ,no,t n««‘‘y con-
See "Spike” Leslie for tfie beat tn
delayed Ull republican convention ,orTn to American traditions of guar­ Liability, or other Insurance. Office,
time so that the convention will be untW!d freedom and which will most 275 So. Hall, in former hospital bldg.;
drowned out by momentous war n*“r,Y f111 the nerds of post-war phone 5; residents phone »5L.
news. Time will tell but it to to be America?
sincerely hoped that such a suspicion
— Norton's for office
to ungrounded.
“ ' " . «"I •
-------- .—
Electric Fence Units, |M,75 and
I. Will work on 110-volt line, or
hot shot battery, or automobile bat­
Also Hot-Shot Bateries fui
sale. Geo. F. Burt- Motor.
are here no« conferring
Alarm Clocks repaired at Schroe­
here of the committee and are en­ der’s Jewelry Store.
deavoring to secure committee action
on the Mil. I talked with Oregon
State Highway Engineer R. H. Bal-
dock yesterday about it. This bill I
is of considerable importance to the
State of Oregon, and I am hopeful
that the present difficulties will be
cleared up soon.
The Coos founty Health Depart­
ment in cooperation with the Cripple,
Children’s Service of trie University
of Oregon Medical School will con-
8uct a cripple children’s clinic in
Marshfield on June 12 in the county
Red Cram offices.
The clinic service will be available
to any person under 21 years of age
who has been referred to the clinic
by his family physician. The family
physician will decide whether or not
the patient can be helped by coming
to the clinic, and parents who wish to
have their children examined by the
orthopedic specialist should first take
them to their family physician.
> The clinic is for diagnosis only and
only crippled childrep should be
brought Jo the clinie. 'Any child with
deformities of bones,
muscles or
joints or with such conditions as cleft
palate, harelip or burn contractures
is eligible for examination.
itoiMMlkiiiiiis I II
Keys made for all lucks. Stevens
Cash Hardware, Coquille. Qre.
That snaggle-toothed saw
edge can rip gouges in cylin­
der walls in a flash. That’s why
you use motor oil to keep '
cylinder and piston apart. And
diet’s why you need an oil like
“RPM”; one that won't leave
bare spots, by crawling away
from high engine heat, or
draining into the crankcase
when the engine’s idle. Spread
compounding makes RPM
Motor Oil cling stubbornly to
For Victory
hot or cold metal surfaces.
Now, when cars and parts are
precious—switch to RPM Mo­
tor Oil, and change it every
lOOtomiles—right on the Jut!
Buy War Bonds
For Family Frotoctioo adopt
Mihurt Uft's
Phonp flOOB, Coquille
Your local