$7 , < 77 - .# . ■ Ì>, d «s ■■•‘Ili ___________ — six month* electa, for not les* than thirty per cent (30») of th* purchase Lota Itto 13 Block It each 1 Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 4th price in cash, th* remainder to Lot* I te 15 Block 18 each 1 day of May, 1844. be paid under written agreement Lota 1 to 12 Block 19 each 1 > T. M. Devereux, Vt terms arranged between the Lot* 1 to 12 Block 20 each 1 Administrator of the estate of purchaser and the County Court, Lota 1 to 11 Block 21 each 1 r Ì t K' VS- ■ 17t5 Robert M. Devereux, Deceased. all deferred payments to beer Lota 1 to 11 Block 22 each 1 .. ..................... ...... . .............. H. ■ !■ .!■! I»« ................. -t!'.*"’. 1. ................... Lotf 1 to 11 Block 23 each 1 interest from the date of sate at IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE the rate of 6» per annum, on any Lota 1 to 11 Block 34 each 1 48.50 ■TAT* OF OREGON IN AND and all parcels th* purchase 1 ■ Lota 1 to 10 Block 25 each 1 V FOR THR COUNTY OF COO« h Lota 1 to 10 Block 26 each 1 price of which equal* One Hun­ In th* Matter of the Estate of Und. 381/486; dred (8100.00) Dollar*, or more. i - 12644 No sale shall be made j>t any of Lottie P. MUler, Deceased. Beginning at M. C. be- ~ .55 Notto* ®f H ub ! A bomm I tween Secs. 10 and '15, the above parcels of real proparty * for a lesser amount than the mini­ ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Twp. 25 8outh, Rang* 13 ’ 10.00 th* undersigned have filed In the Wert of th* Willamette mum price shown thereon. supplice ...................... Meridian, at SW corner of Date at Coquille, Coos County, County Court of Coos County, Ore­ 8.78 Orchard Auto Parts Co, auto Lot 4, Sec. 10 run North Oregon, this 1st day of May. A. D., gon, their final report and account aa Executor and Executrix of the Es­ supplies ..... ................... 142.38 18 Degrees East 1330 feet 1944. 72.00 Feensughty Machinery Co, 8.00 tate of Lottie P. MUler, deceased, and along Meander Una, run WM. F. HOWELL, 8.00 material _............................ 20.23 N. 37 degrees East 80.42 17t5 Sheriff of Coo* County, Oregon. that the Court has set Tuesday, June 6th, 1644, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock F. S. Stover Co, material....... 160.76 feet along meander line, 4.70 85.00 Thornton Tire Service, auto run N. 45 degree* W. 660 NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE A. M , of said day, at the County Court room in CoquUle, Oregon, as supplies ............... 243.13 feat acroas Mud Flat, run COUNTY BOARD OF 41.08 Coquille Wood Co, wood.................... 4.50 N. 28 degrees East 1597.27 the time and place for hearing ob­ EQUALIZATION • 1144 Coo* Bay Dredging Co, — feet South boundary S. P. The Coo* County Board of Equali­ jections to such final account and the 41.08 gravel.................... 1230.00 RRR at W. run North 58 zation will meet at the Court House settlement of said estate. George F. Burr, Executor Southern Pacific Co., storage degrees 18 minutes W. at Coquille, Oregon, on Monday the 8.34 5.10 Dora A, Burr, Executrix of road oil_____........... 16t5 506.85 fart along South 3.00 29th day of May, 1944, and publicly Beta Horton, salary, nurse....... 122.50 T. H. Benham, labor boundary S. P. RRR of W. 12.96 examine the assessment rolls, and s’. C. McNelly, expense taking run South 13 degree* 30 correct sll errors in valuation, de­ BULK GARDEN SEED—It’s fresher '8.00 17.80 man to TB Hosp............... .... minutes W. 1702.8 feeL, more aeed for your money. FARR STATE OF OREGON scriptions, or qualities of lands, lots Coo* County Farm, produce run South 1 degree 20 Couuly of» Coos: as. • or other property assessed by me. It A ELWOOD. used on farm ..... .------- ------- 112.60 21.55 minutes E. 1787.21 ft. to I, L. W. Oddy, County Clerk of all be the duty of all persona ln- Pioneer Grocery Co., grocer- a st beg. contg. 20.80 acres. Coos County, Oregon, Ex-officio te.-ested to appear at ths above place '* 127 58 245 Section 10, Township 25 Clerk of the County Court of said anti time stated. Petitions or appli­ 128.10 County and State do hereby certi.y Gant’s Grocery, groceries South, Rim*a Al* Wert of cations for the reduction of a par­ 10.08 Coquille Bakery, bread ....... 13.32 that the foregoing ia a true and cor­ the Willamette Meridian 10,000.00 ticular assessment shall be made in Swift A Co., butter..... .............. 23.56 rect statement of the amount of bills East half of the Northeast writing, verified by oath of the ap­ Stonecypher Packing Co., — quarter of the Northwest . allowed-on the various funds of the plicant or his attorney and be filed 28.88 County a* audited by the County i magto ..... ........ quarter, Section 33, Town­ with the board within the first week : Pacific Feed A Seed Co., feed snip 26 South, Range 11 Court of said Couuty at the regular from the time it i* required to meet, ' and seed 74.80 May, 1844, term “thereof, a* the West of th* Willamette and any petition or application not I Hudaons Drug Store, drugs .. 52.71 Meridian................................. 1,000.00 ao made, verified and filed shall not same appears on the exhibits of Dohrmann Hotel Supply Co., Und. 3/4 of the East half of claims and warrants in my office be considered or acted upon by the mop* and dusters ...._.... i....... 12.48 ml the Southeast quarter of board. J. A. Lamb Co., hardware .-... 13.11 the Southwest quarter, W my hand and the seal CHARLES W. FORREST, » Industrial Repair Co., pack- Section 10, Townhalp 28 of the Court affixed this 17t3 County Assessor | ■.... .............. ......................... 1.40 12th day of South, Range 13 West of ay, 1844. Dairy’s Supply Co., Inc., milk the Willamette Meridian u w oddy, County Cieri NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT I cooler .......... .......... ................... 42.14 I 1 Seal) Bv J W Leneve. Deput' North half of the Northeast Notice is hereby given that the un- Dr. L. C. Wltcosky, hog vacci­ quarter, and the Southeast ; dersigned, on the 14th day of April, nation and call______ ___ 10.00 quarter of the Northeast NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND AC- 1944, filed in the County Court for Moore Mill A Lumber Co. lum- quarter. Section 29, Town ­ I QUIRRD BY CODS COUNTY, 1 Coos County, Oregon, hi* final ac­ i ber 33.04 4, snip 28 South, Range 13 OREGON, FOR DELIN- count in the matter ot the admlnis- 107.80 Ml West of th* Willamette I QUENT TAXES Itration of the Estate of A. J. Mor- Pioneer Grocery Co., grocer .. Meridian ...^^—........... .. 1200.00 ,row, deceased; and that said Court 163.90 tag —....... ............. ................. . 2.82 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that tl North half of the Northwest has made an order fixing Tuesday, Georgianna Vaughan, salary, virtue of Coquille Bakery, bread............ 24.57, under and ___ by , — ___ an „ order ___ ‘ at quarter, Section 32, Town­ the 23rd day of May, 1944, at 10:00 »ale made by the County Court of the Deputy Clerk __ ____—_ __ 14845 Coquille Wood Co., wood....... 22.50 sale ship 28 South, Range 11 o’clock A. M., at th* County Court ' I state of Oregon, for the County of Avia M. Hudson, salary, Re- I Ceert H mm West of the Willamette room in Coquille, Oregon, a* the time cording Cktffc 90.90 Mountain State* Power Co.. , of May, .... I ______ Coo*, _______ on the ,______ lit day A- D, Meridian ............... .... 1200.00 and place for hearing objections t* ......... 145.87 self the fol- Lota 3, 4, 5, and 0, and North H. C. Getz, salary, Deputy As- ____ 1844, commanding me to tell thereto, and for the final settlement Lamb, Co., radiator air lowing described lands, and fixing half of 10, Section 7, and distribution of said estate. Elli* Selander, a*iiiry, Depu- ! valve ....... 5.70 minimum prices thereon, to-wit: Township 30 South, Range Dated and published first time VarioM Offieaa I ElMett’i Addition to Coquille ty t.«a».. ............ 144.50 13 West of th* Willamette April 20, 1944. May Enaele. salary. Clerk........ 14330 Coos Bay Stationery Co., sup- I Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block T —.. 8150.00 Meridian ................... . ....... 500.00 O. C. SANFORD, Jean Schroeder, salary, clerk. 111.90 plies _____S........... 50.00 Land described in Volume 77.78 Lota 2 and 3 Block 18 .’. — 14t5 Administrator. Elda Ostrander, salary, clerk 115.20 1 General Raeds ¡Lot 4 > Block 31 150.00 126, Page 73 of Deed Rec­ H. R. Clark, salary. County .J. E. Axtell, Agt, Lumber at CoqaUle City I Town of C ords, Coo* County, Ore­ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Land Agent ....... 176.80 Dobbyn Well ...._............... 200.00 Begin ___ __ South jth 78 degrees East gon, Section 13, Township STATE OF OREGON, IN AND ■ Avia Compton, salary Stonog. 11740 F. A. Robb, _ salary Roadmaa- „ 1 138 feet ' from Southeast 31 South, Range 12 West of FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Doris Ann Wood salary, Steno 109.40 tor ..... 7...... .’....™. .. 187.30 corner of Block 3, original the Willamette Meridian 150.00 In the Matter of the Estate of J. N. Gearhart, salary, sur- ' •Alda L. Nosier, salary chief __ 2 run I Town of Coquille, ■ I SHALL, in compliance with said Robert M. Devereux, Deceased. veyor ___ ——------ — --------- 75.00 South 78 degrees 1 East Clerk ................... 121.75 order, on Saturday, the 10th day of NeUce Te Creditor* ■ Dr. G. E. Stark, salary, Health 1st ____ r ___ along North »ide at c „ (Sunder Gunderson, labor....... 141.52 June, A. D.. 1044, commencing at NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; that Street ----- - Officer _____________ _____ 50.00 J. l . Lea, labor................. ........... 26 feet intersects the hour of 10 o ’ clock A. M. of said the undersigned has been duly ap­ Leia Elrod, salary, Health ; West boundary of Hall , | Wayne wayne Goodman, labor labor. ......... day at th* front door of the Court pointed by the above entlUed Court Nurse --------- - ------------ X.....— 136.50 I Mike Boone, labor.................... Elliotts Addition, ___ Street house in the City of Coquille, and as the Administrator of the estate Jean Slate, salary, Steno.... . 26.86 Ernest Franson, labor............. 100,00. run along West boundary u County of Coos, State of Oregon, of Robert M Devereux, deceased, and James H. Leonard, salary, Pro­ at Hal) Street North 100 , 1 James L. Child, labcd.............. 158.84 offer for sale and sell at public auc­ has qualified aa such. ...— 17440 Victor Demarest, labor bation Offic* 161.28 feet to a Una running K ■ ■''y • ,ì tion the following described real NOW THEREFORE, all persons Earl L. Schroeder, ■, salary, ____ o. P. Smith, labor ..................... 96.67 , through center of Blook 8, iX". property to the highest and best having claims against said estate are Janitor — ... ... ....................... 10240 Henry Franson, labor....._____ 126.65 North 78 degrees North 26 bidder,, on the following term* and hereby notified and required to pre­ Chas. Roberta, salary, Janitor, 'A. G. Trendell, labor. ___ — 128.45 feet South 100 feet to be- to-wit: sent the same, together with proper Jailer and Cook--------------- - 176.15 c. J. Martell, laborZj.............. ^ 92 1 Be'ttJo fMt Srt of South ,M•*0 M. A. Peterson, labor........ grees 49 minutes East, 45 75.00 Hugh Hudson, tabor.................. feet North 0 degrees 09 7 °8 Charles Parrott, Relief Opera­ 1 minute* West, 162.5 feet tor -—-....... —...... : 78.50* run North 89 degrees, 49 'John B. Arnold, labor....... ........ 170.28 minutes Wert, 45 feet to 18.40 Leonard G. Paulson, labor........ 169.52 beginning, in Block 18 50.00 5.76 iHtiirw'sig Sebdivtsien Te ____ I Frank B. Laird, labor . .......... .. Clara A. Stauff, Sendee* — 56.97 Coquille Medical Service, Bur- UMorris Sabdiviaion 75.00 Tofll Aaaeaeers Office | eau Hospital dues ........... ». 75.00 67.68'Lota 1 to 15, Block L each I : Insurance 50.00 I - f urna, omuii, w. ireas, LT- _____ | Lota 1 to 5, and 8 to 30, ♦ Hobw, Mileage and ' duction* for War Bonds 309.07 Block 2 each____ ______ .7 Sicks' Select to a beer so uniquely smooth that many call 50 (X) expense .......... 97.15 pjrjt National Bank of Port- 1 Lota 1 to 10, and 15 to 30, DorisSceber. extra, help 45.731 tend. Deductions for with- Block 3, each .................... It America's finest table beer. Both men and women 50.00 W;.2L K>y’ cruUln« count3' .J hold tax .......................... ........ 533.20 Lota 3 to 30, Block 4, each 50.00 timber - --------- ------------- - 232.30 Howard Cooper Corporation, prefer it for hs lightness and zest — a beer of superb 50.80 W. H. Kay, Mileage, cruising material ..... .17......... 100.15 Loto 1 to 30. Block 5 each Lota 1 to 15, and 21 to 40 timber .................. 12.50 North Bend Iron Works, repair Block 6 each .................... distinction that Invariably pleases particular people, 80.00 Roy R. Erchinger, cruising t work ' 4 51.35 Lota 1 to 30, Block 7 each 50.00 --------- - 123.50 Central Transfertartan County Timber __________ .53 Lota 16 to 28, Block 8, each 50.00 z . Roy R. ErchiiteerjilUMi^...... 12.50 coos Bay Stationery Co., of- J Lota 1 to 6, 8, and 10 to 30 1 flee supplies .................. .......... 3.60 Block 9 each ........................ 50.00 James H. Leonard, mileage and ,The Title Company, bond of Lota 3 to 15, Block 10, each 50.00 expense __________________ 70.90 roadmaster ______ ________ Portland Addition to Bandon •s# Mrs. J. H. Leonard, attending . West Coast Telephone Co., ser­ Lot* 1 to 23, 28 to 36. Block ♦ » girls ......... .................... ............ 8.00 vices ............ ........................... 22, each ............................... 25.00 Mrs. L. W. Oddy, attending Peoples Water A Gas Co., t» girl« to Institution...^............. 3.00 water ......................................... 2.88 25.00 County Fam v w City of Coquille, water Consolidated Freight Way* — Mountain State* Power Co., 25.00 freight ...*...... .................... 1-01 ■ lights light* and power ..... ............ Earl Littrell Supply Co., auto 4 15.00,' supplies ...................... ¿¿Moliti} .. A J. Tire Co, auto sup- 35.00 43.39 pii«* ...................................... 85.00 Golders Auto Paçjs Co, auto « 1840 supplies .......... 77.............. .. Capps Motor Co, auto sup- 8100.00 1.00 •2 00, Western Auto Supply Co, auto Ben F. Atkin^n. carpenter Bay Motors.auto auppll Block 1 180.80 lie*....... Block 2 180.00 - w»rk_............... 30.15 Union OU Co. of.Calif., .. .... gas 1 to 40 Block 3 SEATTLE BREWING & MALTING CO. 160.00 W. E. Foote .carpenter.............. 37.88 standard Oil Co. of Calif., gas 18.10 Block 4 150.00 „_____ „ . w. P. Fuller & Co , paint*........ 36.31 Block 5 Store 1878 « £. G. SfcJr, Pres. 150.00 Oregon-Nevada Fast Freight, I Consolidated Freight Way* — Block 8 150.00 / Í 4... fr*Uht --_ •■■•••••••-• freight ............... 40 Block 7 150.00 ™ . ™ ■■ r"'T * Elwood CO, material 1.96 Block 8 150.00 Coast PrinUng A Binding I A. B. Daly & Co, material 169.68 Block 8 150 00 Co, election suppMes ........ 10.50 McNair Hardware Co, push Block 10 150.00 Defense | button 15 t Coos County Defense CouncU,____ | Union Oil Co. of Oalif, gM. 24.00 office rent, etc....... ................. 122.02 Smith Wood-Products. Inc, 12 150.00 CeMriboMaM 1 lumber .. ........ 477.86 13 150.00 F. L. Phipps, Executive Secy. :Oregon-Pncific Co, materiel 28.40 14 160.00 O A C du* ... ------ I----------- 345.00 E. A. Wimer, rental on jacks 138 15 15040 PROCEEDINGS OF COUNT»' COURT 8 M^W Frank JBc B. H. Harrison: filing sews. 3.00 7.50 Cecil Hartley, filing saws___ 645 Pioneer Hardware Co., mater ­ 7.50 ial ....... 38.78 State Ind. Acc. Comm. In- dustrial Ins. .... 7fl Tax 87445 Standard Oil Co. of Calif., gas and oil . ..... „. 831.78 198.75 Mountain States Power Co:, light* ......................... ............ . 38.50 J. A. Lamb Co., material........ Southwestern Motors( Good­ 87.55 year), auto supplica................ 152.05 Southwestern Motor» auto *up- 15.00 Ä Service Station, auto --------46.27 y z Í T < Kg ’SOS ' fe» Ám&ücai Stnooikeii ToZZz ßeefr Produci I < I >'T jp ■>. i». .... .. '«W 4 «