* PAöiifenr CLASSIFIED WILL’ BUY Or Loan yoney on in­ come property. Write Box E, 1014s Sentinel. (IM cent a W4rd Each tawritaa 1 Ne AdV. leas than 88 seals FOR' RENT-3-room partially fur­ nished small House, garage and garden spot. Mrs. M. O Hawkins. Phone 39M. . It WANTED — Water wells to drill Have new and up-to-date equip­ ment and heavy pipe where needed Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshfield 30t4*tf PLUMBING SUPPLIES—We stock a full line including fixtures. J. A. LAMB COMPANY. ___ . S WANTED—To rent a large dally ranch, share or cash. What have * you before October? C. A. Mc­ Donald, Alsea, Oregon. IStS’s DRAG SAWS—We now have a few in stock. J. A. LAMB COMPANY. DYNAMITE — We handle blasting supplies of all kinds. FARR A EL­ WOOD. a BOYS WANTED- -Two Boys wanted for good local routes for the Ore- gonftn. Call Pauline Talbert Phone 201: its WILL PAY cash for small, clean House. Phone 222J. s Cement Blocks and cement work in cemetery. Must be ordered soon to be in place for Memorial Day. John S. Sanders, 541 W. 6th, Coquille Phone 123L. 18t2s ■<— >■ ..jtTrf.-.. ..... i FOR RENT—3-room apartment fur­ nished, hot water, bath and lights, on first floor. Adults, no animals. 3-room apt. furnished, with water. Adults no animals. 331 So. Henry St, Flora E. Dunne. tfs FOR SALE—Upright Grand Piano— J. B. pook Co. of Boston—in good condition. Inquire 710 North Heath. lOtla MIDDLE AGED LADY will care for children in her home, through the day or evenings, or will care for them in their homes Saturday eve­ Call 945*4 North Coulter ning. St. » Its BATH TUBS—We have them. FARR 4 El.WOOD > The Rev Robert L. Greenef Vicar Sunday. May 7 Methodist Church Rev. Chas. Goodwin Brown, Pastor Sunday School hour. Mrs, .Fred Christensen, superintendent. 11:00 Sunday morning worship hour. “Who Art Thou?” 7:00 Youth Fellowship groups, Sun­ day evening. 8:00 Worship Sunday evening with song and message. 7:80 Wednesday evening choir re­ hearsal hour. 7:80 Thursday evening mid-week services. No^ studying the Beati- tudes. 7:80 Friday evening. Intermediate Fellowship party at the church. There is an old motto most have seen. “Smile and the world smiles with you,” and the Bible says, “The Lord loveth a CHEERFUL giver," which may apply to much mor« than the giving of our subsance. It costs so little to give a smile and some­ time helps so much. May Day Festival Z Water«», Milking Machine Supplies, Bug Chasers for Gar­ den and Flowers. EATON’S FEED STORE, Coquille. tis WANTED TO BUY—Old horses, cows and calves for Mink feed. B. T. Hepler, Bullards route. Phone 9R5, Coquille. st Jan. 11,48 PERMANENT WAVE—59c! Do your own Permanent with Charm-Kurl Kit. Complete equipment, includ­ ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, absolutely harmless. Praised by thousands including Kay Mc­ Kenzie, glamorous movie star. Money refunded if not satisfied. Barrow Drug Company. 18110* A Vital Message To Young Women The telephone lines of our country are crowded with war calls—calls of our armed forces, of our factories, of . the home front. Join the thousands of skillful young women who are hand­ ling these vital calls by becoming a Telephone Operator Good pay while learning, regular pay increases, opportunity for advancement, attractive working conditidhs, va­ cations with pay and with an industry having a nation­ al reputation for being “a good place to work.” • St Jam««’ Episcopal Church rrdm,0L<,4U1o‘'r“^HC,,10±rJ Farmers of Coo. county who will | 9:00 a. m. Holy Communion, with Fifth. Phons i hav< geling to de this year will haw« sermon, by The Rev. J. Thomas . I<*Rey Starr. it* an ¿n opportunity ODDOrtunity to to observe plots of a Lewis, rector of Emmanuel Church, ____________________ K* ¿rasses and cloyen Marshfield. FOR RENT—One-fouth acre for gar- Urre number of L SADDLE HORSE AUCTION —Sun­ 9:45 a. m. Jr. Church School will den, in Coquille. $20. Call 174M. 1’ at • fIeW whlcK will be held day, May 7, 11 p. m., at Southern — at the County Forage Crop Nurser/ meet in the Parish House. Pacific Stockyards in Myrtle Point. FOR RENT—Furnished House, 3 at the Hardy Mast farm in Lee Valley 1100 a. m. Kindergarten Don’t miss auction if you want a rooms and bath, oil circulator, g— on Wednesday, May 10, at 1:30 p. m., i ■ good saddle horse. They are from range and water heater. See B. W. according to George Jenkins, county t Church W Christ Sherman county and include 18 Dunn, Ml South Heath, phone MJ. agricultural agent. , East 4th A Coulter gentle, young Saddle Horses, three It „ Liston Parrish, Pastor E. R. Jackman, extension specialist teams welj-broken Work Horses, Thur. 7:30 Prayer meeting. We in farm crops at Oregon State Col- ‘ Saddle. Set of Harness. Joe Wise, FOR SALE—3 million feet of White! i lege, will be present to discuss the are continuing the Fifth Chapter of Fir; also 3,000 Poles, all lengths, Owner; Al LaPan, Roseburg, auc­ [ production of forage crops and other some of it saw logs. H. B. Smith, ' questions which may be presented. A. tioneer. , It Bible School 9:45. Martha Mulkey, Langlois, Ore. 13t4’s N. Bodtker, Farmer Fieldman for the supt. FOR SALE-^Iuat like new portable Morning worship 11 o'clock- Lord's Electric Sewing Machine. $35 takes McCORMICK - Deering Milkers. Agricultural Conservation Program. TRACTORS, Farm Machines and -will outline practices through which Supper. Special music and message it. See if at R. M. Repass home, Genuine IHG Repairs. J. A. LAMB assistance will be rendered to those by the pastor. - -- two miles east from Henninger’s COMPANY. a who have seeding to do this year. Jr. C. E. 8:00. Intermediate C. E. grocery on Second street. It* The County Forage Crop Nursery 8:30. Young People's C. E. 7:00. FOR RENT — Two-room furnished AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. was seeded a number of years ago Evening Service 8:00 The pastor Bring your car in------ we can start apartment with private bath and The Assembly of God by the County Agricultural Agent, will continue his series on “Great wo^i at once. Southwestern Motor Garage. Suitable for two adults. with the co-operation of the Coos 1 Preachers and their Message." Co. . Phone E. G. Opperman, 193R. 16tf County Court and the Oregon Ex­ I Wed. 7:30, Choir practice. Don Farr, L. C. Persing, Pastor i periment Station. It includes 49 dif­ director. BEDDING PLANTS — We carry the « JUST RECEIVED — Case horse- ferent one-acre plantings of various 9:4$ Bring your children for an drawn Manure Spreader. South-« largest stock of Bedding plants in 'grasses and clovers and mixtures of Emmanuel Baptist Chukch s1 hour of study in the Word of God. western Motor Co., Coquille. ''it * town. FARR A ELWOOD. ------------- 1____________ _____________ —---- —J I them. The meeting next Wednesday Rev. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor « It will pay you great dividends in WILL TRADE—-1940 Chevrolet Se­ GOOD SERVICE makes Good In-1will provide an opportunity for those 10:00 Sunday School. Wm. Knight, the future of your children and their surance I give service. F. R, ....................................... - who attend to view these plantings dan on House and Lot. Write 1 ’ O. Supt. posterity; Bertha Byrd, Supt. Bull. a and determine which of the various Box 141. 18t4s 11:00 Morning Worship Service, 11:00 Morning service of worship; crops included are giving best results Sermon topic, “Almost.” a Christ-honoring service and mes­ FOR SALE—50-year old White Leg­ FOR SALE—Bicycle with good tires, under hill land conditions and all 7:00 Three Young People's groups. sage by. the pastor. This is Mission­ for $25. Inquire at Coquille Bowl­ horn laying Hens. B. W. Baker, 8:00 Evening Service. Fine singing. ary Day also. ’ it’s persons interested in this subject in­ r311 North Schroeder. - It'j ing , . Alley. vited to attend, Mr. Jenkins stated. Special: Sound Movie Film, "The 8:30 Christ Ambassadors’ service; ELECTRIC FENCE Unite, $14.7s7ml TWINE—Buy your Summer Man Who Forgot God." A Babtlsta Mary Lou Newton in charge. up. WiH work on 110-volt line,! NOW A- film. Everyone Invited. 7:30 Evening evangelistic services; or hot shot battery, or automobile I COMPANY____________________ a Choir rehearsal on Tuesday. enjoy the singing and special music; ' Prayer meeting and Junior Choir the pastor speeaks. battery. Also Hot-Shot Batteries for SALE—N. H. Red Hatching (Continued from Page One) Thursday. for sale. Geo. F. Burr Motor. . IStfs ■ Eggs, “ Tuesday 7:80 Prayer meeting; “On $1.25 per setting. All stock i Reeeipte Large For City and Club I Teachers’ meeting, Friday. bended knee you may see further FOR SALE — Three-White Pekin ! blood-tested under Oregon Poultry ; More than one thousand were pres­ than on highest mountain peak.” Improvement Plan. Guy C. Torrey, ent for the affair. After all ex­ ducks. Mrs. Adrian Werth, Phone MILKING Machines—If yours needs Friday 7:30 Devotional and Bible 222L, Coquille. - It! next to Coquille' Auto Court 16t4’s penses were paid, the enormous tax overhauling, bring it id now. We study. j WANTED—Some one to car« for in­ take out, and one-third of the pro­ carry a full line of parts and sup­ WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We ceeds given to the city, the club plies for McCormick Deering ml- First Church of Christ, Scientist service all makes of washers.' valid lady in her home or in home cleared over $250.00. The city re­ of the one who replies to thia adv. chines. J. A. LAMB COMANPY. s Washer Service Co. 385 West Coqaille. Oregon MBH-“' Good wages. Phone I9R3, Myrtle ceived more than $100.00. Front St. Phone 17. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Mrs. O. C. Sanford, president of Point, or write Box 118 Broadbent. Sunday Service at II a. m. REFINISH YOUR FLOORS with our Mrs. L. C. Davenport It’s the club and general chairman of the affair wtehe. to express her graU- In Vtlte^T Subject for next Sunday, “Adam rental sander. Economical, easy ARC or ACETYLENE Welding, any and Fallen Man.” tude for the wonderful co-operation Lottie P. Miller, Deceased. to use. FARR & ELWOOD. - a I time, anywhere, day pr night.'giv< by the schools, the students and Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 Notice of Final Aooeant the IS HEREBY For Refrigeration Service phone ■ Prince Auto Electric, 290 North1 tea< the townsoeoDle townspeople and and for for the NOTICE unde„lgned haVe GIVEN, nled tn That the o’clock. shup, iocj; write Box 3*7, Co-1 Taylor, Coquille, Phone 174M. tfa their donai ns and services. Free public Reading Room at 255 County Court of Coos County, Ore­ lille... “Jf Available, we’ll get 7_~_ i Names of those in the royal party gon, thei their final report and account W. Second, Boxy Bldg., open , every —'~ t ^~ it . . . — mm wury w «* luuuws: i ” ^xwutor and Executrix of the Es- day except Sunday and holidays from 27tfa c“r- Laying Hens — Gas Motor — Used Separators — Pigs. See FARR A- Troudt. PAPERHANGING. Kaisomining, In- PANY. g 3 -- ----- -- - ------------- ---------- - ‘ ELWOOD'S "Swap Board. tertor and Exterior Painting The ""v*"—————————■■■„, ........... ... -e .Twirler—J< loen Peart. latest in Pittsburg, Rnperiri, Birge FOR **** ’ [^ Pixies Doi - —.— — -Doanie Taylor. Kenenth orated, furnished Cottage ’ Lights Story. Paul Clayton, Donald Oddy, BEAVER BLOUGH DRAINAGE WallPaper. Herbert E. Wood, 275 and water paid. 945 I N. Coulter Arthur Pierce, Edward Fish, Leon DISTRICT MEETING ♦ ' No. Henry, Coquille, phone 288. l)r De La IU? St. Call tn rear. Notice is hereby given that there '.’WH Emtjree, Lonnie Keltenberger. 8tfs < -.................. ■' — n . «.rs .. .. will was* MW be a UIVVUllf meeting m of the MIW VWUV1* owners KM. of R oms — Tammy O Dell, Marcia land in the Beaver Slough Drainage Eyesight HEADQUARTERS For Dairv ii FOR SALE- 10-acre Dairy Ranch, Benham, , uuhi Diana Schroe-: District h held City nan Hall in vu- Co- a T family orchard and cardan* new Mauney, Joan owheuh « ounruc- « iu at the u$« veiv r~i«z M.»l cskk ind T,yl«,. a.™ x— FOR RENT—Small ranch. For in­ formation inquire at 157 South Coulter, Coquille. F. L. McClellan. It’s : ^^^¿X^^i^iFarmerrTo Inspect combination gas and wood range, M.lrCÄrv At I an 2 bedroom suites, heater, stove, etc Ml LCC C-. Help Handle The Telephone Calls Of A Nation At War! Operators Now Needed At Bandon, Gold Marshfield. Call at any West Coast Telephone office for complete details WEST COAST good milking stock; plenty garden 1 K^e,®reve^ D.M_-BIIU. »a. re space. Goodwin, 1st house on Rink ! ert, Violet Evemden, Marilyn Ward, . Supervisor for said Drainage District creek. Htis?.; .. j Arlene Kellenberger, 1 Vsiita Rattv I*1*0 ahaU ____ hold hia office for a pe- ; ’ riod of u* three years and until his suc- BRING Your Tire Troubles to Thorn- Shirley Connam, Betty Clark, Nola riZrted r’and°qiSiifiiIi «nd ton's, the most completely equipped Capps. 1" for “ the transaction of such other busi­ shop in Southern Oregon. Only ex- , Blue Bells—Colleen Brinkley, Don- ness as may lawfully come before the perienced workmen. Beat quality na Schroeder, Marilyn Morton, Nelda meeting. Dated this 20th day of April, 1944 materials and equipment used AU Neely, Diane Hocamp, Darlene Coop­ G. L. Smith work fully guaranteed. Thornton er. Bevprly McBride, Nadine Moithu, Jens Jorgensen Rose Garrett Tire Service. tf Betty Jane Crim, LeAnna Pownder, Supervisors I 7----- -------- - --------7~. I Joyce Mitchell, Shirley Reynolds. Edna A. Robison, SHOWER STALLS—Complete with 1 Slx vloUntet^ students of Muriel 1413 Secretary base, walla, valves and hoed. Easy Ardath _ MorrU and to install. FARR A ELWOOD. s wllUam> Ann Harbison, Rose Marie NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the un­ DAIRYMEN—We now have McCor- P*»rt, Ben Howe, Geraldine Oerding. dersigned, on the 14th day ef April, Girls’ Chorus, accompanied and di- 1944, filed in the County Court for mick Deering Electric Milk Coolers Coos County, Oregon, his final ac­ in steck. J. A. LAMB COMPANY. rected •>> Thora Wataen— Pat Yar- count in the matter of the adminis­ .. . , • ........ _ ... - ■ brouflh, Louise Li ven flood. Jeannie tration of the Estate of A- J- Mor­ DISHWASHER Wanted at Coney Griggs, Mary Anne Walker, Bonita row, deceased; and that said Court Island. Short hours and good pay. Miner, Ariel Crook, Marie Standley. ¡has made an order fixing Tuesday, • -• Laura Bknllv ______ Mrd dV ol at 10:00 • n> Shirley Cornelius, 1 Laura __ “"‘‘y ] o’clock A. __ M., at _______ the County Court DELAVAl. SEPAKATORS and Milk- Rubli' s«ndra Neff- Versi Willis, jroom"n Coquille, Oregon, as the i in Coquille, Oregon, as the time time er. Part, .nd Dairy Supplie. ^’*7 Olrb-Arlene -ndIplace^ for hearing them at Pacific Feed & Seed So. tfs Hunt, ^unt’ Joan J?an Savage, ^va*e’ Laura ^*“ra Swansm. 3_'^an*,n’ aixj distribution of said estate. _________________________________ 'Nancy Lee Grant, Lulu Lindsay, Dated and published first time WANT STAMPS for disabled ser- Sally Bonney, Marjorie Cobb, Marion April 20, 1944. Circular free. Syd i Dishner, Aleta Brown, Betty Marney, O. C. SANFORD, vice men. C___ _ -___ 14t5 Administrator. Pierce, Prineville, jOregon. 15t4sJoan Jacobson, Judy Slack, Esther «UM.« muuso MACHim»—On I "T? “i Attention to Details Men And Women Who Are Hard Of Hearing H'twiierf/ | Six Small Flower Girls (who re- hand fer immediate delivery FARR , ceived biggest applause—Barbara Lee A ELWOOD. » s . ____ Swlndall, Coraien Cochran, Sandra To make this simple, no risk hear­ MILK COOLERS — Warm weather Storey, Carla Schroeder, Martan ing test If you are temoorarily deaf­ coming, buy now while available Alice Harris, Florence Peterson. ened, bothered dv ringing buzzing Crown Bearer Larry FARR A ELWOOD. s C ’—.r n —— — ’ —y McCurdy. * head noises due to hardened or coagu­ Train Rearers—Jeffrey Wood, Chas. ' lated wax (cerumen), try the Ourine WATER SYSTEMS We have ‘power Hansen, Larry Perkins. Home Method test teat so many say enabled them to hear well again i pumpa and shallow and deep well Dance Partners of Queen and Prin- has Coquille You must hear oetter after making water systems. J. A. LAMB COM- cesseg—j;m Young, DeWayne Mitch- this simple test or you get your mone. 1MR i PANY,________________________ •, ell, Fred Kunz, Roy Porter,* Ben back at once. Ask about Ourine Ear DropstodayatBar rowDrueCe. BULK GARDEN SEED is rwrRWXR 1 Barton, Woodrow Howell, Philip i ( more for your money. FARR A & Clausen. Special mention should be made of ELWOOD. the fact that Mrs. Ida Owen was the creator of the six nosegay type bou­ •-Ç» it