Student Bombardiers Prepare to Go Aloft : " * ] Science In The News __ ,— » * OfftON a MUNII, «ALU, V When tbs OPA ruling wm - recently mad« that meat ration c War «tctm r y to look isto a phase of World-wide economy that is too often forgotten Pats—and in this general group mast 'he included both fata and oils tines they are fir sc tic ally the I ttnt- t re eatansive- y j*ed in the industrial production ot many things necessary in both peace and war. These fats may be tgetabla ori| erigtaJ To cd'An.mnl or vegetable ' **' makes the chemist, It U m .«.,» little differ- seta his hi» fats fata-With ence whets he gets either type be can, in moM cases, reach hrs goal. >oH>»ck upon other sup- plies. American kitchens, therefore, have come to tBh front with a ven­ geance. From these kitchens, vrith the help of the American hoote- wife. can be talvaged million, of —— Issues $925 ONLY J FIVE MAGAZINES AND THIS NEWSPAPER --7-. PATHFINDER (weekly) root wm Ko.xn * TRUE STORY MAGAZINE HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE ■8RB 12 "CRY 'HAVOC* " GALS IN A TRUCK FARM JOURNAL & FARMER’S WIFE . 12 Issues COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL 52 Issues ” z 's' • . . 5. V- -7'■? ■ - .. ‘ Regular Value $5 25—You Save $2.00 YOU WILL GET ALL SIX publication«, andJf you arc already a subscriber to ANY of these SIX publications, your present subscription will be extended. Mail or bring the coupon below to our office AT ONCE, and you will receive THE FIVE BIG MAG­ AZINES and THIS NEWSPAPER—that’s 100 magazines and 52 newspapers—152 issues in all for only $3.25 ORDER AT ONCE because v/e may soon have to withdraw this offer or advance the price. Date Coquille Valley Sentinel Here is $3.25, full payment for a full one-year’s subscription to your newspaper with > the five magazines listed above. My name is . . . $ Town ■ : - , ’ 4JJ.UWU1 A .................... a^i ij ------- st , Y; *’ -, • jf J, w* • Address i> ;*»i State £ • .! .'»1 M