% I ( r.w Mr**-- * • PAÜB - ■ -- Class Play Well P ter, strengthens Elizabeth’s distaste for Darcy. - ----- - The climax la reached when Darcy, who all along has been falling in love with Elizabeth, proposes to her and she spurns him. Here Winifred Van Fleet had her chance and proved her ability al dramatics. Later when she discovers why he ^interfered- in the match between Jane and Bingley she learns that but for Darcy who patched up the marriage between Lydia (Glenda Richardson) and Wickham, a lasting disgrace would have fallen upon the entire Bennet household. Elizabeth and Darcy come to un­ derstand each other and pride and prejudice vanish with logical con­ clusion. - Much talent was exhibited by in­ dividual memebrs of the cast, some parts permitting greeter opportuni­ ties than others. Bartiara Barrows, taking the part of. Mary, the bookish daughter, was especially, characteris­ tic. Jeanne Boyle was well choeen for the part of Jane, the gentle daughter, seeming naturally to have everything Wernlch hostess, st the home of her to contribute to her part. The com­ daughter, Mrs. Goo. L. Maynard, last bat of wits between Elizabeth and Thursday. Mrs. C. J. Fuhrman, of Darcy were delightfully handled by Sixes River, and Mrs. Leona Bryant, Jim Bunch and Winifred Van Fleet whose ranch interests take her away All the sister characters-were differ­ from Coquille considerably were entiated end each portrayed with skill both In attendance. ' Others were the type of girl the plot required. Mesdames Ft L- Greenougn, d. The play included seven'part* far, Hawkins, Bert Folsom, J. A- Lamb, boys and these, like the parts for J. L. Smith and H. A. Young. { , - « u." .. i ■l.lL'.*LH. |i* J T' WXI R* W New Operator At , Robert’s Beauty Shop Nazarene vnurcn río Have New Pastor Norma Monteith, daughter of Evan Album of Coquille, has accepted etn- • ployment in the Roberts Beauty Shop. Mrs. Monteith has been formerly em­ ployed in beauty work at Medford, Ore., Spokane and Bremerton, Wash­ ington, and El Paso, Texas She came here from Texas to visit .. ¡m relatives and has decided to remain in Coquille for the present. ............. ... ------------------ I The pastor of the local Church of I The Nazarene, Rev. M. M. Short, will 'soon leave Coquille for IJampa, Idaho, i where he and his- family'arj iqpeing ito send their little daughter, Lillian t Faith, to the Northwest Nazarene Col­ lege located at that place. Mr. Short has been pastor of the May Dance Cruwala* Of Queen Ann and her Court OAKS >AV1L1ON Myrtle Point SATURDAY, MAY « Sponsored by Myrtle Point Jr. Women’s ( luh \ Music by Bum Gartin Ochestra Admission, including ax— Dancers 70, Spectajors 3.1c Service Men 35c, Children 2tl<- . Flowers for Mother’s Day, May 141 Will you need some? Kindly place your orders early so we may be sure to have what you wish. We will have azaleas in a variety of colors, gen’s, phone 64. REV. V. W. ANGLIN New Pastor Nazarene Church i were only four members and quite a ind debt on the property. They now F*” have a nice little group and have Just paid tiye last of the indebtedness, leav- ling the property clear. ? !re As soon as school is out and their *>t property located at 11th’and Carter streets can be sold, -Mr. add Mrs. nd Short expect to move. ’ \ J Rev. V. W. Anglin, who recently Ml r Full Sise Crib ma and Felted Mattress . $21.50 Chairs Probate Court Items Upholstered Seats and Backs Clifford L- Ellsworth and Boy L. Wilson were last Saturday named as executors of the will of Emma S. Wilson, who died at Marshfield Aug. 5, 1931, leaving an estate estimated to consist of 33000 in real property and 31700 in personal. C. A. Barton was named executor of the will of Peter F. Gehlke, who died last month, in papers tiled at REV. M. M. SHORT the^purt house Tuesday. Appraisers The Retiring Pastor of W- 34800 estate named are J. closed an evangelistic campaign with Barton, L. P. Fugelson and George local congregation, has been called as Laird. tss^r $59.50 Purkey Furniture FREE PARKING M Specials Friday & Saturday MILK Alpine or Carnation $3.39'se 3cans 29' LUNCH MEAT SpamorK.P CAKE FLOUR Swansdown MAYONNAISE Luxury Brand SYRUP Dodge Brand 12 oz. tin 37c Ige. pkg. 24c pts. 33c table syruP BACON Swift's Premium SALMON Sea Cup quality Pink GR. BEANS Cut Blue Lakes pt jars 19C ■b. 33c lb. tins 23c #2 tins 4 tor 29c JELL POWDER Wadham's0,1 flavors3 pkgs. 19c COFFEE Wadham's drip or reg. in gloss jars lb. 27c TISSUE Astoria guaiity BROOMS 4 rolls 19c National 99c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ASPRGS TOcíONIONSSX 3 Naveta 1 )RANGES«Z. Sweet DOZ. 591 PRUNES AVOCADOS Green Fuertes 25c Fane» 2 for 19c I r