CLASSIFIED HELP WANTED-Competent mid­ <■ dle-aged woman to asaist with Rev. Cha». Goodwin Brown, Pastor housekeeping. Good wages. Hours 0:45—Sunday School hour. You One Cent a Werd Each laaerttee * 0 to 4:30 six days per week. Co- are invited tu study God's word with No Ms. less than 35 eearts 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion quille Hotel. ^Continued f>ou> page one) ! (Continued from Page One) !«»• ’ . 0:45 a. m. Church School.. ELECTRIC WIRING Supplies are FOR SALE—kitchen Benge, enam­ versary. To stress the fact, all doc- tirely apart from the subject, 11,-00 — Sunday morning worihip He 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer with available in limited quantities; eled, for »35. ■ Can be seen at Ben­ orations were in blue and kilver. closed with the reading of a poem hour. “Mother’s Day Services.” Sermon. (1st Sunday, Holy Com­ have thess extra convenience out­ Eva written by a wounded soldier in th.™ 8:00—Sunday — - evening . _ Baccalaurs- ham’s Trihsfer office, 275 South There were 157 registrants. munion with Sermon). lets installed. Phone 193R, E. G. Stevens, local incoming president, ! moments preceding what he thought, ate services. Rev. Liston Parrish will Hall street, CoquUle. It* Opperman. 48tf and Florence Hallock, outgoing presl- j would be his passing. It was entitled, bring the 7:39 a. m. Holy Communion. WANTED — Three Women in our 7:30- Wednesday evening choir to Klamath Fafis early to “What Have YOU Done Today.' WANTED — Water wells to drill 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion. Cheese Department. Swift A Com­ attend the Friday night dinner of the Miss Aileen Wilson delighted the rehearsal 1 hour. Noble Chowning Have new and up-to-date* equip­ 2:80 p. m. St. James’ Guild. I pany, , It executive board.members. ’ ___ __ with two piapo numbers, ,.... -____I directing. audience 8:00p. m. (lat and 3rd Wednesdays) ment and Mkvy pipe where needed The theme, originated by B. P. W„ the Allegro movement-from Wald- I , 7:30—Thursday evening mid-week Fred C. Ue. Route 1, Marshfield. WE HAVE Opening» for two experi­ I Winning WW the War and M« Im- «»» and Winning wa»U»*»m the NIC ( ¡stein weweee Sonata we«» — by Beethoven ••••*»w«a U«»M — 'Bible study , hour. 30t4*tf , . - ' i enced Cheese Makers — Three Peace,” has attracted comments from j promptu-Fantalse by Chopin. Both : - Youth Fellowship hour on Sunday, 7:15 p. au High School Young Peo- Vat Men and One Receiv- FOR, RENT j — Two-room furnished nationally famous men, it was stated. I numbers were played with skill and May 14 will be omitted because of the Shipping Clerk. Swift A ._______________ apartment with private hath and A resolution was passed that «li the Chopin number was so beautiful conflicting dates with baccalaureate It clubs should seek representation on ¡one felt spell-bound at its close services. Garage. Suitablg tor two adults. The Assembly of Ge4 », v. Not what we say but what we DO te Model Electric Re- local poet war planning boards in the ' ms Mrs. O. C. wwiuviu, Sanford, uuifvuif outgoing v>wu- praai- Phone E. G- Opperman, 193R. 18tf Second and Heath Sts. ident, 'dent, was in In charge of the meeting evunte counts in this world world. “ Not every man frigerator. Phone 72M, Coquille. It respective communities. PERMANEFfT WAVE—58cl Eto your L. C. Persing. Pastor One of the many fine talks was ; as presiding officer until the conclu- that saith Lord, Lord, but he that own Permanent with Charm-Kurl FOR SALE—Wet Cell Flashlight Bat­ given by Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn ot sion when she turned the gavel over doeth the will of my Father.” Kit. Complete equipment, includ teries. Rechargable. Will fit all ---------- . R.1 Harold Hoisington, of the McKinley tion ot new officers was conducted, of the Bible School will present - on Saturday. Leslie Epps, CoquiUe. Subject for next Sunday. “Mortals BulL - . • • route, entered Tuesday for treatment wh |ch closed with a short prayer read < a program of “Mothers of the Bible." It*» and Immortals.” • Morning McCORMICK - Doering~Miikers, whloh , by MH. J. A. Berg. - - worship 11 o'clock. Lord's FOR SALE—N. ¡1.'Red Hatching Wednesday evening meeting at 0:00 TRACTORS, Farm Machines and injured 8 “w 1 Mr». Boober’s long experience with Supper. Special music and a special Eggs, »1.25 per setting. All stock Genuine IHG Reoairs. J A LAMB' Dismissals the past week were Mrs. ^.1 club activities and as a mem- Mother’s Day message by the Pastor, o'clock. Free- public Reading Room at 255 blood-tested under Oregon Poultry , COMPANY a ¡Felix Miller, of Lebanon, la^t Friday; ber of the executive board, together ,MA Message from Mother.” W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every Improvement Plan. Guy C. Torrey, - ------------------------_________________ Mrs. Clarence Miller and Chauncey with her native talents, assures the1 No evening service Lecause of the r_____ "___________ 1 day except Sunday and holidays from next to Coquille Auto Court. 16t4*s WILL BUY or Loan Money on in- Fish on Saturday; Erne« Counts and chlb of great great promise during the com- Í High School Baccalaureate. 12:30 to 8:00 p. m. come property. Write* Box E, L. E. Tankeraley, of Marshfield on Jn< months "of her administration Wed. 7:30, Choir practice. Don Farr, * • ELECTRIC FENCES — We have Sentinel. 1 St4s Sunday; Clifford Cotter on Monday The club is to be congratulated on , director. chargers, wire, insulators and all The Holy Name Catholic Church ——— ------ - -—¡and Charles Waite on Wednesday, , itf good fortune again in leadership, equipment. FARR A ELWOOD. WILL TRADE—1940 Chevrolet Se- ___________ _ , , t Maas at 0:10 a. m. every Sunday. ■'I waa the expression heard Tuesday. Church of God ■ ... i ----- dan on House and Lot. Write P.O.. WE HAyE a limited stock of most Box 141. 16t4s Mother. Club Córner of Henry & Seventh Sts. •very hand tool item. Look them Sunday School 10 a. n. Herschel Patricia Griffith was last — - . - - hostess — Shower For Miss Claudia over next time down town. You Allen, Supt. Dr. De La Rhu* HEADQUARTERS For Dairy *; Tuesday afternoon when the Roy' Varney Tuesday Evening will find those items that you have Poultry Feed^ Metal Chick Mothers club met at the Teacherage.} Preaching at 11 a. m. Martin-Fisher, met at the Teacherage. ciaudla v-rney of Eyeidght been wanting. J. A. Lamb COM­ Wateren, Milking Machine Plans for a l ______ on ___________ , :qullle waa delightfully surprised with supply pastor. picnic Wednesday PANY. s Specialist Supplies, Bug Chasen for Gm - were completed. It was decided to Young People's meeting 8:45 p. m. a bridal shower last Tuesday evening den and Flowers. EATON’S continue the meetings through the DAIRYMEN — STOCKMEN — We FEED STORE, Coquille, tfs summer. School wUl close on Friday. at the home of Miss Maxine Whereat Hawaiian Setting For carry a full line of livestock sup­ Gifts were opened early In the eve- Reception room jointly wiU. plies, instruments, biologies and Attending were Mrs. Huidah Elling­ - nlng In the presence of many friends Junior-Senior Banquet Dr. J. R Bunch For Refrigeration Service phone veterinary supplies. FARR A EL­ son, Frances Detlefsen, Mary John- #nd claaarnale8 and refreshments The members of the Junior and shop, 1MJ; write Box 387, Co-1 son, Clara Krantz, Alex Mackey, WOOD. were served later in the evening. Senior classes of the high school, quille. “H Available, we’ll get • laittie Aber and Mrs. Griffith, Sr. Those attending were the Misses the faculty, board members and their WANT STAMPS for disabled it.” Garnier’s Refrigeration —......... “ ___________ . vice men. Circular free. Service. 27tfs ELECTRIC FENCE Units, »14.75 and Glenda Richardson, Dorothy Beagle, 1 wives enjoyed a remarkably enter- Pierce, Prineville, Oregon. 15t4r . up. Will work on 110-volt line, I Phyllis Litzenberger, Jessie ‘ She**- taining evening last Friday at the ARC or ACETYLENE Welding, any 1 wood, Donna Rankin, Vera Bishop, Junior-Senior . banquet held in the or hot shot battery, or automobile DRIVE IN and let us inspect your time, anywhere, day or night. Jeannie Griggs, Ann Anderson, Odd ' Fellows hall. battery. Also Hot-Shot Batteries tires for hidden defects before you Prince Auto Electric, 200 North Louise Butler. Lunelle Chapin, Vlr- The theme, “Hawaiian,” was carried for sale. Geo. F. Burr Motor. 16tfs take that trip. This service is free Taylor, Coquille, Phone 174M. tfs ginia Lindsay, Janet Lewis, Donna out in the decorations, tfie toast pro­ and may save you trouble and" ex­ PRESSURE SPRAYERS—in small Lue Bales, and the Mesdames Mary gram and as well in the musical pro­ pense away from home. Thornton WANTED—Special Help during July sizes up to four gallons. Get yours (Chapin. Harold Simmons, Joe Var- gram. itlon. Please apply soon. 4th celebration. applj Tire Service. tfs Sherman Gregory was master of while the stock in complete. FARR ¡«*y. 8. Hendrix, Ernest Whereat, Coquille Hotel Cdffee Shop. A ELWOOD. I Olger Moltbu; the hostess, Maxine ceremonies and toasts were given by FENCING—We have several grades FOR SALE—V-9 Ford~2^oor Sedan, ------- - ■------------------------------- Whereat, and the guest of honor, the following: Louise Butler, Ralph Woven and Barb Wire. Buy your 1033 model. 5 Good tires. 710 FOR RENT—2-noom apartment fur- Claudia Lee Varney, Meyers, Jean Plieth, Jim Bunch, Ken­ needs now. J. A. LAJ4B COM­ N. Henry. For Sale—2500 cedar niahed, hot water, bath and lights, Miss Varney will leave the 25th neth Hooton, Barbara Barrows, De PANY. , ’ > » shakes, about the same' amount on first floor. Adults, no animals. of May for Long Beach, California. Wayne Mitchell, Claire Gray and HEADQUARTERS for Crown Dairy » cedar shake blocks. 710 N. Henry. 3-room apt. furnished, with water. ¡After a short visit with relatives and Vera Bishop. All topics were and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed 18tf» Adults no animals. 351 So. Henry friends there, she will continue on to Hawaiian, mixed, with humor and A Seed Co tfs St., Flora E. Dunne. tfs New Orleans, Louisiana, where she seriousnes. Clever preflight di­ CHILDREN’S Life Jackets. Play NOTHING OVERLOOKED will meet her ficnc*, 2nd Lt. Howard' plomas in verse caused lots ot mer- FOR SALE—Sixteen head of young Safe. J. A. LAMB COMPANY. S WANTED TO BUY-Old horses, cows . Caudle, of the Marine Air Corps, riment. Ewes and sixteen large Lambs. Also and calves for Mink feed. B. T. * Lt. Caudle is a former Myrtle Point ( Jeanne Griggs sang “Trade Winds," three-year old Heifer. W. E. Foote, FOR RENT—3-room partly furnished Hepler, Bullards route. Phone . , . .. — , UM man- havin< graduated from the Myr- Ronald Williams played violin num­ Apartment, first house across the 480 East Fifth Street, Coquille. IStfs C 0tJ0B.ll.dl He Hlgh Sch PLUMBING SUPPLIES—We sjock a J sewing club met at her home, Mr». J. . Night Phone «MX ———————•—-------- —--------- ——— full line including fixtures. J. A. MILKING Machines—If yours needs ( LAMB COMPANY. a Esser was a visitor. Members at­ tending were Mesdamee Alex overhauling, bring it in now. We — - lenmu« —»•» — --------- ------ Agents for Orrfon-Nevwda-Cajifornis Fast Freight carry a full line of parts and sup- SHEEP GUANO—Fine fertilizer for Mackey, Lola Meyers, Bertha Cross, Office Phone 5 ________ „s g Hj||| plies for McCormick Doering ma- j lawns, flowers, gardens. No weeds, Edna Rakestraw, Huidah Ellingson, Chevrolet — Buich Ophal Gilman and Elsie Wheaton. chines. J. A. LAMB COMANPY a , odorles. FARR A ELWOOD. É 1 . . . 1 Local B. P. W. Wins Mrs. Boober Now Trophy For War Work Woman's Club Pres. V r s St’ Knife Hospital I Attention to Details SCHROEDER BIÍOS MORTUARIES, lac. Now In Stock MISS INEZ ROVER Inttrurtor of Piano SouthwesternMotor WRECKER Southwestern Motors Benham’s Transfer Storage SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE