PACE SEVEN ■ a .r - ■ Arago News Items Bare Facts From Bear Creek The regular monthly Missionary meeting was held at the home of "The Column that’s Different’* Mrs. Emil Peterson last Tuesday af­ (By Lana Leneve) ternoon with the following in atten­ dance: Meedames Albert Lillie, Al­ Jess Gilmore was killed in an ac­ bert Gulstrom, O. H. Aasen, Ward cident at the Moore Mill at Bandon Evans, Werner Plaep and Bobbie, last Thursday morning. The news Charles Griffith and Mary Anne and shocked this entire neghborhood, Mrs. Lizzie Lett Refreshments of where Mr. Gilmore was well and fa­ ice cream and cake and tea were vorably known. Until q few months served to the guests. ago he resided on Bear Creek and Ladies Aid met Thursday at the then moved to Winterville Heights. A church tor an all day meeting, with few months prior to his untimely de­ (he following present: Mesdames O. mise he sustained a broken ankle H. Aasen, Albert Liilie, Albert Gul- while working at the same mill where strom. Ward Evans, Stanley Halter he met his death. We can truthfully and Ida Myers. Ward Eavna and state that Mr. Gilmore ____ __ _ was ____ one of Maureen and Darwin Gulstrom joined 1 the mo6t likeable persons of our se­ ttle ladies for dinner. Iquaintance, possessing a charming Citizens Praise Results Gained For This Stale Portland, Ore. (SPECIAL) — The following quotations from letters are typical of hundreds received ex­ pressing appreciation of Senator Rufus ,C. Holman’s effectiveness at the nation's capital:. I have witnessed you^ fights in our own state for the Oregon Na­ tional Guard, and later in the United States Senate your fearless stand for adequate appropriation for our defense forces. You have truly been a champion." NEW OREGON INDUSTRY •I hasten to extend congratula­ tions and sincere appreciation on behalf of the people of Oregon for the splendid work you. have done in securing for Oregon* the alumina clay plant/’ “You 'are doing a commendable job in protecting the ini i of the Pacific Northwest as as the war effort.** “We have been dealing for the past twelve years with Oregon sena­ tors and congressmen in Washing­ ton and never have we received such smooth cooperation and rapid hand­ ling of our every request for in­ formation and action.** “I want to congratulate you heart­ ily on the successful outcome of your effort to obtain "increased for­ est fire appropriations. This was a hard, fighting chance, but you took it and have won out. We are all in­ debted to you." /•r SENATOR ■a mi wi ui NtK far Ut “May I express my sincere thanks to you for your interest and sup­ port given this recent deficiency appropriation bill to provide ma­ ternity care to wives of enlisted men in the armed forces.** w “People like and respect you for your independent and forthright position on the vital problems that are facing the country at this time." “It is a pleasure .to know that when some emergency like this arises that we have representation back in Washington that is able to produce results.” > *■ ’ as his, as well as other brave lads . Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peterson and who fall in battle, that serves to in- Donald were Sunday dinner guests crease our _ hatred of the Jap“’ of Mr. and Mrs. Werner Plaep. Last week Chas. Leach of Beyr Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fairchild, Rich­ Creek was called to his old home in ard, Billy and Rotha, of Scottsburg, Nebraska by the death of a brother. visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Septic sore throat and bad colds Wm. Knabe, Friday. still prevail in this district but are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish made a gradually decreasing since the advent trip to Portland over the wek-end. of good weather. Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller attended Spring fever has finally taken hold the Brethren church in Myrtle Point,on “The Crick.1 Most everybody ta last Sunday morning, after which i engaged in digging in their gardens, they enjoyed a picnic dinner up on i Or are they digging angleworms? the road toward Powers with the i The Harrington-Ray camp on following: Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller, upper Bear Creek, which has been Phyllis Alice and Orvus, Jr., Mr. and engaged in falling and cold-decking Mrs. Lyle Pauli, Charlene and Mari­ all winter, ‘started hauling last lyn, of Myrtle Point; Mrs. Harold Thursday morning. The logs are Pribble and small son, of Norway; dumped in the Coquille river near the Mrs. Martha Pauli, of Gardiner, and Prosper road. Port Whittington. That was a thoughtful gesture of Mrs. Minnie Clinton and Mrs. Or­ the Coquille Police Department send- ville Clinton, both of Coquille, and i ing us that mammoth bird dog awhile Mary Breuer, of California, visited at back. The main trouble was the fact the home of Miss Nettie Halter Mon­ that no red stamps or tokens accom­ panied the huge gift and the big fel­ day. Patty and Jerene Bell, of Myrtle low ate like a horse. But he solved Point, were Sunday overnight guests the problem by chewing his leash of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lillie. " ~ and vamoosing and, evidently, being Mr. and Mrs. Gail Shriver, Douglas picked up by some dog lover. The and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dority' big mutt was a likeable fellow and we and Kenneth, all of North Bend, were are hoping he found a good home. Sunday* dinner guests of Mr. and The only trouble ta that he ta likely Mrs. George Mason and family. to eat himself out of it, unless it ta Rev. O. A. Gray, of Coqulle, con­ a slaughter house or black market ducted the regular Sunday morning 1 ttatacsm. church service and the Communion Clarence Gatchell, active in A.F.L. service was observed at this time. organization work, accompanied by Sunday school followed with an at­ bta wife and daughter, stopped at tendance of 40. There will be ser­ Bear Creek last week, while enroute vices again next Sunday, preaching down the coast. at IQ S. th. and at the Sunday school There ta an abundance of hogs now, hour the usual Mother's Day program feed ta high and the price of pork as Will be given. ■ Everyone is cordially paid the farmer ta extremely low. We are wondering why the New Deal invited to attend. Mrs. Warren Haga and Sharie and crowd doesn’t declare an open sea­ Mrs. Jack Haga visited at the homes son on them and boost the price of of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl and Mr. bacon? Well, the people would have and Mrs. Melden Carl one day last the money to purchase it; that, no week. doubt, ta the reason they don’t. And, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Zeller and too, they are “gunning bigger game George, of Coquille, were Sunday vis­ now days, both small business enter­ itors in Arago. f prises and managers of mall order Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knabe have sold concerns. But they have never found their place on Fishtrap and are mov­ a big enough gun to "pot" Harry ing to Scottsburg this week. Misses Bridges or to stop John L. Lewis. Our weekly proverb ta by Carlyle: Judy and Beth Barklow, who have Make yourself an honest man, and been staying with Mr. and Mrs •inabe, left Saturday with their then you may be sure there Is one — mother, Mrs. Jimmy Spry, for Ar­ rascal less in the world.” The Coos Bay Times, a New Deal kansas, where they will be with Mr Spry’s folks for a while. , paper and avowed lover of Roose­ David Bishop came in from Fort velt, takes a crack at The Oregonian LeWta last week on a few days’ fur­ in a recent editorial. Sort of re­ minds us of a flea taking a bite at a lough. Funeral services for LeRoy Eugene St. Bernard. Sumerlln, five months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sumerlln, were Alarm Clock* repaired at Schroe­ * held Tuesday afternoon, May 9, at der's Jewelry Store. the Schroeder Brothers Mortuary in Coquille at 2 p. m. The infant had been suffering from heart trouble ever since birth and he passed away at the Sumerlln home last Saturday. He leaves besides his parents, one sister, Sylvia. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Robison and family moved to Coquille last week. Mrs. Lee Kellison and Bobby vis­ ited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hervey at Lee Monday. Mrs Tyrrell and son, of Coquille, were Saturday overnight guests of Mrs. Geo. Gillespie, x R © r I Ritsteb IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL LIST IT WITH MY OFFICE FOR QUICK SALE RESIDENCE AND FARM PROPERTY A SPECIALTY GEO. E. HEROINE at Bank Bldg. Also Service on ♦INSURANCE ♦BIRTH CERTIFICATES ♦PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ♦NOTARY PUBLIC TAYLOB VITAMINS Buy at Rackleff Pharmacy - Barrow Drug Co 4 UHM PRODUCT Í of w 1 Speed the Victory BUY WAB BONDS I. F‘ *•' - SEATTU MSWINGIMALTING CO LARS P. PETERSON “It is nice to know that we have. representation in Washington understands our problems here.1 Original letter« containing quotations may be seen at the man for Senator Committee" quarters. 408 Wilcox Building. land, Oregon. 'Remember — Norton's for office, school and heme supplies. 37tfs Mr. and Mrs. Will Lane, of Ash-| personality. He was always cheer­ land, arrived at the home of Mr. and' ful, and while hobbling about on Mrs. Frank Lane last Wednesday.'crutches, with the broken ankle, he They will visit there for. about a was over-flowing .with good humor, month. {We feel his loss a very personal one. Of Sen. Hohhan a C h II in« card« Mi iota «' ¡I s*?* rs is a safe harei- lara meSieataa liquid sallad Ktesrax » County Commissioner nwTOrir'tsirAraS îsæmswâ > » • - HE HELPED TO PUT COOS COUNTY ON AN EVEN KEEL Olear oemplasto«. ftw i *• Hak. The trat application mat wstfafa FINANCIALLY AND IS PLEDGED TO «aera who are no longer am harm».ad wttt^eeelgljl^ ptwplea. Mvld RAR3OW DRUG CO. .KEEP IT THAT WAY