The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, April 27, 1944, Image 1

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    July 4lh Celebration
To Follow Same
Lines As In 1943
The management and the employees
Funeral arrangements have not yet
at the Smith Wood-Products plant are been completed for a former Coquille
actively engaged in a safety cam­ lady, Mrs. Mary Newton, who passed
paign with a Safety committee of the away Wednesday morning at the
employees meeting once a month at Eugene Hospital. Elbert Schroeder
the Coffee Shop to discuss what can drqye out yesterday and brought the
be done to prevent accidents of all body to Coquille but unUl several of
kinds at the plant,
her children arrive this noon from
The Army is greatly interested in Eugene, the date of the service cannot
the saving of manpower, and it has be set.
sent out the following to alt large
Mrs. Newton was a wonderfully
employers of labor:
-- ----- -
fine woman, one who devoted herself
“The question is often raised ‘by to her home and her family and she
Management as to -why the Army is was a true Christian character.
so vitally 'interacted. Probably the
She was born in Wisconsin, Oct. 20,
beet answer that can be given to that 1884, and would have been 80 years
question ia to point out that since of age next fall.* Her maiden name
•earl Harbor, there have been far was Mary Alice Genther. She was
.»ore accidents to industrial workers united in marriage to W. D. Newton,
han there have been casualties on at Storm Lake, Iowa,
-he fighting fronts.
Manpower is away at Millington oi
precious these days, and every pos- 1938.
sible effort must be made to utilize j Thirteen children were born to
it to its beet advantage.
It car- this union of whom twelve survive,
tainly ia not being best used if the one having died in infancy.
’P**11 iB • twelve are Mrs. Maude Dr^se, itoi-
ho*fU1- .
l,ard* rout*; K T. Newton, Coquille;
The number of accident injuries at Mrs. Addie Gouthier and Mias Faye
the plant wh lower in March than ; Newton, Eugene; Chas. W Newton,
it was in February, there being only Coquille;
Archie J. Newton, McRinley
four (ast month.
route; Geo. H. Newton, Eugene; Or-
Members of the Employees Safety I ville L. Newton, Coquille; Mrs. Myrtle
committee are: Chartoe
Cliff Haskins, Vancouver, Wash.; Mrs Dor­
Tyrrell. Ted Snyder, Ha
othy Bokers. Marshfield; Misses
Clara Pieroe, RuaesU W
Hasel G. and Alice M. Newton, of
■Ute,-Bert Taylor, Anton Schroeder,
Julius Ruble, Ted B l *. Noble ' Mr. and Mrs. Newton moved from
Chowning,' 8. A Harmon, Dennis Storm Lake to Washington in 1885
Waggoner, George Maag, D. W. Rob­ and from there to Granta Pass in
inson, Rudy Johnson.
1894. In 1903 they drove their horses
and wagon and cattle from Grants
Pass to Coquille, the trip requiring
three weeks, and settled On a ranch
until 1«22 when they moved
Everything Ready
For May Festival
Great preparations'have been going
on at the Community Building to get
everything in readiness for the May
Dey Festival on Friday night. Queen
Winifred Is to be crowned with a
court numbering more than one
hundred and sixty,
The Medford
Fuller orchestra will supply the
music. Coffee and sandwiches 'will
bo on sale and also cold drinks.
Thrift Grocerie
To Close Soon
Producing Resulte
Former Coquille
Lady, Mrs. Newton
To Be Buried Here
Class Play Was
Well Presented
With practically all-available
ing space t
“Pride and
sented last
high school
Jane Austen's
cyt, logic«!
is laid in
English vi
«nd portrayed in
the play largely w|th|n the limit« of
the living room of Mr and Mrs. Ben­
net, an easy-going husband, and his
flighty wife, done by DeWayne Miteh>
ell and .Virginia Lindsay.
ha ptojTtakes Its title fromlbe
too, where he was SMp W
of a mill until his
leading characters—Dr. Darcy
Attention is called to Ralph Thrift's (Jim Bunch), who ia proud of
in urv niq
nuc«i Haugn^i
(Jeanne Boyle) I« married to .Mr.
— .
Bingley (Jim Young); Elizabeth to
Mr. Darcy; while a younger sister,
(Continued oh page two)
Bed Cross Worker«
Receive Awards
It has not been mentioned, but all
funds resulting from this year's cele­
bration are to be donated again to
the Community Building, which ia not
yet completed in furnishings and
equipment, nor is the city’s debt for
the building aU paid.
, Mrs. J. It Bunch announces that
Mesdames Marjorie Eubanks, Eula
McClary, Tada Sage and Blanche
Smith have been awarded the Red
Cross emblem for having put In 50
hewn on Red Cross work and that
Mrs. Helen Howe received the pin
award for 100 hours,
I .Que to the facf that the local unit
had a large quantity of surgical
dressings to make thjs month, fhe
production of pfher items was cut to
3019 for April- .
1.18 Inches Rain
The Past Week
April has been more prolific in
precipitation than was March, but
the 38.74 total, this morning, since
last Sept. 1, is far short of the quota
for *May 1. Perhaps the weather is
also being rationed without any pre­
vious publicity.
Monday’s 9 a. m. measurementefor
24 hours was the largest for the past
week, .S3 of an Inch. There was .80
op the «1st, .23 on the 23rd, .17 on
the 85th, 04 an the 28th and .03 tor
morning*« reading.
this morning's
reading, „
Jump Relay and the Javelin Relay,
and stood third In four events.
Myrtle Point captured six firsts, two
seoonds and two thirds, while Marsh­
field won two first places, five sec­
onds end tour thirds.
Roundtree, McGriff, Rucker and
Weaver won first for Marshfield in
the 1 3/3 mile relay In 7 minutes,
8 3/18 Seconds, and Hoftine, Round-
tree, Knowlton and Bjorquidb for
won the distance medley
- —- school
y ’
-In • minutes, 8 3/10 seconds.
In Ihn aKiiitlo ■»«ale*«* /7K <>ao«4a Fzx»-
In the shuttle relay (7# yards for
each four men), Kline, Albom, Meek
and Anderson won for C. H. S. in
30% seconds.
Anderson, K|lne, Meek and Aiborn
also won the sprint medley in 5«
seconds for Coquille..
The other Coquille first was in the
shot-put relay in which Andesson,
Repass aqd fiurst totalled 104 ft. 10
(Continued on page eight)
Myrtle Point May
Dance To Be May 6
which they have since
Mrs. Newton became
the United Brethren church in her
girlhood and was faithful in her
beliefs while life lasted.
___ _______ _____ ________ ____
operation of officials at both camps
w;th the assurance that Coos county
co,; would be used at the camps, if
end when it is produced.
In hu meeting yesterday with the
men who had agreed to
■ ■■ ■
actively ' engage in financing and de­
. .
veloping the coal resources of the
county, Mr. Toon told them that if
local—Coos county—capital did not
get busy and start producing coal
from the county's extensive fields
that he knew of men and companies
which are just waiting the right mo­
ment to come in and start the devel­
opment of this county resource. *
The many friends here of Capt. and
Mrs. Tho«. D. White of Marshfield,
were shocked last Friday to learn that
their younger son, Hugh Blake White,
had pasesd away on Wednesday in
San Francisco, where he had resided
for the past five years.
He had suffered a heart attack
and a stroke during the night and,
after being found semi-conscious in
the morning by his landlady, he was
rushed to the hospital but nothing
could be done to save’his life.
His sister, Mrs. Margaret Ruffner,
arrived there the day of his death.
She had gone down from Marshfield
to see her husband, Roy Ruffner, who
Last Thursday the J. C. Penney Co. told her Hugh had not been well for
•tore announced through the Sentinel some little time.
that a stock of eleven dozen newly-
Funeral services were held at the
arrived sheets would go on sale at Episcopal church in Marshfield Mon­
nine o'clock Monday morning. At day morning at 11 o’clock and inter­
that hour the entrance to the store ment was in Sunset cemetery.
was crowded with lady shoppers and
Hugh was bom in Bandon, Dec. 13,
by 10 o’clock only two of the 132 re­ 1812, and was four months and six
gained on the table.
days past 31 years of age. He at­
Other merchants might take a tip tended Coquille school for the ten
from this as to the pulling power of Years the family lived here and grad­
Sentinel advs.
uated from the North Bend high
school in 1931. He was a radio tech-
nichian and for some time had oper­
ated a shop of his own in San Fran­
Hugh was a most likeable boy and
A sextette of girls from the glee young man, one whom everyone who
club of the Coquille High School, ac­ knew him spoke well of. and his
is ■ a severe
blow to all his
companied by Mrs. Fred Watson, pasting __
sang a half dozen numbers at the
“nd frl*ndj
noon meeting of the Rotary club at his mother.
the hotel on Wednesday in a very I,.
J*"“*“nd •tater’
pleasing manner and were most en­ is «urvived by a brother, Tho« C
thusiastically encored.
The girls White, of North Bend.
What Sentinel
Advertisements Do
The Myrtle Point Junior Women's
Club will give their May Dance in
Oaks Pavilion up there Saturday
Bev, R. 1«. Greene Jo Attend
evening, May 8, wltfi Bum Gartin’s
Provincial Synod In Reno
orchestra furnishing the music. A
The Rev. Robert L. Greene, vioar of
feature of the dance will be the
St, Jamas' Church will leave Sunday
crowning of Queen Ann, who will be
evening fw Reno, Nevada, whdFe he John Mlles And Auatralian
accompanied by her court
will attend, as a delegate from Ore­ Bride To Visit In Coquille
Tickets for dancers, including tax,
gon, the Provincial Synod of the
John A. Miles, brother of Mrs.
will ba 70 cents; spectators and s
Episcopal Church. In the absence of Marton R. Clayton of Coquille, and
Water Superintendent S. V. Epper­ vice men each 35 cents, children 20
Mr. Greene, The Rev. J. Thomas who attended school for years here
announces that the water will be cents.
Lewis, rector of Emmanuel Episcopal and more recently lived in Bandon,
Church, Marshfield, will celebrate is expected in this evening accom­ off imCoquille next Sunday, April 30,
Holy Communion and preach at nine panied by his bride, a Brisbane, Aus­ between 2 and 5 p. m., to allow the Eagles To Observe Mother«’
o’clock Sunday ptorning. May 7th. tralia, young lady. He is a chief flushing of the mains before the sum­
Day With A Program
The Rev. Mr. Lewis is the successor petty officer in the Navy and has mer season starts when flushing is
The Eagles Lodge is making its
to The Rev. George Turney, who for been in the South Pacific for the past
arrangements for a Mothers’
a number of years was vicar at St. two years.
with4he thermometer down to the 32 Day Program on May 14. There will
degree freezing point Tuesday morn­ be an outstanding speaker, with both
St. James’ Church School will meet Coquille Grange To Hgvg
ing, but swing is just arund the vocal and Instrumental talent; a full
as usual, during Mr Greece’s ab- pOlluck Supper Friday
resume of which will be announced
sence, the Jr. School meeting ip t|»8
( oqp|l|e Grange, Ro. 396 w«! have
—------ -----
In thia paper next week. The public
Parish Hope*.
were Jeannie Griggs. Ariel Crook.
a'pot|u<* supper at the Grange Hail Dr. J,
is Invited.
J. U Knight VWU
Mary Anne Walker, Laura Emily
Friday evening, April 33, at 3:00 p. m. j_ Coog Countv
Ruble, Pat Yarbrough and Geraldine
Members .are requested to bring
cov. I Dr, A L. Knight ef Willamette Uni?
They showed the results
sandwiches for families and a
Jverslty faculty spoke to • large
of very careful training under the
God is the wing we know
ered dish
tutelage of Mrs. Watson, who took
gathering of Methodist Youth from
Guiding the way we go,
over when Harold Withnell left.
the Coos Bay area, at Pioneer Metho­
A Correction In Thornton
Miss Griggs sang the solo part in
dist church on Sunday afternoon. He
God is the beacon light
Tiru Service Adv. Today
one of the numbers has a very,nice
' . brought the evening message at
Showing the way tonight.
In the Thornton Tire Service adv. Pioneer church the same evening.
Quick as a thought in flight.
Some comment was made of the
on page 7 of this issue there appears Dr. Knight plans to speak St the North
Child of the earth.
dinner dance held last Saturday and
a line, "No Certificate Needed," Bend, Myrtle Point and Bandon high
President Lundquist expressed ap­
which should have been eliminated school graduating exercises in the
God is the lite we see,
preciation of the work done by the
but was not, as certificates are need- near future.
Spirit in you and me
_ J
various committees.
Giving rebirth, .
Rotarian John D. Carl, of Myrtle
Making us strong and free,*
Point, was a guest as was also Guy
Child of the earth.
Mauney, of Coquille.
—Valorous Call
Water To Be Off
Three Hours Sunday
Former Coquille
Boy Buried Monday
Girls Glee Club
Entertains Rotarians
Former Coquille Business Man
Died In Prineville Tuesday
Mrs. R. L. Medley received word
yesterday from Mrs. Chas. Collins
that Mr. Collins passed away at
Prineville Tuesday evening.
operated a shop on Front street and
left Coquille in 1937. Besides his
widow he is survived by two daugh­