Townsend Club No. I A very good meeting was held Tuesday evening, with 32 member* U. St Navy several rssarsl For the i and grow »Marn M appointa» Mit ONLY. ' ■* ' I ■ ★ ★ Crib Cribs y TbMMMJrmi / »12*-»22* PlayPens Play Pen Pads $8.50 $0.55 to $4-50 Coquille Studio --------------,---- — -------------------- »— High Chairs High Chair Pads S$.tS to $]Q.»5 $1.95 Bassinettes Bassinette Pads See Schultz $1.95 $7.95 ' who arte outstanding in ■ 1 * ■ , t Townsend Club No. 2 are making a major contribution to­ wards saving lives." ' Private First Class Hart was em­ ployed by the Ronald Burr Trucking Company. Coquille, before joining the Corps in 1M2. PROMPT SERVICE reasonable *3 M to *595 -Nursery Seat Pads 65c Swings Kiddy Kages Nursery Chairs Motor Tune-Up Shell ubrication Mattresses $4»5 to $|2 «5 $7.95 Childs Toy Trunks $11.50 1 $8.50 Child Chairs $2.95 Purkej Furniture W o# j|WR«VR*SWffl LnBan.«»* Dillaftl L stwkb pUSTRIBMlM PARKINGS L ucri crrirgí I I H • cau w rOUNEEBANrOF THESE SERVICES Fresh and the best of Quality-Can Now We have plenty priced right. Also Watermelons, Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Bell Peppers, Cucumbers, Cherries, Cmfing cards, so tor STAT. A COMPLETE STOCK Of CANNING SUPPLIES Saturday Night June 3rd Coquille Community Building Bum Gartin's Orchestra Swift Eastern Skinned Half or Whole lb. 3 5c Fine qualify leather work gloves *1.59