The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, May 11, 1944, Page 5, Image 5

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    MAT 11. 1M4.
faob rive
Out-of-DoorsStuf?1 . r* ^™*
w w v W <W w * News
W teW EV 00
met at the hqjl for all-day Red Cross
Twenty-one members attended
Mrs. Leonard Lawhorn, Sunday school Sunday at the McKin­
Mrs. Gail Crower left Monday night Mrs. Frank Howard and Mrs. Lee ley hall. ,
I for a week’s visit in Eugene and Mast each brought a sewing machine
Mrs. Charley Gill was able to come
i Portland. Her two sons, Gail. Jr., and the ladies sewed apron kit bags, home from the hospital Sunday and
D. C„ May 6, 164A-
*|and Bobby are staying at the T. H. housewives and baby petticoats; cut
visited camp at L. B. A Lu’s Monday.
Other than battle front news, the
High velocity ammunition is much Benham home.
scuffs and afghan blocks from wool
Mrs. Lee Mast is quite ill with
v most excitjng news of this week was
sought after by duck and pheasant
Mr and Mrs. Melvin Kenyon and garments using denim for scruff soles. rheumatism. She is not able to do
the announcement of the
Next week the House will consider j hunters and by the former especially, family moved to Coquille last week. They also planned the putting to­ her own work.
meat rationing.
Moat points were the Flood Control BUI (H. R. 4468). The lower pressure loads are „-.--ted
scorned i The Horace Berry family have re­ gether of finished afghan blocks. A'
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Brown's small
removed for the very simple reason tki . »in
___ __
by moat bi d hunUr* H1*h powered cently heard from all their sons in potluck lunch at noon was enjoyed daughter. Donna, was taken Sunday
> adv<‘rti*ln« ot hi-speed shells and
that we have too much meet on the
J^T^Ued ! Wha‘
** ■«*omPlMhed by shoot- the armed forces. Bill is in Italy, by all. Mrs. Ben Hudson and Mrs. morning to the Belle Knife hospital
range that can no longer be withheld da vs
urn1 ^’1 remai.
ing them ha> cx^inly mude an im- "Bud” in California and "Buss” in Thos. Heyman, Marjory and Loretta in Coquille, where Dr. Richmond re­
from the market.
Department of
the mountains out of Denver, Colo­ were able to attend in the afternoon. moved her tonsils. She was able to
Agriculture figures indicate a range «
of the
the week
will be
be dev
to the
the Pr,aaion
gunner am-
and rado.
The Grange sponsored the basket come home Monday morning. The
eek will
ted to
of hi-speed
inventory of son» 10,000,000 more ÄW.1:
The L., A. Ryans have heard from social and dance here, which was young lady got along very nicely.
animal unlta^than ever before. ”We
win take up the'extenrion"^ munltlon
** their son, “Bud,” in England that he well attended.
The sum of two
are short of grain to feed this surplus.
~ ä i ~«"' “»■ is all right and have heard from their hundred and three dollars was re­
The herds simply must move to mar­ House). Following that, up will come ,u Most
no doubt
that ' son-in-law, Earl Adams, Jr. He was alized from baskets and suppers sold.
_ _ ,___
. 7^
the Mghty confro^irt "antt-poH Ule‘ 3 u °°
between hi-, being sent to the east coast.
This was to be divided between the
Cynical observers here, Including
S appropriation^ bii. wtl.
j Visiting at the Archie Lane home Salvation Army and the Red Cross.
several members of our food study
recently was his sister. Mrs. Vernon At this affair the Pollyanna club
'committee who have made a speical ted
th. pot, tar MSt.taken op..“¡¡J
R: Klnmann, of St. Louis. She had r»«ted its crazy quilt. Mr. and Mrs.
study of the meat situation, are
been visit'
in San
Francisco and Parm Patrick’s young son drew Mrs
wm <» £
chuckling over the situation. They feyd’
now U
I "^McMinnville on her way Leonard Lawhorn’s name from the
Remember Norton's for greeting
have been saying for some time that1 commit».
ol ¡»th Hoorn au fcn-
'■>• w-i ■“* home.
cards and gifts for Mother's Day and
beef had to be released or gi&t ate ara lnatv activa relt' - I m W i U mi *’ not knoWn to many shooters. The
Cpl. Guy
Ben” ----------------
Holverstott ----
chance> 30 »ne ®>‘
_ B.
. “ -----
losses would result. Assumption, was ready far consideration on the Floor «ctual distance is only about fifteen spending a week’s furlough at his
that the “greet event,” meaning «¡e The next few weak« will he buav ,e*t’ tbat a bi-speed shell is supposed home here. He has graduated from
' easing of meat rationing, would come
to kill
kJ11 a
g bird iarther
tf!an the low mechanic school at Chanute
Chinnt. Field,
vi - m
farther than
in late summer when it would do the
' pressure ammunition. While this may , Illinois, and is to report May 16 at
fall political campaign the most good.
, be, and most certainly is an advantage Lincoln, Nebraska.
Now they are chuckling because ap­
to the extent of fifteen feet while fir- : Mrs. Bertha Graham was to Br­
parently the decision could not be
ing at a bird, on the other hand, is it rive to visit at the Lloyd Teadgartden
held off any longer. The cynics!
worth the additional recoil encdun- home the first of this week. Mrs.
' tered while firing hi-speed ammuni- Graham is a sister of Mrs. Teagarden,
Along this same line, figures on
the supply of sugar rather cleeriy in­
tion, for ft to a known fact that the
Mrs. Earl Adams, Jr., has returned
'high-speed stuff kicks back much to Coquille after several days' visit
dicate that sugar rationing to no
longer necessary. There to, however,
■ harder than the low pressure loads, i at the home of her parents, Mr. and
reported to be s rather serious un­
And It doesn’t take too many hard Mrs. L. A. Ryan.
published reason for continuing sugar
kicks from a shotgun to cause a lot
Attending the basket social at Mc-
rationing even .if the supply to ade­
i of shooters to dodge, while engaged in Kinley Saturday night from this
quate. This reason is that if unlim­
(shooting birds on the wing. A la* of valley were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nick-
ited sugar purchasing to permitted,
• misses are caused by flinching when laus, the Glenn Richardson family,
------ is pulled ----
M. ■HSt
the **
and a especially
, the Lyman Chezem family, Mr. and
the present liquor shortage will lure
after a
has gotten
eotte» set K
—1» —
as— ’ L, A.
* *»--
— **~
... «
many people into illicit liquor man­
a shooter
shooter has
on Mrs.
Mr. ---
and —
.'Kite Ktetelte
— aa
’ * by
— super-
4— {Parks and
_ --
H .¡his
heels . —
r • few
Kenneth Holverstott.
ufacturing, and sugar is an impor­
* Irharaeri
Mrs. N. jj
charged ammunition.
H. Boles is
to spending the
tant raw material for that business.
Washington. D. C„ May 11 — Noi
Hardest hit under the present ration­
a shooter does not real- | week with • her daughters in Cor-
member of either the
uv Washington*i‘sum or
w | ; tx* that he to dodging While firing, but vallis and Eugene.
ing are commercial sugar users—
Oregon a® Inflations in me ■eriaic
senate u
to ■
a ' (f hla
happens ~ to misfire or jam
The Ladies Aid will serve dinner at
bakers and candy makers.
Larger member of the advisory the
committee on I
!nis,ir‘‘ * I"»
quotas should be granted them.
and supper at six o'clock at
Post-war planning and foreign policy
-- will iur-
~ ‘ the Grange Hall on election day, May
recently appointed and which will h
*. . tou
* -te.
w.ucn wmiprlM himself to find that
he has 19. There will also be pis and cake
Yesterday afternoon I listened to hold its first meeting «>«
in a few days. fUnched
a very nottsebte manner, and coffee on sale or to take home.
the debate on the resolution (House) Senate members of the committee (
preaBUra ammunition will not I The proceeds will go toward materl-
providing for an investigation of the
were named on a nonpartisan basis. |Wcl|
badly, it coots less and it will lai for the church, the minister’s
seizure of Montgomery, Ward and but the powers that be failed to rec- klll
that are within reasonable apartments.
Company in Chicago by the Army. ognize anyone from the Pacific coast. |afMjoting range just as quickly as the! While slashing Tuesday morning
The resolution to not a violent one. As a matter of fact, not ■ »bigle h|<h.power loads do.
In fact, we Tom Benham had the misfortune to
It merely provides for a committee of
member of the committee is from a. havf ioun<J
the yghter load often sever the end of his second toe on
seven members at the House wlio will
state farther west than Iowa and the layil
, much nlcer and thicker his right foot. He cut through his
make an investigation of the incident only states rapt «sauted are Texas, (man a tot of hard kicking, calks on a slant and completely cut
and report beck- to Congress. Admin» Georgia, Kentucky^ Iowa, Wisconsin, atrinx shot Dattern sheila th«t
r,ee ta« i...
is tri tion followers argued long >nd
loud against the passage of the reso­ greet plains. Rocky mountain area ' of the shooting fraternity goes so'
lution. It seemed to me their posi­ and the Pacific coast were completely strong for.
The trouble with- most shooters to i
tion was unsound.
Certainly the ignored by the senate powers that be.
the fact that they are wont to
people of the country are aroused now
No protect against thia lop-sided
1 Wednesday of last week Mrs. ...
over what seamed te be an outland­ committee was made in the eenate, “strain” their guns when ghaoUng H. Lawhorn, Mrs. Leonard Lawhorn
ish usurpation ot power —>a trend but when news of its appointment ducks. It to really foolish, the dis­
and Sharon, Mrs. Frank Howard and
tbward dictatorship. Better to have reached the house a long and loud tance that some hunters fire at a fly- Ellen, Mrs. Lee Mast, Mrs. Milford
an official investigation now than to wail went up, not only because such bird—birds that are far beyond the Mast, Gary and^Gene, Mrs. Kenneth
leave the people dependent solely vast sections of the country were un­ range of the most super-duper load Hansen, Mrs. R W Brown. Mrs.
upon what might be considered pr*- represented but also because the that was ever advertised. Such men Clarence Churchill, Mrs. Geo. Glenn,
judlced statements. The Administra­ house of representatives was Ignored have no conception of the range of a Mrs. Frank Haney, Barbara and
tion will be well protected in the in­ in the composition of the body which shotgun,'« else are very poor judges Janice, and l(ra. Severus McCarthy
vestigation. for the committee, to be will have • voice ta post-war plan­ of distance. They are a headache to
appointed by Speaker Rayburn, will ning and the determination of Amer­ other hunters as well—hunters who
consist of four Democrats and three ican policy after the wgr. Represen­ wait fbr. their bird to come within
range before firing. Thousands of
tative Mundt of South Dakota was es­
To the amazement of most mem­ pecially critical in h|s oomments on shots are spoiled by thate long range
bers, Congressman Sabbath (Demo­ the senate action and he gave notice fiends each season, by thorn hunters
crat of Chicago) voted for the so­ that he intended to introduce a reso­ who seem to compare the shooting
lution. Sabbath has been a member lution providing for 'the appointment qualities of a scattergun to that of a
of Congress for more than thlrtj of eight members of the house to high powered rifle.
But in spite of hl spssd ammuni­
years. He to the oldest member In serve with the senate committee-
the House from the standpoint of four Republicans and four Democrats tion, shells that are adtoeettsad to kill
continuous service in that body. Hs —and that on this committee the ducks at a rang» of 80 yards or more,
to an ardent Roosevelt follower and plains states, the Rocky mountain there are few birds ever killed at that
did hto best, as chairman of the Rules area and the Pacific ooast should be range and a close cheek throughout |
the season wlU show you more birds
Committee, to keep the resolutlor represented.
brought down under fifty yards, by
from being brought to the Floor
Resentment over the action Of the
Then he voted for it It is Indeed t senate has given encouragement to half, than are brought down over
strang» world—sometimes!
house members who for many month» that distance, regardless of what sort
of ammunition to being used.
have been demanding that both
The principal legislative buxine» I branches of the congress should have are rushing hogs and poultry to mar- '
a voioe in the ratification of treaties,
of the House this week was final con- tend
Immediate steps will bo taken ket because they are unable to buy
sideratlon and passage of the tax re-
to bring about this equality of author­ feed and that the animals and fowls
turn simplification biU, It was ap­
ity It can only be done, of course, must be sold at once or die of star­
proved unanimously on a roll call
by a constitutional amendment, and vation. The speetaele of trucks being
vote. It to assumed the Senate will
thia is the procedure which will be backed up for miles waiting to un­
also pass it promptly and that It
followed. Nothing oan be done in load hogs at the East 8t. Louis stock-1
shortly will become law. This leg­
thia matter In time to affect ratifica­ yards was deecrtbed by one member
islation has the foliowtng objectives
tion of treaties growing out of the and It Was asserted that this situation
(as stated in the committee report
present war, but house members are exists all over the mid-west.
on the bill):
1. To relieve the great majority of determined that they shall have a for marketing, IV was declared, but
voice in planning for poet-war con­
taxpayers from the necessity of com­
ditions and advising on foreign pol­ scarcity of feed forces their immedi-.
puting their income tax.
icies, insofar as such matter may be ate safe,
2. Te reduce the number of math­
influenced by an advisory committee.
ematical computations.
■ O'-
Everyone who has worked will be
I, To simplify the return form
On the theory that social ano econ- entitled to compensation after the
*. To degrease the numbe* of per­
■ ~
‘ by . geo- war under SR 1823, introduced by
sona required to file declarations' of orn>c views are influenced
graphical location and that aU
estimated tax.
” sec- ; Senator Kilgore. Shipyard workers
I. To eliminate some Of the dtffl- “o"« of the country should be mp- and
■"« all others who are
sre demobilized
fen». civilian
«U..<!>»«» jobs
l-K. will
» • • be entitled A-
oulties and uncertainties In the mak- reoonted on the U. B. supreme court, from
Ing of estimates required for declare- Representative Gome it of Texas has 52 weeks oY compensation at a max-
* Hill
A- «
introduced a
bill in fH*
the knasA«
house pro- I • IfYllim
Unum nf
of &911
*38 " n a week
if thaw
they kntra
vid|ng that hereafter at least three ’ three dependents. The minimum (no
There are some ohantae In the in­
members of the high court shall bo dependent») io *20 a week. The pay- i
dividual tax levy. Under this new
states west of the Mississippi menta are far higher than the max- (
bill single persons and married peo­
ple without dependents will be hit river, and at least two from the tert lm“m unemployment benefits of eith-.
State« commonly referred to as the ed Washington or Oregon and for a |
somewhat harder.
Old South. Mr. Gossett believes that' longer period. Unemployment com-
Thus far, th» Ways and Means com­
reoidonts at the Industrie Used east pensatlon does .not apply to agricul-’
mittee has been coneentrating its at­
tention upon the problem of simplify­ are more likely to hoM social and tural workers and a few other classes,
ing and making easier the millions of economic views In oonflict with the hut thia Kilgore'bill would embrace
thoughts and aspirations of the south J all who have worked. As the bill
returns from Individual taxpayer»-
reads the thousands of Mexican
Rut as Representative Frank Cartoon and west. There is not believed to
pointed out, businesses are terribly be much prospect that the measure laborers who have been imported
into the Pacific northwest would be
burdened with numerous and oom- can win any oonslderable support.
entitled to benefits for 31 weeks
plicfted forms devised by the Tree»-
One reason why it became necea- |
Mexicans are not “covered"
ury Department, Mr Carlson read
•» present h.,
' to the House a list of the months of »ary for OFA to remove rationing re­
' wï'-
„ „
the year showing that business men strictions on meat with two excep-|
Turkey Dinner
in addition to the regular menu service
Your Satisfaction Is Our Pleasure
We are here to serve and please you
! McKinley News
Coquille Hotel Coffee Shop
Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Pressnail, Props
Wonk"V ¿FAV^ g^
must «ll out from one to eight tax
(votes in an election year.
. report forms of various kinds each
month In the year. The committee
•tated that feeder.
Insurance Specialist, F. R. Bull, a
will next undertake to bring out a
feeders tn the mid-west
H Waa i