The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, May 04, 1944, Page 9, Image 9

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    Timely Topics
By R. T. Moor«
Home Extension ,
For 1944-45
One roads in the press or hears over
the radio repeated charges that ex­ tial business prosperity sure to come j closing one of the most successful
'years of Home Extenston activities
orbitant profits are being
by n‘he Poai-war West Coast arsa.
J?. *”**”“* for
* ¡»nd making plans fqr the 1944-45
corporations and individuals ««g.^
as our
our coal
00,1 and
,nd 1 program of work yas **>• J°b «Uotod
in war goods manufacture. It is time develop such resources “
i. ~
We ‘ have an abundance to the forty-nine delegates roproeent-
that these fallacious chargee were wood-waste.
of cheep power.
_ home extension units
' Our population has _
jng ___
spiked for good.
One case in point is that of a promi­ incrrarod sutetontially and the stage fchen they met for ’their Annual
incrta“d industrial County-wide Program Planning Dey
nent steel executive who has had his
curtain <*<*• not heW at the Junior High School in Co-
salary increased from a 1930 level of
$275,000 to a 1942 level of 1550,000. riee because confiscatory taxation ha. quille laBt
If one refers to the income tax blanks destroyed the sources of venture capi­
The meeting was called to order by
it will be found that this executive tal in the name of social progress.
the chairman of the County Home
The fate of the projected Spring- Economics Advisory committee, Mrs.
was able to keep only about »73,000
Of his 1039 salary and about »90,000 fiekl alcohol-from-wood plant and Harland Montgomery of Millington.1
of his 1M2 salary. So instead of hav­ Cooe County’s chrome industry indi­ Following a short business meeting,
ing his salary doubled it was actually cates what we can expect from Fed­ Mrs. Azalea Sager, State Home Dem­
increased about 34 per cent which eral agencies in the way of launching onstration Leader, spoke to the group
is less than the rise In cost of living new enterprises. There to little hope on factors they would need |o con­
in that direction
A way must be-------------
- their
------ projects for
sider when
for the same period and about half
the increase received by the average oun to persuade private capital to next year’s program, emphasizing the
J°b\.Wi‘h the help
need for production and preservation
war-worker. In fact, it can be suc­ ^2
an alert aggressive banking system.
of every possible Mt of food, pro­
cessfully demonstrated that increas­
To prepare the way, drastic reduc­ viding good family life now and after
ing costs of everything have made
this apparent raise in salary an actual tions in the tax burdens of corpora­ the war to enable family members to
tions and monied individuals must be make the necessary adjustments that
cut because of the reduction in the
made so that venture money pools can are bound to follow at the close of
purchasing power of the dollar. So
be created. We will need a high pro­ the war. She also emphasized the im­
this demagogical bally-hoo about war
duction level to provide properly for portance of homemakers setting a
profiteering fizzles out under the cold
the returning service-men High pro­ goal for themselves after their fam­
logic of ordinary arithmetic.
duction means lots of jobs at good Hies
ilies have been raised.
In the case of corporations, two
pay. The government can hand out
By popular vite the delegates set­
elective methods of computing income
doles but it cannot provide jobs for tled (he projects to be developed as
tax are permitted. One uses the I
all because it merely spends what _____________
_ ____
demonstrations _
for __
unit _ ___
average net Income of the base period
oilier o,he” *nake. Returning service-men year These meetings are to be held
1938 to 1939 as a norm. The other 1
BOt dole* ** mu*t m*ke monthly, October through May. That
uses the invested capital system t which
_____ 1 w
, it possible for private business to pro- 'the women intend to do lota of
arbitrarily sets the norm at 8 per
vide them. And private business can home rowing to indicated to their re­
cent pet return. Both methods are
do it easily if ham-stringing rogula- quert for four meetings in Clothing;
highly technical with endless rami­
tions and taxes are removed.
I-Dry cleaning in the Home,” “Use
fications defying the most skillfiir ac­
Another step to the providing of of sewing Machine Attachments,"
countants Each corporatioftttoes the
method most advantageous to its ewn operating capital by the banks. To -Conserve with the Scrap Bag," and
prepare for this, the proront lethargy -OJve Home Sewing the Professional
of commercial bank, must be over- ! Touch - Two
w<re ^1-cUd
In each method, the normal tax of
come and a renewed Interest in busi- ln Nutrltion; "Using Milk, Eggs, and
48 per cent of the above norm is first
neas loans created. Inspection of cheese," and “Oven Meals.”
computed. Then the excess profits
published statements of our large
The home iUaK
lt> ghare
portion of the tax is computed at 93
banks reveal a pitifully small propor- ' of - attention.
— • be one
There will
per cent of the amount by which the
tion of their deposits loaned out to meeting on “Home Recreation" and
actual gross profit exceeds ths normal
creative enterprise, this in spite of the one on “Furniture Arrangement.” The
profit determined by one of the above
fact that we now have the most schedule for the meetings will be ar­
methods. But in no event can the
active productive era in our history. ranged as soon as other counties have
sum of the normal tax plus the excess
One of the most potent weapons for their Program Planning Day.
profits tax exceed 90 per cent of the
overcoming a lethargic commercial
Arrangements were made for sev­
total gross profit. The net result of
situation to the spur of competition. eral special meetings to be held
this, in the case of moat war indus­
As. this column has stated before, we throughout the year. Food Preserva­
tries. to an M per cent tax on the
have great need for the establishment tion meetings will be held tn June
corporate net income. That is, if
of a generous number of Stats banks for any group or organization who
the corporation makes »1,000 profit,
throughout Oregon to serve small requests them. "Care and Repair of
it must' pay »300 to the government
bustneaa wftiT'eredit lines they are Electrical Equipment,” "Bread bak­
and keep the remaining »300. And
unable to get At present Many small ing." "Sewing Machine Clinic" and
to give you an idea of what this means
businesees operating successfully, and __ _
“Landscape Gardening" w<U be the
in the lumber industry, the average
tar«e ,nd wealth5'
uthw*"^tlngi"tha7 wUl
“take home” profit as shown by re­
constitute a prosperous economy In glto
particularly for the
turns from about 150 leading con­
extension units who requested them.
cerns ranges from Bl to 7 per cant
To encourage Oregon private capi­
The special luncheon arranged, by
of invested capital with an average
tal in the establishment of State the county oommlttee included in. its
around 5 par cent. The president
banks so badly needed, we must aii- program the Installation by Mrs.
was not fooling when ha said that
mlnate^all obstructing régulations not
Sager of the throe newly elected
corporations would-maka no profit
oat of thia 'Far. But In making sure necessary to the preservation of sound members of the oommlttee: Mrs. Hol-
banking practice. We should pass the verstott to suoceed herself | Mira.
of this fact, corporate treasuries were
Î current measure to eliminate the
Prtoclll* Jacobson, Glasgow; and Mrs.
drained so low that the president is
double-liability feature of the Stats
Wesley Frazier, Riverton. Members
now fearful that a terrible depression ’
banking stock law and thus bring our
S^teTakks’Mck'to a‘7^1«^ Who are retiring from the committee
are Mrs, Leia Mason, Arago, and Mrs.
abruptly stopped Corporate finances
level with the National Banks. We L. L, Rood Of Coos River, Other
have bean so ruthlessly confiscated. I
should insist upon, and obtain, a
members of the oommlttee are Mrs.
This juggling figures for political
liberal backing of our State Banking J. g. Schoolcraft. Oroen Acres; Mrs.
purpose to an old trick and yet it
system by the Federal Reserve with
Lloyd Davenport, Broadbent; Mrs
still catches a good proportion of our
a view towards providing all of the George Hoffman, Myrtle Point, and
voting public who do not trouble to
sound operating vapital requirements
sit down and oheck on thee« loose of State Bank customers. In short, Mrs. Harland Montgomery of Mil­
statements. The use of the gross there should be a retreat from Federal lington,
profit figures instead v ths “take
bank regulation and an advance to­
home" or net profit to a deliberate at­
wards State bank regulation.
tempt to mislead anAeomeayery close
This proposal would seem to be In
to criminal libel. It should 1* prompt­
■tep With the present trend away
ly stopped by public opinion.
from government concentrated in
The people should insist on frank
Washington, far from direct control
Records Tor the past 15.” months
discussion of the truth and should
I by the people,-and towards State and were shattered by Oregon Navy Re­
deal harshly with those who seek 10 local control Immediately' under the
cruiters in April with the enrollment
deceive for persona) gain.
• watchful eye of the tax-payer. It is of the largest number nf 17-ytmr-old
Lack of venture money to prevent-
_ ___ oaa
____ _________
_____ of IMS,
_____ ac-
. ' hard
. J fo
.1 see
how anyone
contend ______
since February
Ing ths exploitation af valuable
to not in the beat cording to word just received by
patents formerly held by enemy intereata of the public.
----- •
, Chief - Specialist
Paul *----------
Oonnet, of - the
Marshfield Navy recruiting station.
Part of the credit for the record-
breaking performance is due to the
excellent co-operation given by high
school superintendents and principals
in the procurement of applicants for
the. Navy's recently-expanded Radio
Technician training program, the re­
cruiter declares.
“School authorities, realizing that
I thts program offers a splendid op­
portunity for students with the apti­
tude and training for radio work, are
assisting in every way possible to get
qualified applicants for this lmpor-
! tent phase of naval operations,” Mr.
■x Connet said.
. Because at the fact that the “R. T.“
programjias attracted so many youths
in the short time since Ito re-opening,
the national quota may be filled in
the near future and the offer with­
drawn Those prospective applicants
who have been putting off the taking
of the qualifying test, or who have
neglected fe enlist after passing the
test, are advised to take action at
once, in order not to mien out on such
an attractive opportunity
The recruiter wishes to re-em­
phasize the fact that those of draft
I age also may apply for "R. T." train­
ing. Successful applicants are en­
rolled as seamen find el an s equiva-
al Bank BWg.
lent to corporal—and given approxi­
» •
mately ten months of training in
Abo Service an
radio and electronics at leading col­
leges and universities throughout the
nation. Full details may be obtained
the recruiting station.
April Record Month
Novy Enlistments
Howdy Folks
We are always looking at
this Automotive Service
business, with your inter­
ests in mind. Why not you
consider us?
Just re i ne in her we can
change your oil and make a
few needed adjustments
more profitably than we
can rebuild your engine.
And likewise with many
other repairs on your cars.
* .
• ..
The point is wo could do
those little jobs for you and
your friends. But if our
shop space is blocked with
major repair jobs, waiting
for parts then we may even
have to ask you to wait 1 '
M&WAuto Service
Regular commercial flours work
for big commercial bakers
A n
fbirïl daœtter baking
with ahowe-type flour
nwu 9 Basisu
wisy nom«>îype
Khchun Craft Flow I
0ivM bottof results
has done woNoea
Kitchen Craft 1« lijM-Udltd: It
mixes smoothly and quickly with
other home-type ingredients to
give fine even texture in all your
home-baked foods.
, more delicate cakes... finer
textured breads ... flakier pie crust.
That’s the kind of results you get with
Kitchen Craft Flour. Not just once in
a while but every single timel~~
Because thia fine home-type flour
is specially milled and blended to work
perfectly in home-size recipes. To mix
quickly and easily with other home­
type ingredients. It gives you more
nourishing baked foods, too. Every
sack of Kitchen Craft Flour is now
enriched with B vitamins and iron.
Try this top quality all-purpose flour
today. If for any reason Kitchen Craft
Flour fails to please you, return the
unused portion to your grocer and
get back your full purchase price.