- JJHJB PROCEEDINGS COUNTY CC VITAMINS Buy at * Rackleff Pharmacy * Barrow Drug Co. 132 00 There ■alary. Mountain States Power Co **A S»U-8tpKrtlm, Tas-Psylnc Private Knterpriae” At Rockleff Phormocy GOY CORDON ON THE JOB l.et's Keep U.S. SENATOR RUFUS ( HOLMAN ON THE S27.U CORDON CORDON CORDON is resources. an authorlt y on tax matters and Oregon W He has caused the Federal gov­ CORDON CORDON CORDON OREGON Rep»b/ican Priman MAY IO"' was selected by Gov. Snell as the man best qualified to take the late Senator McNary’s place. has successfully represented Oregon’s land Sant counties in Washington, D. C„ since 26. CORDON ernment to return $15,000,000.00 to the State of Oregon, “ Practicat down-to-earth, a self-educated man; a successful attorney. He is a strong believer in State’s rights and free enterprise believes the Federal Government should reimburse local taxing agencies for lands removed from the tax rolls, to avoid throw­ ing additional taxes on property owners, helped write the original Oregon Coopera­ tive Old age Assistance law. is a Veteran of World War 1, a former state commander American Legion; his only son is now with the U. S. Air Forces in Italy; WE’VE GOT A GOOD MAN ON THE JOB IN WASHINGTON NOW — WHY CHANGE? VOTE FOB SENATOR CORDON May 1» ad.v Cordon for Senator Comm., Ifarshall Cornett, Bxec. Sec.