> 1 1 11 « i mu »»> 11 s el »♦+»» h ■»♦♦■»♦»♦ »♦♦»<'»> I t : REMEMBER Mother’s Day • . With Flowers Sunday, May 14th A Large Selection of Cut Flowers, Plants and ..Corsages ; ORDER EARLY J Job’s Daughters Hold Mother’s Night ' 7 Attend Peg|iv|(|et A| v of ( Honoring their mothers was a fea- ,, ture of Job’s Daughter, when they Kenn*‘ Lawrence wa met on Monday nighVMay 1. Jean- iU**t of Emer nie Griggs sang, ’My Mom.” fol- the Alpha De,ta ■orori‘y houi lowed wUh introduction of mother. The *«« Snivel by the girl* .nd the presentation of “°th*r8o and Jurt,or week" gift«. A large cake marked with "To “rs, F S. «Emery was with her dai My Mother,” figured prominently in ter for the week-end also and the decoration, for the refreshment *M*r fPr, ***• * h,r man> ,ri< table. Three new member. Initiated .,n C«iuUle' Mr.. Lawrence state were Betty Preston, Elisabeth Stelle | ---------------- .. , . and Judy Slack. | Insurance specialist. F. R. Bull J. W. Hildenbrand Republican Candidate for County Commissioner '