■ * - ' I rW* MAT M» 1X4. Pioneer Methodist Church Rev. Chas. Goodwin Brown, Pastor 6:45 Sunday School hour. Classes and class rooms for all. 11:00 Sunday morning services. Ived. / “Daring the Impossible.*' Prayer with i- 7:00 Sunday ev termediate ee.i. e— and Senior Felio .519 Bush St. ---- - --------- -— 1500 1 MMl raTD*MaU Boxes 8:00 Sunday ev worship hour. 443 N. Elliott St. .............. 2500 Sermon subject, t's the Use?“ Ironing Boards I In Sanford Heights, McElhaney 1300 i Folding Clothes Drying Racks 7:30 Wednesday, choir rehearsal | In Sanford Heights Chas. Briggs 3900 hour. New Sets Dinnerware 209 N. Henry St. .. .............. 5300 Perfection Oil Room Heaters. Cert, 7:30 Thursday mid-week services. llth A Carter ------- ¿.-i »000 «F.,- required. | 8:00 Monday, May 20th, Adjourned I M 895 N. Henry „ a ——.... - .. 1350 i Mounted Grind Stones. t. M session of Quarterly Conference and 690 E. loti» St--------- -—.............. «001 Many New Tool Items Washington, D C., May 26-Con- Official Board meeting. an N. n Heath, HMth. old house ... ...... 1250 1 •11 Vic« Grip Pliers 10:30 -June 1st, Woman’s Society for f licting policies pursued by war food 280 E. 2nd ......-.... Z. ......A..?-... 3000 Hydraulic Jacks administration and office of price ad­ Christian Service will meet in their ’-*»-» 2500 196 E. Sth St. ...... ministration have brought about an I >Wular session, Grease Guns » .... 4600 »11. N. Schroeder alarming situation in the fe«M supply. What shall it profit if we gain a The Assembly oi God Tool and Tackle Boxes „ 1250 Gould Addition. Mentzer Fishing Tackle. Many new Item«. according to reports reaching the na- world of pleasure, or success, or Second and Heath Sta. .... 2800 4 acres toward Reservoir Cory Coffee Makers L. C. Persing, Pastor tional capital. Stocks of corn and popularity, and shall lose the privi­ 1000 Rink Creek, small house .. Children’s Games and Blackboards wheat, th« staples for livestock feed, lege of a soul that knows God? i Senday .... 2500 | 156 S. Heath St. ....-------- - Also many other new items that are being decimated so rapidly that 9:45 The Sunday school brings the .... 1500 | Cor. 7tb A Collier ....... — you have been asking for. We only shortages ar* appearing in all parts' Church ef Christ living Christ to the children. There 4300' 292 S. Moulton East 4th A Coulter received limited quantities of above of the country and particularly in the are classes for all ages. Bertha Byrd, ................... 2500 612 S. Henry .... . items, therefore don’t put it off- ! northwest where a deficit has existed Liston Parrish, Pastor supt. I ..... ...... - S I 612 E. 2nd ......... shop today. ! even in normal years. The avsiiable Thur. 7:30, Bible Study and Prayer 11.-00 Morning worship. This will 1500 650 E. 11th ..... .. J. A. LAMB COMPANY ¡supply of feed wheat will be prac- meeting. Study Amos 7. be a Memorial service for those gone »000 |,352 N, Taylor "V tically exhausted another nar- har- Bible School 8:45. Martha Mul- from us. The pastor invites you. . i ucwiy exnausieu before oerore anomer muie CM. 5250 UFinniTABTna 491 N. Taylor ...... ® i ! uMt nrwi ths» -ituntion witiinHrvn ** with rnano^f to key, supt. PoulSv. fSSr m X1 Chiek “> respect PLUMBING—We have Tube, Show­ 6:30 Christ Ambassadors service 760 llth St, facing Carter ------ 1700 ers, Toilets, Lavatories, Septic Morning worship 11 o’clock, Spe- Waterers M HlrU. i corn *• almort “ »erious. As of Morning 7:30 This-evening service is one in 3800 415 E. 1st St------------- » ^.7-_.™w. " t S?* - Try**! April I the available supply of live- cial music, Lord’s Supper and sermon which we endeavor to bring Christ tanks, pij>e and fittings. FARR A 1700 137 S. Beach St. ...'..... \ Pi .nd WUtr «tnck rfZ RATON'« stOck feed ,eed wai WO anoroximatelv “PP™*1™“*1* one bv by the nu pastor. on “Jesus' View of the Savior to the seeker of salvation. ELWOOD. ’ s 2650 380 N. Hall St. rrvn cmAirv Jr bUllon bushels less than on the same ! Pentecost.” Jesus saves. 1800 Cor. 4th and Collier J. R. WATKINS Products For Sale FEKD 8TUKW ; one yeor f Intermediate C. E. 0:30. Tuesday 7:30 Prayer meeting night. 2500 by G. C. Ashenfeltor, 19« S. Divi­ 206 S. Taylor St. MILKING Machines—U yours needs! Before the war and in the period of Young people’s C. E. 7:00. Friday . 7:20 Devotional and Bible • sion and East »rd Sts. Phone 141M. overhauling, bring it in now. We : the so-called ever-normal granary, Ev enlng- sarvice 8:00. .--An-inspira ­ study. __ APARTMENT HOUSES 17t«‘ Mes­ carry a full line of parts and sup-''the United States had a carry-over tional, informal fellowship. From 82,000 to 818,000 AOTOTPAINTING and Body Work. plies for McCormick Deenng ma- ’supply of feed grains amounting to sage, “Habakkuk, the Preacher of Tillmann’s Garage A Service Station Emmanuel Baptist Church chines. J. A. LAMB COMANPY. s, about one year’s requirements. Be- the Faith." Bring your car in------ we can start 500 W. Front St. 840.000 ’ Rev. Menno D. Rempel. Pastor -------------------------------------------------------- .¡cause of the greatly increased live- — - — ~-*-rrr — — — - — a cause or the greatly Increased live- Wed. 7:30 Choir Practice. Don Farr, work at once. Southwestern Motor ROOM AND BOARDING HOUSE a *ur*1 stock population in the past three dierctor. 10:00 Sunday School. Everyone Ca • 106 N. Moulton 84000 nished > Houses, 100x100 lot, doM y-ggy^ feed has been disappearing should attend a Sunday School. in. Both nmted-^1» W. 5th St. r.tr ot one and ^SJ^op! DO YOUR SHOES Need Repairing? 11:00 Morning Service. Serman Church Of The Nazar one TIP TOP—all equipment Write L. M. Sinclair, »410 S. E. Bring them to STEWARD'S Neigh­ e ig year, so that its ultimate exhaustion. by the Pastor. Ask for price 9th street, Portland 14, Ore. 17t< * j became a mathematical certainty Ninth-amLJieath borhood Shoe Shop. All modern « 7:00 Young People’s meetings. Rev. V. W Anglin, Minister machinery. Quick Quality Service. 8:00 Evening Service. Special phone within a given period. Imposition of SEVERAL SERVICE STATIONS The Sabbath School hour is 9:45 music 317 North Henry Street, Coquille. •. J hop, UNM "write Box^307, Co- pric* ceilin<’ bX OPA and urging« by South on 101 Highway a. m., With Mrs. Idia L. Anglin, su­ Phone 260-R. I»t2‘s Tuesday, Men's Choir and Church «11111 “If Available, we’ll set WFA *rebter livestock production L” Gamier'S Refrigeration !hava °I*rated to aggravate this con- perintendent in charge, and a grow­ Choir. FOR SALE — Pedigreed, Registered RANCHES 1 —— - - 55 - - fields there will be urgent need for e picture, BATH TUBS—Just received a ship­ You must hoar better site? mating and from lW4 that Ger- ment.. FARR A ELWOOD. s g I i 4 Attention to Detail} I I I I « M4T «CHAOBDER BHO«, MORTUARIES, 1««. I I : *■ ' VICTORY t 4 WRECKER Phone M3 ’ I Night Phone 600X Southwestern Motors Farr fir Flwood - 2M So. Taylor St ■ Coquille. Ore. HL YOUR ' - ---- (I mend Match company its exclusive C agent In th« United Stales on sondl- '.......... " .. .................... tlon that the American company Overseas Edition of The cease manufacturing this chemical * There ar« other alleged violations of the anti-trust tew but ttwy concern matters of price and distribution and sea be seewred for mailing jtt ess ' have no relation to the war effort. be sent direct from tl.« Oregonian office by calling the Oragenlna ' The fset that sales of surplus con­ agency in Ceqallle. phone 961 sumer goods are now running around »12,000.000 a* month has given the PAULINE TALBERT erroneous impression that high gov-I Drope lodav at Borrow Bras Co. Oregonian ' J' ■v -juun.a ii, i ■ Benham's Transfer SAND AND GRAVEL COAL - FUEL OIL STORAGE Agento for Oregon-NevMla-Cglifonila F m I Freight Office Phone 5 |?| g, HaJ| ***' -iMBI hi -s. * JT. » I '■ ■..'.'ikirfcù,- H * . mi | |, , > «