ORTH FRANKLIN PRODUCTS foi Intravenous Treatment Calcium Gluconate Solution Fuhrman's Pharmacy OPEN S:XO A. M. UNTIL Last year the farmers were asked '* 1,1 t<> increase then acreage planted to potatoes. It was to be a war effort. and, The farmers complied, and today at • there are such quantities of potatoes Real astate • i on hand that their growers view with on i suspicion the government agricultural leit progrum for 1944. To dispose of the bu* surplus, It is now proposed that the *'°o1 potatoes be transformed into starch tbat and distilled into alcohol. A few Jnds garjogd, oi gurpiug Idaho potatoes * n are being earmarked for a brandy ** 1 distillery In Oregon to be made Into See Schultz year leve *he But **to, Industrial a|fohol. This potato pro- gram Is a peace offering for the rejec- Uon by War production board of a distillery to be built to utilize saw- dust. Also Service on ♦INSURANCE ♦BIRTH CERTIFICATES ♦PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ♦NOTARY PUBLIC Shell Service Station Motor Tune-Up Shellubrication in town and All Kinds of Light Auto Repair is different from big-batch, commercial taltèTor i ôêTMüCH^enw Thornton Tire Service UM U5INÔ THIS HOMC-TyPC FLOUR... KITCHRK CRAFT J I t. f. »mUr»«b TfrMLJ Xou already use home-type baking powder and shortening. Now try home-type flour . . . see how much better Kitchen Craft works in all your home-size recipea. How it makes pies, cakes and breads tighter, more tender. Kitchen Craft is as fine quality all- purpose white flour as money can buy, guaranteed to work like a charm in all your regular white flour recipes. And every sack is healthfully enriched with B vitamins and iron. Give thio made-for-your-job, home­ type flour a trial. If Kitchen Craft fails to please you in any way, return the unused portion to your grocer and get back your full purchase price. at SAFEWAY