MAY 4 IMA Council Session ’The MJ tu I c I "tall MonwyTalcSewagei Disposal Plant -w. ciub New Officer* Cattle Marketing To Be Considered Weekly Letter More Traffic Deaths This Year HOOVER’* An inspired piece from one of the New Deal propagandists says that “Hoover waa a complete failure.” So he was. He failed in a lot of Traffic accidents took a tell of I* lives in Oregon during the month of things. Ha failed to draw out his March, an increase of 12 per cent salary of $75,000 a year while he was He failed to have his over the toll of 17 for the same month President. last year, according to an announce­ sons organize iawiranre companies ment from the safety division of the to write insurance on Government enterprises. He built a Rapidan re­ secretary of state’s office. For the first quarter of HM4, traffic sort for fishing and recreation at his claimed 56 Uvea, an ttwrease of $01 ¡own expense, and gave it to the Gov­ None of his sons went per cent over the tali for the same ernment. racing through the divorce courts to period ot ¡»43. The strong increase in traffic deaths the disillusionment of the public. He thia year to evidence of the-Med for never bundled up a lot of Oovern- _ drivers _____ _ meat documenta to sell as a book to greater care on the part of and~~ped«rtrtan*."according to lhe the faithful at a huge profit to hlm- D. C., April 22, 1844— _ AU farmere in civilian man- ¡will have meat animal had much dis- dairy cattle, for sate in-the i this week both offi- .are being urged to attend a a offlctaUy. The military ' meeting of the Coos Marketing Aaso- The city council Monday evening, ET* ’ going all out for th* National Ser­ ciation, Inc., which will be held in with Mayor Wood Councilmen Gray, ^^mon vice Act (current legislative expres­ the city hall tn Coquille at 1:60 p. m. Burr, Turkey and Taylor present, dis- " “Z -"L sion of this principle is the Austin- on Monday, May 8. according to R. oiiujm I ai rjinairlninhla Iwai will ‘ V’lMAM SlvStuI Wsdsworth Bill) or some*equivalent. Cltv Attorney Bera who wiR^renare ‘ion WSS in charge Of the PMt presi- H. Christensen, president of the or­ The purpose is, of course, to be able ganization. > A report will be given at this meet­ to shift labor by order from non­ tion*, the financing of the «wage “" By<1* wroU W P‘On I ing on the marketing activities of the shortage areas to where the tabor disposal Plant which Oregon law re- ± . association during the past year and supply is short. From a military quires that each city have, to prevent onthoclub “ d on the results of investigation* made point of view such a plan is simple— river pollution. It is not planned to simply issue sn order. ’ However, build the plant until after the war *®n~ . to date on way* and means of de­ since a tabor draft, and a draft of safety division. irelL and be never sold himself into veloping a better market for Coos but a Mart now in financing for its coa^ “T!10** capital resources were not resorted Accidents at grade crossings ac- political slavery to a labor organiza- construction will obviate th. rwces- ' ®va SUven" Pf^en ’ eounty livestock. Consideration will to at the very beginning of the war, counted for five of the 16 traffic tion for a $500,000 campaign fund, sity for bonding the city at a later officUtin< wer* °*dln«’ Georgia be given by the members present of ^y mg me cuy at a later Rlchmond Ine, chjM%Wioi. Nwton, a proposal to include Coos and Curry complications back . of instituting a deaths during March. With a strong He gathered a marvelous collection tabor draft now are both numerous increase in grade crossing deaths this of war stuff and built a lie plan approved by the legtala- Smlth’ C1"a Bowerman and counties a* the territory served by and serious. year, the safety division urged driv- ■ for it, and failed to ask Congress to the organization, to changing the lure is for either a tax not exceeding1 “* ‘,u,«oin* Prcident, Florence Hal- Meanwhile the erratic backing and pay the bill—he paid it himself. flve mills, or an addition to water lock A,‘ the ««»cers *«• name to the Oregon Coast-Co-op As­ 'filling of the Selective Service offi­ ers to observe stop signs at grade He did not preach and promote crossings and to allow approaching sociation and a Board of Director* to charges monthly, either of which can formaU'/uth ®*yera,w“ cbar’ 1 serve during the coming year will be cial* have upset hundred* of thou- trains to pass before proceeding class hatred and he did not try to pack be done without a vote by the people. ■ Nowt™ war u. 1 sands of civilians and their current ac^re the tracks. Moot of the grade, the Supreme court. He did not plow Feeling that there should not be an V1‘ Npwton «ave ner War Ae- elected, it to stated. ' The Coos Marketing Association plans. This bungling ha* poesibly crossing accidents this year involve up every third row of cotton, and he addltional tax burden, the council-: . contributed more to manpower short­ men were .greed that a ten per cent <* * ThU consisted of a tabulation was organized early in 1843 and sup- conu’lou”a more ” manP°wer ,nori- vehicles struck by the engine at the did not promise the American people ervised the shipment of approximate- age c*?Ucal tban any‘hln* approaching train as the driver at­ one thing while at the very same mo­ of the amount of each meter charge, ot the war eKorts of 1,ldlvidual club ■ else. It to not reasonable to expect tempted to cross the tracks ahead of, ment doing everything to accomplish added to that charge would be Mw Imembenl and WM * creditable piece ly 4,800 head of livestock on a co- j basis. The te^rôrev ! * youn« man to <>ult a job and pa‘ the directly opposite result , ■ least painful in paying and would of ln£ormation lhowing exlent °f operative basis. The f ' . . the coming train. triotically move to a war job when He did not go on fishing trips on Of the 16 fatalities in March, Include everyone who will t>e bene- 1 out,lde Interests and work accom- directors, who served during this pe- he to expecting to be drafted any eleven were in urban areas. Government warships accompanied There riod in adidtion to R. H.Christldnsen. filed by the sewage plant. More in- plUhed by women wlth P°sitions minute.’. This applies to 4-Fs as well were three in Portland, two in Junc­ by. a fleet of destroyers. Neither did Five members will go to the state include J. J. Geaney and E. L. Det- formation on the subject will be pre­ as all others. farmers* little tion City, two in Granta Pass, one he kiU off aU the ----------- ----- sented when Mr. Berg has the Neces­ convention at Klamath Falls to be j lefsen of Coquille, L. W. Lund of Nor to the Army position in de­ in Klamath Falls, one in Oregon City, pigs, nor encourage the importation ¡Gaylord and R. E. Smith of Bandon. sary papers ready for presentation to held May 5-5-7. . - . The announcement was repeated , It is proposed now to increase the manding inductees kven at a sacri- one in Roseburg and one in Albany, of Argentine beef. the council. ____ and __ __ _ _________ _ provide _ _ _ fice of agricultural and oth«fr produc- In fact, there There have been-more traffic fa- 1_ .I... _ were a lot of foolish regarding the Mothers Daugh- ____ territory served to shipping The city’s budget committee is to ters banquet which to to be held May , facilities for operators in both coun- iBon •ou’,d •v*’T°ne talities every month of this year than things Hoover didn’t do that some - - meet next * - Monday evening and at , | teri baïïqüvt wi MÛH W «V WF W •Id —«y i knows the Army has discharged hun- in the same months of 1843. The to- pother people have done. There are •*> thai everilng^ the”'counc”l"'wi”ll '® bl P'oneer Ha“ at *ven J'“1“? ^-^o'TtZZni''of • have a special see e io n with Acting This to an annual event. sideration will be given at the meet- ___________________ J men for vari­ tato follow: January of 1643, 1»; Jan- |a lot of constructive thing* that he During the musical part of the pro- ing to a more desirable outlet for ous reasons—reason not even stated | uary of 1844, 21. February of 1643, could have done if he had not had District Forester Youngblood in re­ on some of the discharges. This week gard to the land in the Rink creek > gram the hymns, “Song of Peace,” feeder lambs. Some encouragement, the Houte Military Affairs Committee 10; February of 1644, 16. March of the opposition of a Democratic Con- 1643, 17; March of 1644, 1» _ . h*1* ««vwav. he did not has been received to date on the pos ­ watershed which now belong* to the ' sibility of increasing the return to ordered filed with the House the U. S., and which they are asking growers by marketing dressed live­ Costello report on drafting 4-Fs for Congress to deed to the city. This report says, stock, directors stated, and all pro­ labor purposes: His application for a restaurant , in part: “ There has been a conspicu­ ducers. who are interested in this license having been O. K.’d by the A good crowd was present at the ous absence of cooperation on the subject are invited to be present at Beulah Chapter Initiated ffre chief, W. W. Baines was granted meeting Tuesday evening of Town­ part of the War Department to make the meeting next Monday and parti­ one for the Coquille Cafe on Front Five Last Thursday send Club No. 1. The Lord’s prayer use of 4-Fs In the war effort.” cipate in the discussion. street . and flag salute was the opening ex­ . Last Thursday evening there were The offer of Leo J. Cary of $40 five initiated 'at the regular meeting Interesting bullstins were Congressman Miller of Nebraska ercise. for the city-owned lot in the Dutch of Beulah Chapter, No. 6, O. E. S. Sound "•»»» Movie «■•*« Film At oapusi Baptist “ ai ( stirred up quite a bit of newspaper read and the treasurer gave a go^d I John bottom, near the end of Second Mrs. Virginia Hillstrom of Marsh- Church Sunday Evening excitement here this week by re- report. street was accepted by the council. field. Grand Ruth, and a former | __ ill Prayer was said for Mrs. E. Dunn.! ____ . - ___ sound, movie film, “The Man leasing to the press some' corres- That is the amount the city has in member of Beulah Chapter, assisted ^y^o Forgot God,“ will be shown pondence he had with General Mac- We are sorry to learn of her passing. I the property and Mr. Cary owns with the initiation ceremonies. Rod- Sunday evening at the Baptist Church ArthOr. I don’t know how exten- We hope the sick members are Im­ the adjoining tract. ney Creager, son of Mrs. Hillstrom, at 8:00 o»clocjt ln the evening. This «ively this was carried in the pleas proving. The offer of $350 by the Church of and Mrs. Creager wer« two of the tf]m portrays the life of a young iwires to the West. But to sum up and Door prize was won by Mr. Deyoe. Billions In Chinese Paper the Nazarene at Ninth and Heath initiates. Mr. Creager was presented'coup|C consecrated to the mi—«on 1 at the same time to dispose of the in- The program consisted of readings Money Flown “Over the Hump streets for a lot adjoining the church by Mrs. Hillstrom with a life mem- fbut who let business and for- i fident, I quote from the news letter by Mesdames Westbrook, Von Pegert, American pilot* who risk their property was also accepted. This bershlp certificate in Chadwick Lodge________ ....________ .— .. ‘ — •* — *- • by — « —— — Dean, Roth, Clinton and Lucy Rolfe lives flying “the hump” are getting tune get in the way, till they were — gent out we — ek Congressman al*o covers the city’s investment in and Mrs. Creager received Mrs. HU1- Piano music was by Mrs. Hatcher and led to repent. This is a film put out Richard P. Gale (Republican) of some graphic and very tragic, illus­ the lot. % i: "PoUtlcal Poison—By vlolln •e,ection» by Bill Roth. strom’s O. 4L 8. pin. . two . by the Baptista company, which soe- Minnesota: rouucat roison trations of the evil* of uncontrolled The offer of Wm. Foote of $401 After the meeting a socidl time was , cializes ln Christian film* only. The friendly tatters, unwittingly, guileless- inflation every day. < for Lota 11 and 12, Bloek 50, Elliott’s enjoyed, followed by refreshments. evening is sponsored by tbe young U and at no expense, Congressman The flight over “ the hump ” is a Addition—at the east end of Fifth The chapter room, Htll and dining i torturous, hazardous, 700-mile hop people of the church and they will Miller kilted pff MacArthur for Pres- street w a s turned down. The for­ room were resplendent with baskets , be in charge and have planned other ident All Congressman Miller want­ through the fabled Himalayas. Past mer owner of the property, George x>f lovely flowers. The table was a special feature*. AU those interested waa contact with hi* Itero and a jagged, snow-covered mountain Andrew Johnson, has redeemed from picture with streamers of pink and are especially invited. small share in any publicity. All peeks, the highest in the world, the county and offered to pay the blue centered with spring blooms. rrice This season through narrow winding passes, some city $25 a month to retire his street * ■ • ■ — The price of dry caacara berk to of them 20,000 feet high, over barren Bachelor Girls Clan opening at 20 cents per hundred ac­ wastes on Which white men have debt. These weekly letters of mine have cording to Henry Callison, manager never set their foot and lived to The Bachelor Girls Club enjoyed an The council ordered that $18.05 per carried so much discussion of the of I. P. Calltoon A Sone, crude drug tell it lot be charged two property owner* interesting talk given by Rev. Robt. proposed alcohol-from-sawdust plant dealers of Chehalis, Washington. The men who fly this route have to Greene last Friday at their luncheon in the bottom northwest at Foleom’s To be usejl for feeding livestock that I hestitate to dwell further on it ’ While expert peelers can make big buck the most powerful air currents He discussed the living drocery for connecting with the meeting. and poultry a supply of wheat is However, to bring the story up to money at ilfi» .price, amateurs can do and the most treacherous weather trunk line sewer than, and that $25 conditions and problems which afire maintained by the County AAA Com­ date, the entire subject is now being extremely well. conditions known to exist any place. be charged "E. A. Wimer for con^ around such war Industrial centers as mittee in government bins at Co­ studied personally by Mr. Donald -“Need for caacara bark la urgent And «11 the way they are flying un­ Vanport. . ; nccting a houae he owns on Sherwood Members who attended were Lun­ quille and to being distributed to Nelson, head of the War Production this season,” says Mr. Calltoon. “The armed transport planes within range Heights. At the time the sewer was feelers on Mondays of each week, ac- Board. The routine rejection by the elle Chapin, Mary Lou Culver, Glenda armed services use large quantities of Jap fighters, and for 200 miles over laid he had a septic tank on the lot , Clinton. Rheo Walker, Alys June Fox, ^irdln< to,..J’ P Carl, chatrm>n of Requirements Committtee of WPB in addition to normal supplies re­ Jap-held territory that is peppered and asked to be excluded from the Dorothy Coffey, June Williams, Ruth the committee, who states further did not kill the project. That action quired in civilian hospitals and for with anti-aircraft batteries waiting sewer assessment district. Lockwood, Maxine Johnson,' Norene that the curtailment in time that the merely delayed a final decision. , lend-lease. Few people realize that to blaze away at them. -......... —L. . McKeown, Margaret Belloni, Doro­ wheat will be distributed has been the world’s entire supply of caacara For two yean now this has been necessary in order to save oh tabor There has been a considerable dis­ is harvested, io the Northwest, and the only supply route over which vital thea and Marybelle Yarbrough. j and avoid the necessity of Increasing cussion lately of the clash between that the extract of cascara to the material* can be shipped to China. ¡the price to producers. L. E. Tsnkersley, of Msrahfield, wss civil and military authorities in the widest used of all laxatives because The Air Force refuses to release the Guild Meets brought to the hospital last Wednes­ Carload shipment at the feed wheat Territory of Hawaii. The civilian The Guild met on Wednesday with I can still be arranged tor any point in government of the Islands has no of its tonic nature and non-hablt casualties suffered in pioneering and day evening, following a car wreck maintaining this air route. __ by ______ placing orders at the quarrel at all with military measures forming characteristics.” on the highway in which his neck and Mr*. J. A. Moore hostess. The«roup ¡the county But it is no exaggeration to say that worked on a quiH and next week < county Agent ’ s' o«ire back were injured. _ * _ where as­ deemed necessary for security and every precious ton that has gone Colleges Planning Post An eight-pound baby girl, not yet plan to do the same. Any interested sistance will be given in pooling or- ,7 --------------- - ,------ w „ for the proper conduct of the war in over “the hump” has been paid for named, was borti to Mr. and Mr*. C. in helping with the work should plan ders where a saving can be made the Pacific. If martial law is neces- War Military Training with American and Chinese blood. to attend, bringing with them their in transportation of the wheat to sary, people from Hawaii say, there R. Hall of this city last Thursday. If military training is made com­ And do you know what *ome of the The same day Chauncey Fish, of thimbles and scissors. — farms on the county, it is stated. la no objection to it. But they in­ pulsory after this war, It should M heaviest shipments are over this last Attending were Mesdames Annie the Arago star route, entered for an Dairymen and poultry men who stat upon being treated as loyal and ¡combined with college study for stu- Robinson, Wm. Mansell, Ida Owen, mix their own feed* are being urged patriotic citizen* of the United States, dents capable of doing good college link between India and China? appendectomy. Luckey Bonney, C. L. Tuttle, J. A. by the County committee to provide They point out that the people of work, in the opinion of the majority Money. Yes, billions and billlona of Chas. Gallas, of the Coquille Bak­ ery, underwent a major operation on Moore, Chas. Seibig, B. Folsom, Frank now for their requirements of soy Hawaii have met their War Bond of 143 college president* throughout “dollars” worth of Chinese paper money. Sunday, as did also Marguerite Starr, Shaw, L. H Hazard, Hale Eubanks, Man meal or other protein concen­ quotas—and more, have contributed the United States, who discussed this China has always had her paper , , Henry Lorenz, W. H. Caughell and trates through the coming winter, to to the Red Cross, tFie USO and hsve question in connection with a post­ of Bandon. money printed in the United States Charley Waite, grandson of Rev. Cha*. Stauff protect against shortages later in the otherwise been 'tan integral port of war planning survey conducted by and Britain. Now, as result of her and Mrs. Chas G. Brown, submitted ------- - ----------------- year which may be caused by a con­ the war effort. Thousands of their ' the American College Publicity ar­ uncontrolled inflation, her demand to In appendectomy on Monday and Birthday Party gestion In transportation facilities and sons are in the service. All they now ' sociatlon. for paper bills is tremendous. Mrs Esther Hatcher underwent a ma- Kay Ellen Simmons, of 16« Sher- a heavier demand at that time for ask is that they be treated according- | Of those replying to the question, In a# effort to avert complete eco­ jor operation on Tuesday. wood st celebrated her 10th birth- these lnc!W! materials. ly by the necessary military power— 83, including President A. L. Strand nomic chaos in distressed China, the Dismissals the past week were Mrs. I d.y Saturday, April 22. by entertain- Most of the protein feeds available and they insist that they NOT be of Oregon State, believe that certain top priority has been given to cur­ Marian Sharpe on Saturday, Mr*. ; in< several of her young friends at ifor feeding this year are handled by treated as if Hawaii to an occupied portions of that training should be rency. f Maude MacDonald on Monday, Grant her home Games C------------------ ------- 1 from *___ ,hp • .mail were played ,the ,eed tra*le hut but a small amount country to be run by a military gov- * available only, in the colleges for So, with ChennauU and Chiang Harry on Tuesday and Mrs Felix the time Of their arrival until late in wa* was reserved by the government for ernment emment of occupation. occupation, , those students able to do college and Stilwell all desperate for guns, M liier on Wednesday. son with refreshments distribution in deficiency areas. »■ —o— y , work. Reserve officer training was the afternoon i tanks, munitions, and medical sup­ d. Kay Ellen's mother, Feeders who are unable to obtain Several state primaries am being available only at educational institu- were served. are lnstitu- plies, precioas hundreds of cubic feet Five Before Justice I : Mrs. Harold Simmons, was assisted dealers may list orders with the held next week so a light legislative lions prior to the war. of cargo space in the transports fly­ t ! County Agent who to secretary to the schedule is in prospect. As a matter . ---------------- - -■ ■ by Mrs. Olger Molthu. The guests F. R. Bull The Past Week ing “the hump” are filled with piles County Committee for distribution of fact, there is very little legislation Meter Vehicle Registration Myrick Daniels, who was charged included Elsie and Marceen Preissler, of war-inflated Chinese paper cur- 1 from the amount reserved by the ready for floor action now. Several Up Two Per Cent This Year Mavis Newton, Linda and Nadine by the state police in Justice Bull's ¡government. Every effort will be major bills are being completed in • court last Saturday with having no Mblthu, Betty Clark, Delores Mc­ Motor vehk le registration in Ore- j‘ made by the committee to fill orders committee and will be reported out Cloud, Careen and Tommy Molthu operator's license and with hunting gon during the first quarter of 1544 which are listed, Carl stated. soon, but there will be nothing of out of season, pleaded guilty and paid nnd Kay Ellen • brother, Duane. totalled 382,083 vehicles, an increase, consequence on the calendar for the $7 fine and coats on the first charge of two per cent over the registration ' , April 28—Chas. W. Clemens of coming week. Coquille Grange Card of Thanks and $25 on the second. * for the same period of 164$, Secretary , Mellpe, Ills; and Marjorie Miller, of We desire to extend our sincere The Coquille Grange met last Fri- The same day DeWayne Lee Krantz of Stpte Bob Farrell discloses. I Marshfield. They were married by waa given a $50 suspended sentence j day for pot luck dinner. The Fair­ thanks for the kindness and sympathy Increases were reported in all Justice F. R. Bull-at his office here shown us during our recent bereave ­ foe killing a deer out of season and view grange members were guests. classes of registrations, private pas- , last Saturday. Harry Sylvester Krantz was given anti Clarence Oelka gave a very in­ ment and for the flowers at the fun­ Leola M. Hultin was last Friday senger vehicles, busses, and trucks, j May 1—Geo. T. Russell and Melba until May 16 to pay $54 for being in teresting talk touching on various eral services held for our mother, Mrs. appointed guardian for Janet Hultin, Motor cycles, however, shewed d Curen, both of Bandon. jT possession of dyer meat during the problems to be faced when the/peace ¡Mary A. Newton. whose estate is estimated to be worth slight reduction. May 2—Robt. E. Smith and Anita The Newton Family closed season. ' to won. »2300 in personal property. Mrs.1 Registration fees for the first quar- Bernhardt, both of Bandon. f 1 - K ’ >5-'' t They On Monday this week Francis Hultin was also appointed guardian ter totaled *1,113,243.31 compared to were married at the Bandon M. E. Lewis Haga paid $7 to the justice for Richard Inger, who has been in Electric Fence Units, $14.75 and,for Tommy Hultin, whore estate is $1,107,835.55 a year ago. church on Tuesday by Rev. G. H. passing on a curve, and on Tuesday the armed forces for the past year, up. Will work on 110-volt line, or----- - 11725. The ------- worth same day Mrs. | -------------------------- Newland. Albert Edward Lively was fined $5, came in Wednesday evening on fur- hot shot battery, or automobile bat- Hultin was appointed guardian for To be trusted is a greater compli- ■ May 3—Wayne H Waite and coots $4 teg having an overloaded Ibugh to be spent with his wife and ] tery. thlrd Ch,W’ MerriM*’ flv* yea" ™»*ant‘>h*^Mac- man, and Flor. McPhereon, at As- small truck. Donald. Townsend Club No. 1 Wheat For Feeding In Storage Here Belle Knife Hospital Marriage Licenses Probate Court Items ■ ■ __________ _______ , » '