veww iiw, «¡ hi pivixri vuutHna aiwunvu deceased, and and verified, at my office in Coquille, ‘Oregon, within six months from the ail person* ¡date of this notice. aid estate are i Dated and published first time julred to pre- May 25, 1*44. • with proper ; I9t5 O. C. Sanford, Administrator »15000 8UMMON8 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS LOIS M. AINSWORTH, PLAINTIFF, VS. LEE T. AINSWORTH, DEFENDANT To: LEE T. AINSWORTH, THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and wause on or before the last date prescribed in the Order for Publication of Summons herein, and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de­ manded in said Complaint, a succinct statement of which is as fallows: That Plaintiff be granted a decfte DON’T FA ID—Tune In KOOS on of divorce from Defendant; that your radio Sunday evenings at Plaintiff be awarded the care, cus­ 19tfs 7:15. tody, and control of the minor chil­ dren: Judy Elizabeth Ainsworth, age about 4 Mi years, and Darlene Lois Ainsworth, age about 3 years. ^J^*^^Ji2“222^J^^ublishgdj«r^ ^044/uii J*and- ' J/J Deeert meea* and cathedrtxl-1lb* rock fcmnafcn*. Mighty river*. Roaring water­ talk. Deep canyon*. Here not mi ■ ■ In her moot goner ju * mood. lavishing a ■■ Ml Ml 1 ■MM