GOODYEAR—St-ll The Best Tire Made Paratrooper George Wilson Is Home $13.66 A big, husky, good lookin/ lire that combines the .great skill, equipment and research of the world’s leading tire manufacturer. Get the most miles and safety for your certificate, and your money. Get a* Goodyear today I I Southwestern Motors One Case In Circuit Court Filed The Past Week ' April 24—State Industrial Accident Commission vs. Geo. E. Slagle and Lieut. Davie le stationed in Newark, ¡¡P«»- P mounll Hatíón* fioinU-ïif- Shopping J m L SAfEWW LOOK tor the Green Tags he will Hying Allied -they'll guide you to pom sa*er $'. ONIY1 POINT EACH ONLY 2 POINTS EACH Extra Special Values RITZ CRACKERS 1 lb. pkg.......... ......... ......... ......... BLUE TAG PRUNE JUICE 303 Jar (2 pt.) .......... MAXINE TOILET SOAP 3 bars ............................. PIJR PAK SPINACH No. 2% can (10 pt)........ . DELHI KADOTA FIGS 15 ol. can (20 pt.)____ .. LIB. SW. SPIC. GR. TOMATOES SL. No. 2tt jar GENUINE CALVES LIVER lb. (« pt.) ..... ONLY 3 POINTS EACH w*»*» »sA/Z» oho SAFEWAY re > * ii/ppTy