Outrof-Doors Stuff flswer Colon on Nows for Spi lag in Sen. Cordon's Views On War, Government SENATOR CORDON holds these important and influential Senate committee posts: Commerce, Indian Af­ fairs, Irrigation & Reclamation, Library, Rivers & Har­ bors, Post Office & Post Roads. SENATOR CORDON h,s obuined **» in the Federal Forest fire protection fund from 214 to 9 million a year; secured the $43,000 FWA allocation for the Portland Isolation hospital; sponsored Veterans’ ’Bill of Rights;” secured Central Oregon Irrigation project. SENATOR CORDON is now workm« to *w burse Oregon taxpayers for fe<|efal |anc|s removed from the tax rolls; is pushing puperous recommendationsito im­ ____ Qregon _ he is taking action prove harbors an<| ’ waterways; ' ----- to relieve “pregon livestock and poultry industries of op­ pressive Federal (regulations. Republican Primary, May 19